Alumnus' Letter to Large University sets an Example

I nearly fell out of my chair in stunned disbelief when I saw this letter.

The U of Rochester has a large women's studies center and attracts numerous "scholars" to this place every year so they can do "research" and write their papers condemning the evil patriarchy, etc. Thus the fact that the official magazine of such a place would print not just that letter, but have it as the first one of the issue, is astounding. Kudos to the author and to the brave souls who let it go to press. I am sure they will get a good thrashing from the director of the "Susan B. Anthony Center for Women's Leadership" for it.

Ahh, another brick is knocked from the wall and a little more daylight is allowed to shine through...

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Arrest Warrant Issued for N.J. Stripper Who Kept Severed Hand in Mason Jar

“Police were looking for a nude dancer who kept six human skulls and a human hand in a Mason jar in her home here after the woman failed to show up for a court arraignment on Wednesday.”

Yet another nut-case on the loose! I can’t imagine how she will link her bizarre behavior to the “oppressive patriarchy,” but, I’m sure it will enter into the picture; poor dear!

Story here.

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Andrea Yates NOT GUILTY!

This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen -- kill children and walk free. A man sits next to a young child on a plane and is immediately considered a criminal molester. I am so upset I can't express it...

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UK: Men may be banned from daring to bare their chests

Chalk this one up to "criminalizing being a man." As the story states: "...But one of the things that is depressing for anyone going shopping is the numbers of shaven-headed men, mainly in their 30s and 40s, who seem to think people want to see their torsos...It is an unfortunate thing, but those men who like best to bare their stomachs are the ones who have too much stomach." I wonder when they will criminalize women who where belly shirts with their big fat bellies hanging out. Oh never because we must celebrtae femininity and the female form in all its shapes and sizes, and criminalize the masculine.

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Men are More Likely Than Women to Be Victims in Dating Violence, UNH Expert Says

A 32-nation study of violence against dating partners by university partners found that about a third had been violent, and most incidents of partner violence involve violence by both the man and woman, according to Murray Straus, founder and co-director of the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire. The second largest category was couples where the female partner was the only one to carry about physical attacks, not the male partner.

As studies, such as this, make their way into mainstream thinking, perhaps most reasonable people will start calling into question feminist myths that have yielded them much and altered social policy in destructive ways?

Article Here

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Excellent Essay by Erin Pizzey, U.K. DV Expert

Wendy's iFeminist site gets some props for publishing a new essay by Erin Pizzey. Just a sample of E.P.'s quotes -- "(Feminists) redefined the Marxist goalposts and declared that it was MEN (the patriarchs) not Capitalism that held power advantages over women ... and all men were now the enemy."... "It cannot therefore be assumed that men are bound to be an asset to family life." ... "Both sexes are harmed when exposed to violence and either sex can become a victim or a perpetrator."... "The feminist movement resolutely refuted any argument that women should be allowed to take responsibility for their choice of relationships. The image of women as victims, as helpless childish dependents upon brutal men worldwide has damaged relationships between the sexes."

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MANN has now been running on our new server and software for nearly a month. I hope everyone is happy with the changes - I know it's definitely improved the reliability and usefulness of the site to me. I've rarely done this before, but I'd like to make a special request for donations to help keep going. Our new dedicated server and hosting costs have gone up significantly, and while I will continue to pay for them out of pocket, contributions are greatly appreciated, and I pledge that 100% of donations received will go to defraying our hosting costs. Please consider making a donation via PayPal. I will take down this post on August 1. Thanks for your support!

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Jury Deliberates for Second Day in Andrea Yates Trial

Read how many possible excuses were made for this horrible child murderer. She was possessed and depressed with the tagline that she had postpartum depression: "Yates suffered from severe postpartum psychosis, which he called the cruelest of mental illnesses" Yes the cruelest, and it ONLY happens to women. How convenient.

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RADAR Alert: Step 4: How to Win Friends and Influence Politicians

This is our mission: To meet with every Congressman between now and November 7 to explain how VAWA is violating civil rights and breaking up families.

Last week's Alert laid out the Talking Points for the meeting: But a successful meeting also depends on your ability to present yourself in the best possible light.

Here are a few tips how to get the Congressman or staff to become persuaded of the need to call for civil rights hearings:

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Paternity Fraud/Glenn Sacks Covered in Popular CA Weekly

This is a good sign, and unexpected indeed. Progress! Starts with:

"It's not politically correct to say that child support laws are biased against men. But cases of questionable fatherhood and bizarre prosecutions of disproved dads show that, sometimes, it's true."

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Feminists cannot defend their positions

Here (.mp3 file - 4.5 MB) is a taped phone call by a men's rights activist to a Canadian feminist government worker. She cannot defend her position when asked various questions about feminist beliefs.

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Woman Granted Court Order Against Cusack

After Cusack got a retraining order on his female stalker, she requested a restraining order against him. The court obliged her pending a hearing in August even though she is the predator. We only hear about cases like this when a celebrity is targeted. Makes me wonder how many female whack-jobs are awarded retraining orders against their prey? Story here.

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How to 'train' your husband - treat him like an animal

Check your blood pressure after reading this piece of misandry. Despite the disclaimer that this is not a tryoical 'men bad - women good' article - it is.

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Breaking the Silence...

This isn't a news story, per se. It's a question regarding PBS 'Breaking the Silence' propaganda piece. PBS had promised to bring out another program with 'balance'. (Even alluding to the truth would probably provide more balance than was in the original piece). They had promised this in the Spring. Spring has come and gone and there's still no program that I'm aware of. Does anyone know what the status of this is? All I'm aware of is silence...

Breaking the silence on 'Breaking the Silence'.

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Feminism’s Last Frontiers

Woody Zimmerman does a nice job of summarizing areas that remain largely male turf. Despite radical feminism’s incessant attempts at minimizing naturalistic gender differences that give advantage to males in certain domains, males continue to outperform females in these areas. They (radical feminists) can jump up and down and scream all they want; however, their protests will not change what is.

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