RADAR Alert: Step 2: Now Get Ready to Meet with Your Congressman

Step 2: Now Get Ready to Meet with Your Congressman
The 2006 elections are already beginning to heat up. The goal of the Truth and Consequences campaign is to meet with every Congressman throughout the country to explain how the Violence Against Women Act is violating people's civil rights on a massive scale.

See first comment for more

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Home-Alone Boy Survives 11-Story Fall

Home-Alone Boy Survives 11-Story Fall. Excerpt:

'The boy ended up in the same pediatric intensive care unit at Albany Medical Center where his mother works as a receptionist, police reports said.

'Elizabeth Burciaga, 21, was charged with endangering the welfare of a child. She initially told police the boy had been left with a baby sitter, officials said.

'A psychiatric evaluation has been ordered for her, authorities said, and an order of protection to keep her away from the boy has been filed.'

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NYTimes.com: At Colleges, Women Are Leaving Men in the Dust

Here is an interesting article on women attending college more, graduating with honors more, etc., but not to worry -- according to the article there is no crisis in boys ... sure they are expelled from high school more, sure they are more likely to be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, sure they drop out more, but hey they still earn much more on the dollar than women. Sheesh! Is it my imagination or does this article try a little too hard to legitimate the sudden acceleration of girls in school at the expense of boys...?

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Murray Straus CSM Testimony Available

The New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men's web site won't be updated until next week at the earliest, so I thought I'd make available the audio recording of Dr. Straus' testimony. It's very worthwhile listening material, both for the information on domestic violence, as well as insight into the state of the Commission. You can download an mp3 of the audio here (22 MB).

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U.K. Study Finds Women Seeking Repeated Abuse

A new study from the U.K. makes a controversial claim about domestic violence, documenting that some women repeatedly seek out abusive relationships. These findings dispute the dominant feminist DV creed that the Evil Patriarchy is the sole explanation for domestic conflict. Erin Pizzey, who set up the first woman’s refuge in 1971, said that the study confirmed what she had been saying for years: “Violent relationships can be like an addiction to drugs and alcohol and these are the people who need the most help.”

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Why boys really are in a crisis

Why boys really are in a crisis

Gender feminists spin the facts in order to claim that boys' lower academic performance relative to their sisters is not a gender issue but due to "behavioral and emotional" reasons, as Warner wrote, or "larger educational and social problems," as Mead wrote.

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Verizon is at it again

Well it seems Verizon hasn't learned their lesson from their earlier misandric commercials. The new one has a guy ask a (female) hardware store worker if they stock Verizon phones with navigation systems. To which, she gives the usual annoyed facial expression & the "Ummmm, you're in a hardware store" response. The idiot man then says "wow, I need that phone more than I thought!" Voiceover with phone info. & then it cuts to the same man leaving the Verizon store confused & you hear the phone say "go left" & the man follows the orders.

Right back to the "idiot man" formula. I will be switching to Cingular as soon as my contract ends.

...No doubt.

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A New Zealand Man's Protest Walk Begins for Fathers and Children

Wayne Pruden of New Zealand is walking from Hamilton to Wellington to hand over to the Parliament of New Zealand a petition demanding a full public inquiry into the Family Court of New Zealand

Waynes journey can be tracked at www.waynepruden.co.nz.

This is another string in the bow of activities being conducted down in New Zealand to stop the systemic abuse of children and margianlisation of fathers.

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Ex-Michigan Band Teacher Admits to Sex

Not only disturbing are the number of male children she raped, but the article states she will change her plea bargain deal if they dare to give her more than seven years for this heinous act. Note that ALL the male rape victims and their parents agreed to the plea deal. Reverse the genders anyone?

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DV in the media - My Super Ex-Girlfriend

I saw an ad for a new movie today, and checked it out at Rotten Tomatoes (check it here. Stars Uma Thurman, it's not some byway b-movie.

The outline is basically this: Nice guy meets neurotic, controlling girl, they date, she gets too freaky, so he breaks up. The kicker being that she actually has super powers. What then follows - at least based on the outline and trailer - is her berating, embarrassing and beating him up and generally trying to ruin the poor guys life.

Official outline is: "Everyone's had a painful parting of the ways with a romantic partner. We pick up the pieces and move on. But for one New York guy, it's not going to be so easy. When he breaks up with his girlfriend, he discovers his ex is actually the reluctant superhero, G-Girl. A scorned woman, she unleashes her super powers to humiliate and torment him."

So now we have yet another major movie release showing that it's acceptable and even funny to torture and otherwise humiliate men, even when they've done nothing wrong - time to boycott for all we're worth...

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Man free 21 years after wrongful rape conviction

From MSNBC -- A man who spent more than two decades in prison after being wrongfully convicted of a brutal rape was freed Thursday because DNA evidence has cleared him. Relatives of Alan Newton, 44, whooped loudly as he entered the crowded courtroom. Newton stood quietly in a beige suit and bright blue shirt as Judge John Byrne signed the order declaring him free. After his paperwork was processed, he stepped outside the courthouse, thanking his attorneys and offering his sympathy to the woman whose rape led to his wrongful conviction.

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Indian Woman Sodomizes Girl with Aluminum Rod

Feminists present Indian women are to the whole world as weak and helpless. But, in reality, Indian Visual Media suppresses most stories where the women commit heinous crimes including proxy murders of husbands, torture and murder of children.

Here is what an urban Indian Woman of 40 did in her posh apartment in Mumbai. Excerpt:

'Roma Bhatia caught her 10-year old maidservant trying on her mother’s make up, flew into rage and PUSHED AN ALUMINIUM ROD up the anus of this child not older than her three kids, bound her hands and feet, and left her to bleed to death.'

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DNA Frees Yet Another Falsely Accused Man

Well, it just keeps happening. Another man has been exonerated through DNA evidence (or lack thereof), of a rape that happened 21 years ago.

A particularly noteworthy point in this story is the falsely accused man never admitted to the rape, and lost several chances at making parole because of that. Turns out he did the right thing. Now, I hope his lawyers do the right thing and get him a huge monetary settlement from the state. The only way to get rid of institutionalized misandry is to make it costly.

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Dr. Murray Straus Testifies Before the NH CSM

During the June 2006 meeting of the New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men, UNH Family Violence Professor Murry Straus testified on domestic violence issues, and answered questions regarding the Conflict Tactics Scale. Foster's Daily Democrat reported on Dr. Straus' testimony today, but as of this time the article is not available on the Foster's web site. Read more below to view a temporary version of the article. Also, an audio recording of the testimony will be made available from the NH CSM's web site later this month. Perhaps this information will help the NCFM-LA letter writing effort?

Researcher calls for women to stop abusing men

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

By Chloe Johnson
Staff Writer

CONCORD — Murray Straus says its time for a men's movement.

Posters and broadcasts on partner violence always portray male perpetrators and female victims, he said. According to his new research findings, that leaves the other half out of the picture.

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Girls mug man they contacted on MySpace

BBC News reports here that two girls reportedly mugged a guy that they made contact with on the MySpace site.

From the article: "Two teenage girls in the US have been charged with holding up at gunpoint a man they are said to have contacted on social networking website MySpace.com.

Yana Galilova and Rafaella Yusupova, 14 and 13, are accused of armed robbery and carrying a concealed weapon. The girls, from Florida, are said to have posed as an 18-year-old to lure men into chatting to them online."

Of course, the article then immediately sets about mentioning a previous incident of a man sexually assaulting a girl he met on MySpace as if to balance out any idea that girls can be evil all on their own.

...BTW This is Tirryb, changed my nick when registering again for the new site.

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