Submitted by afg on Tue, 2006-09-12 01:41
Here is a blog entry from Melbourne's The Age concerning the myth of male privilege. Have a read and then join the discussion below. The author seems to have ticked off a lot of feminists. Starts with:
"I argue that men do not enjoy a life of privilege. Far from it, a look at the life of the average man is a fairly depressing sight. What kind of privilege it that bestows on men a ten-year-shorter life span than women, and a higher incidence of disease, crime, alcoholism and drug addiction? What kind of privilege is it that blesses men with a frequently self-destructive need to achieve?"
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Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2006-09-10 06:13
During the end of this article, CNN conducted a poll, asking if "single sex colleges" served any purpose. Out of 17,968 polled, 60% believed single sex colleges should exist. The irony? There are ZERO all-male colleges in the United States*. Many women attending this college are extremely angry and one alumna even tried to sue the university citing "legal concerns".
I suspect a feminist lawyer was hired and failed to manipulate the administration with false statistics regarding date rape and violence against women on college campuses.
Ed. note:
* This isn't true. There are five men's colleges left in the US. Contrast this to the 65 women's colleges that are operating (hope I got that count right, there are so many!).
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Submitted by Luek on Sat, 2006-09-09 15:44
MRA hunger striker John Murtari will be on a call-in talk show this Sunday at 10 am EST. You can hear the show on the internet and call in using a toll-free number. A great opportunity! Link here.
Ed. note: Obviously, the time has come and gone for this interview. However, a link to a recording of the interview (an .mp3 file) is found here.
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Submitted by Roy on Fri, 2006-09-08 23:53
Wendy (iFeminist) McElroy published an excellent piece at FoxNews that argues for closer attention to new violence statistics, defends Dr. Laura Schlessinger, and condemns (non-I?) feminists for dismissing the data. McElroy writes -
"In a recent radio broadcast and newspaper column, Dr. Laura Schlessinger addressed the 'Take Back the Night' movement that protests violence against women. She accused it of deliberately ignoring data that suggests men may be more vulnerable to violence than women. ... That PC ideology rests on the concept of women as victims and men as aggressors.
The backlash against Schlessinger was dramatic and instructive to others who consider questioning the dominant paradigm of victimhood."
The piece also includes a look at the recent Australian "Personal Safety Study," which found that "although men are three times more likely than women to be the perpetrators of violence, they are twice as likely to become victims of physical violence or threats."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2006-09-08 03:24
Last December TV talk show host David Letterman found himself named in a restraining order. The order was granted at the request of Colleen Nestler of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Nestler alleged that for the past 11 years Mr. Letterman had been sending her “thoughts of love” in the form of mental telepathic messages and televised facial gestures.
According to a RADAR Special Report (.pdf file) issued today, Letterman’s actions indeed represent domestic “violence,” at least according to the laws of New Mexico. In that state, domestic violence is defined as “Any incident by a household member against another household member resulting in ... severe emotional distress ... [or] harassment.”
The law states “cohabitation is not necessary to be deemed a household member.” Any “person with whom the petitioner has had a continuing personal relationship” is a “household member.” So Nestler’s decade-long telepathic relationship with Letterman made him a member of her household, even though he had never heard of her.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2006-09-07 02:30
Story here. Thanks to Marc A. for pointing it out.
Men, too, reporting abuse by partners
Published: September 5, 2006
Men are victims too.
It's the message more domestic violence experts locally and statewide are trying to get out.
And it's a fact becoming more evident by the growing number of male victims reporting cases of abuse.
According a 1988 report by the state Attorney General's Office, just 6 percent of those arrested for domestic violence were women. By 1998, the total had risen to 16.5 percent.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2006-09-06 03:33
This sort of reminds me how it is reportedly illegal in Japan to display erotic art in public, so instead Japanese artists make use of animals-having-sex as a theme to portray eroticism.
Obviously discussing human males being killed by females during or after sex and sort of objectifying it as a natural phenomenon would provoke too much overt outrage, so instead, the Times must titillate itself with the "story" it has run. I guess it's their way of reminding everyone (as if we needed it) of such wondrous cultural standards as the disposability of males and the awesome reproductive and sexual powers of women-- all without actually doing so overtly.
Subtle as a sledge-hammer on the back of the head.
But, you have to admire their imagination and cutting-edge scientific reporting; after all, such sexual cannibalism in the insect kingdom has only been known about and studied for, oh, a mere 1,000 years or more.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2006-09-06 03:17
This is definitely a take-action item. Excerpt from the newsletter:
NEW CAMPAIGN--Veto Domestic Violence Bill Which Excludes Fathers, Children from State Services!
The California Assembly just passed a domestic violence bill which deliberately perpetuates the state's harmful policy of excluding men and their children from receiving state-funded domestic violence services. Under AB 2051, only "battered women" are eligible for the shelters, hotel vouchers, counseling and legal services the state provides victims of domestic violence. We're calling on California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to veto this misguided legislation.
I want all of you to write to the Governor to tell him to veto AB 2051 by clicking here. By filling out the form you will be sending a fax to the Governor.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2006-09-05 13:47
This story is interesting as it raises the term misandrist in mainstream media:
"If you don't know what a misandrist is, I'm not surprised. It's the opposite of a misogynist and means someone who hates men. Maybe I hang out with inarticulate boofheads, but I've never heard the word used in conversation, let alone as a put-down for a woman who's pointed out basic differences between how men and women view the world and interact with each other. Datum: Microsoft Word's spellcheck doesn't even recognise the term, it is so obscure."
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2006-09-05 12:50
Bitter feminist Germaine Greer just can't help taking a shot at the tragic death of Steve Irwin - apparently "The animal world has taken revenge on self-deluded animal tormentor Steve Irwin" Story here.
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Submitted by Evil White Male... on Tue, 2006-09-05 05:02
You know, all I have to say about this is THANK GOD women are the fairer sex. Thank God women are not as evil and horrible as men. Thank God women aren't as er, uhm, oh, never mind...
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2006-09-04 15:34
Beginning this week, RADAR will be serializing the chapter of Warren Farrell‘s book “Women Can‘t Hear What Men Don‘t Say” that deals with domestic violence. Read Part One here.
Date of RADAR Release: September 4, 2006
Register now for the National Family Law Reform Conference, to be held September 15-16 in Alexandria, Virginia (near Washington, DC). The conference will address the crisis of family law, including biased family courts, false allegations of domestic violence, child abuse, and much more. For more information:
R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a network of concerned men and women working to assure that the problem of domestic violence is treated in a balanced and effective manner.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2006-09-03 14:11
Kim Basinger is being hauled into court to explain why she has violated a judges order to permit Alec Baldwin to see his own children. In my opinion, this is big news for the mens movement. Finally, we have a family court judge taking action against a female public figure for abusing child custody. It is amazing to me that a family court judge would hold any ex-wife/mother accountable much less a famous/pretty one. This judge has a set on him.
Article here
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Submitted by Demonspawn on Fri, 2006-09-01 22:08
I don't know what to say about this other than I can't beleive it is true.
A recently enacted law allows county prosecutors, the state attorney general, or, as a last resort, alleged victims to ask judges to civilly declare someone to be a sex offender even when there has been no criminal verdict or successful lawsuit.
A civilly declared offender, however, could petition the court to have the person's name removed from the new list after six years if there have been no new problems and the judge believes the person is unlikely to abuse again.
If you are male, move out of Ohio.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 2006-09-01 16:31
Story here.
I.M.O this is nothing but junk science designed to further poison relationships between men and women by enforcing the premise that such relationships are bad or wrong or somehow inferior to 'alternative' lifestyles, etc. However they have sunk to a new low here by suggesting that the very thing men and women ARE DESIGNED FOR in order for us to continue as a species is a danger to women! Since the majority of women have sex with men there must surely be a pandemic of Cervical Cancer?
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