India: Hope for male prisoners

Anonymous User writes "Friday, a new law comes into effect. Under this law, a prisoner can claim bail as a matter of right if he/she has been under detention for more than half the prescribed period of imprisonment.

There were more than 217,000 undertrials in Indian jails (2003), 96.5% of whom were male. See

With this law, about 50,000 inmates are expected to be set free. Most of them will be male since males typically spend more time in jail as undertrials."

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Canada: Fault Surrepititiously Returned to Alimony Determination

bandersnatch writes "From the Globe and Mail: A Vancouver woman will receive monthly support payments from the ex-husband who cheated on her because the emotional toll of his conduct prevented her returning to the workplace, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled Wednesday morning. A 7-0 majority emphasized that their ruling it not intended to return the concept of fault to divorce law. They instead expressed confidence that the emotional consequences of marital misconduct can be considered in spousal support cases without actually slipping ‘fault' back into the Divorce Act. The Court awarded Sherry Leskun a continuation of her $2,200 monthly payments, based on the harm that Mr. Leskun's philandering caused her as well as the particular difficulty that a woman of her age has returning to full employment."

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Update on "Murdering Grannies" Story

Referring to this story reported on MANN, has an update here.

Police say they have new evidence linking two elderly women to the death of a second homeless man on whom they had taken out an insurance policy.

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China: Woman Kills Husband with Sword

Tirryb writes "For those who doubt woman are as abusive as men... This report states that this Chinese woman 'accidentally' killed her husband with a sword, when he refused to make her dinner.

Apparently she had often held her husband at the end of her sword to force him to do her bidding. She's an expert swordswoman who had been using it since she was young. And, yet again, just what do we think would happen to a man who'd killed his wife with a sword after a lifetime of threatening her to be his slave..?"

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Kentucky Supreme Court Upholds Paternity Fraud Finding

oregon dad writes "Finally - a very small measure of justice.
Search on "Kentucky Supreme Court" on the page to read the story."

Ed. note: Great site for those interested in tracking developments in "family law". Definitely bookmarkable!

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Woman Commits Suicide-- Husband Blamed and Arrested

Anonymous User writes "Victor Han, 34, of Staten Island has been charged with promoting a suicide attempt after his WIFE killed herself by driving off a cliff in New York. That's right folks. Wifey killed herself and now the husband is responsible for her actions. Try getting your mind around that idea, much less the fact that he's been arrested. Furthermore, Victor Han did nothing more than step out of his vehicle to take some pictures when she rolled up all the windows, locked all the doors, and drove his van off a cliff WITH HER TWO KIDS IN THE CAR. She died, they lived. The man is to blame of course for her voluntary actions and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. When are we as a society going to start holding women accountable for their actions? When will we stop blaming and prosecuting men for the poor choices that women make? I'll tell you when, the time is now..."

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New Study Confirms Males Outperform Females in Engineering-Related Tasks

oregon dad writes "Here is another study that clearly shows that boys outperform girls in Math, Chemistry, and Physics.
These are the foundation courses for Engineering degrees and this study points out (AGAIN!!) why Men perform better in that function."

Ed. note: What is really interesting about this report is that more women then men are now graduating with engineering degrees from universities and colleges. So why is it that men are graduating at a lesser rate in not just these fields but generally while as boys taking AP tests just a few years before, they are generally scoring higher? Very strange indeed.

College is filled with plenty of opportunities for distraction as well as, we know, special scholarships and support programs for women who want to go into engineering and the sciences. Perhaps between these two forces, the net result is what we see today: fewer men graduating with engineering degrees than women, and fewer men attending/graduating from college overall-- with the increasing tendency of this trend showing no signs of slowing.

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RADAR Alert: Mark Your Calendar, Hold the Date: June 26!

Monday, June 26, 2006. That's the day that 40 organizations around
the country will launch an unprecedented effort to educate candidates
how the Violence Against Women Act tramples on people's civil rights
and destroys families.

The campaign theme is "Truth and Consequences: 2006 Elections." The
purpose of the campaign is to educate candidates involved in the 2006
elections about the truth of domestic violence, and the consequences of VAWA on families and children.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Woman jailed for infecting lover with HIV

AngryMan writes "A London woman has been jailed for 32 months for deliberately infecting her male partner with HIV. Somehow, I think a man would have got longer."

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F4J-UK Makes the News Again - in Style!

Huzzah to F4J for their latest attempt to draw attention to the plight of fathers. Great work, lads!!

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"The Weaker Sex"

RandomMan writes "Despite the insulting title - consider what would happen to a male columnist using that phrase to describe women - this piece by a female medical columnist is very refreshing, especially on Father's Day. It's a pleasant departure from the NY Times old habit of running a 'women's health' pull-out section on Fathers Day, as they have in the past.

An astonishing note from the article: the author claims that studying diseases that affect both genders in men only was 'sexist', and she describes the current focus on women first and women only in healthcare as something along the lines of 'atonement', but this is the first time I've heard a female opine that only studying diseases that affect women while neglecting men entirely is 'sexist' as well.

If this continues, men might actually start to matter one day. I'm not holding my breath, but it's refreshing, nonetheless."

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BBC: Study shows Women Approve of Female-on-Male Violence

Anonymous User writes "The BBC reports here that Professor Murray Strauss' latest research in Europe shows that a large percentage of women believe that it is acceptable for them to hit their male partners. He says 'The bottom line is that we need make the same "big deal" about violence by women as we do about men who behave violently.'

This study is due to be published in the European Journal of Criminology. It is unfortunate then that this journal's editor found the results 'surprising' and that 'the number of women who admit to assaulting men is interesting as it's well known that men are more violent than woman.'"

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'Focus on the Family' Diminishes Dads

mens_issues writes "Just in time for Father's Day, Focus on the Family (with James
Dobson) has aired a two-part series about the importance of involved fathers. Unfortunately, the two-part series takes the view that it is fathers who are abdicating their responsibility to their families, while mothers are taken for granted."

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Polk guilty of killing therapist husband

bull writes "Woman acted as her own attorney during four-month trial

Interestingly enough, even though she came across as delusional, she was allowed to represent herself and ultimately found guilty. If she appeals, and gets backing from a feminist organization, will the verict probably be overturned?"

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United Equal Parenting Conference - London - Saturday, June 17

Raymond Cuttill writes "Come and help plan the way forward at the United Equal Parenting Conference – The Way Forward, this Saturday, June 17th 10:00 AM at the Central Hall Westminster, London (opposite Westminster Abbey and close to Parliament).

Hear from authors Barry Worrall (“Without Authority”) and Neil Lyndon (“No More Sex War”), hear from Philip A. Else, Equal Parenting Alliance and Mike Kelly, Real Fathers For Justice (hopefully with video of the protest at Tony Blair’s house on Friday) and others."

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