Divorcing Couple Warring Over Son's Circumcision

Roy writes "In a really extreme case of how ugly a divorce litigation can get, check out this article describing how a divorcing couple are using the threat of circumcizing their 8 year-old son’s penis as part of the psychotic Family Court warfare. The mom’s lawyer (female) wants the foreskin badly. The dad’s lawyers (female and male) want it preserved. This kid must be about ready to become a runaway ...
See Dad sues to block son's circumcision."

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'UK Schools too feminized for boys' says academic

AngryMan writes "Boys are being failed by schools because lessons have become too "feminised" in recent years says Dr Tony Sewell, a leading academic. He calls for more male teachers, and more competitiveness, and more exciting lessons. We need more like him."

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Woman Indicted for Murder of Preacher Husband

Wonder what the spin will be for this one?

The McNairy County grand jury in Selmer, Tennessee, named Mary Winkler, 32, in an indictment alleging "premeditated murder."

Winkler has been in custody since the day after the March 22 slaying of her husband, Matthew Winkler, who was 31 and the popular minister at First Street Church of Christ in Selmer. The community is about 80 miles east of Memphis.

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Father's Day Activism 2006 Begins

MR writes "At the crack of dawn, before the sun even peeked over the horizon, NCFMLA activists took it to the streets of Los Angeles for Day 1 of "Father’s Day" week, 2006, protests. Big Truck Sign

Yes, boys and girls in the land of stretch Hummers and tropical plants it's difficult to be noticed amidst all the glitter and glamour, but a humble attempt is still worth the effort if one Dad can be encouraged, or one misandrist judge's mind enlightened. Some say it will be a cold day in L.A. (it very rarely freezes in L.A.) before Dads ever see justice in family courts, but I say all the more reason to publicly call attention to their plight in prominent protest(s). Let the Father's Day protests 2006 begin, and may the plight of Dads truly become a front burner issue this Father's Day. "Happy Father's Day week," to one and all. Stay tuned for Day 2..."

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Female Sex-Slaver in Australia Sentenced

bulldogo.1 writes "Funny isn't it? The first person jailed in Australia for having sex slaves is a woman.
Re a story on MANN earlier about the misleading report that sex slavery is rampant in America: well, we get the same crap here. And we also get the feminist garbage that it is only men and the patriarchy to blame."

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UK: MPs urge family court 'openness'

AngryMan writes "'The UK government is being urged by MPs to open up family court proceedings as a way of restoring confidence in decisions on adoption, custody and contact with children'. MRAs are beginning to have some effect, but I think 'openness' is not enough - we need a just, unbiased system. Story here."

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Female Forcible-Rapist of Boy Draws Six Months of Jail

A child-rape crime covered by a mere news brief mentioned here on MANN a month ago about a woman in Rochester, NY who reportedly raped a boy at knifepoint, actually gets a full article today! The confessed child-forcible-rapist draws a whole six moths in jail plus 10 years of probation on a plea bargain. Ostensible excuse for not taking the case to trial: "it's too hard to prove". Would the same excuse be used were the sexes reversed? DOUBT IT! Story here.

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Abusive wife files DV case against husband

Anonymous User writes "In Calcutta, India: a woman physically assaults her husband, and files a DV case against him and gets him arrested! Story here."

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Use GoodSearch.com to support DAHMW

mens_issues writes "Jan Brown at DAHMW sent me this regarding GoodSearch - a search engine powered by Yahoo! which donates money to the charity of your choice each time you use it. While it's only 1 cent for each use, this could add up to hundreds of dollars a year for the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women if enough MRAs use it. Remember that they are also trying to get a shelter for men up and running, so every bit helps.


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Duke case: Second stripper called allegations a 'crock'

Anonymous User writes "Lawyers for the defense of the Duke lacrosse players made public a police report indicating the Kim Roberts, the second stripper at the now infamous party, claimed that the accuser's story was a 'crock' and the two were together the ENTIRE time while at the party. Assuming it holds up in court, this is the silver bullet, folks. In essence, what the defense now has is a witness that completely exonerates the defense. It's over and now is the time for the real justice to begin. We must strike while the iron is hot. MRAs must call for strict punishment of the accuser as well as new laws that protect men from this sort of slander in the future."

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Fox propagates human trafficking distortions

Anonymous User writes "Lis Wiehl is cranking these out rather quickly. The last article she did had only one indirect reference through a feminist page that featured the SCUM manifesto. These articles are beginning to smell like a number of the issues C. H. Sommers destroyed. Unfortunately, it may be, that truth is just getting its boots on in the time it takes a lie to travel around the world."

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Police Say Woman Had Sex With Two Underage Boys

Anonymous User writes "Here we go again, another woman busted for having sex with underaged boys. Peggy Bick, 30, a Portsmouth, NH resident has been arrested and held on $50,000 bond for allegedly having sex with two and possibly more underage boys. The really sad part about this news report is the nonchalant attitude presented by the police and reporters. Let me ask you, what if a thirty year old man got several teenage girls drunk and then proceeded to have sex with them all, what would the the news report would have sounded like then? Just some food for thought the next time some feminut starts howling about how only women can be victims of sexual assault."

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Ann Coulter's New Book Disses Feminism

Roy writes "Ann Coulter is hawking her new book all over the mediasphere ... Godless: The Church of Liberalism, includes a few slams of feminism. This one for example ---

"Women are no different from men, but we need a library of laws and codes to protect women from sexual harassment. As Chesterson said, where we once had a few big rules, now we need an encyclopedia of little rules."

But then, you also have to deal with her main premise --- 'Liberals can believe what they want to believe, but let us not flinch from identifying liberalism as the opposition party to God.'

And as expected, on the cover of her new book, Ann is slinky skinny in a black designer outfit... posing as a chick who doesn't want to be objectified!

She's really, really into her own irony!

The story has something for everybody, no matter your MRA politics."

Ed. note: Spotted this piece reporting the nastiness between Coulter and Hillary Clinton, and thought our MANN regulars would get a real kick, so I have included it.

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Girls "Pressured" into Sex

Celarnor writes "I stumbled across this article earlier today. Naturally, the young women aren't 'having sex because they want to', but they are doing it 'because they felt their boyfriend would get angry'.

The article, of course, contains the obligatory 'boys bad, women helpless' subtext that is typically seen here. From the article: "That means [. . .] boys to understand what constitutes pressure.", and "The importance of educating boys [. . .] is often the untalked about part.""

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More Discrimination from the British Health system

zerostress writes "From Angry Harry, here is another story about how the British National Health is discriminating against men by refusing to pay for an alternative to the usual prostate cancer treatment. Business as usual for the NHS, I guess."

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