Lawyer sues 'Don't Date Him' Web site

Anonymous User writes "Story here. Excerpt:

'The lawsuit filed on behalf of Mr. Hollis, 38, of East Liberty, said Ms. Joseph has "conspired with disingenuous people whose only agenda is to attack the character of those individuals who have been identified on her site." The suit says there are no protocols to ensure statements on the site are valid or truthful. Mr. Hollis, who has practiced criminal law for 12 years, claims statements posted on the site, which appear to be by different people, have affected his practice and family life.'"

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Man Robbed at Gunpoint by Schoolgirls

AngryMan writes "Two girls in the US, aged 13 and 14, have been charged with holding up at gunpoint a man they are said to have contacted on social networking website"

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Twelve-Step Program for Feminists

bull writes "Another gem by Carey Roberts; he offers a solution for women who have been programmed by the feminist movement to be victims and not take responsibilty for their own lives.

'The solution is a 12-step self-help program — you guessed it: Feminists Anonymous. With no apologies to the Friends of Bill, here are the 12 Steps to gender recovery...'"

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Woman gets slap on wrist for $1.5M embezzlement

Return of the King writes "It seems that judges are reluctant to view women guilty of committing crimes without a man involved. In this case a woman embezzled more than $1.5 million from a credit union and bought more than 1,500 items, including hundreds of pairs of shoes and a $60,000 swimming pool, and was sentenced to a mere 27 months in prison (this is what men get for petty theft). The judge stated from the bench "You have a small fish here. Where are the big fish? No one else has been charged with a parking ticket in this case...? Translation: no men to blame? Also, this is under the "Odds and Ends" section of the paper..."

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Another Pro-Father National Post Article!

AFG writes "For the third week in a row, Barbara Kay of the National Post has slammed Canada's feminist family courts and politicians. This week, she explains why the lives of so many dads are destroyed through divorce, and thus, she goes on to offer solutions to the problem."

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Must Be an MRA Working at!

Stan Gaver writes "We all know how sexist and feminist-manipulated mainstream dictionaries have been in the past. For example, many didn't and some still don't include a definition for "misandry".

My son brought something to my attention today that sure surprised the hell out of me and brought a smile to my face. Check out the Word of the Day on for June 29, at Check out that first example for the word "timorous"... you won't believe it!

Put a smile on YOUR face today!"

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Newsflash: Einstein's First Wife Behind the Theory of Relativity

Last night on the local public TV station, I saw Einstein's Wife, about Albert's first wife. It is implying strongly that she really was the one behind the theory of relativity as well as nearly everything else he did. It even has a poll asking viewers if they think she "collaborated" with Einstein for the creation of the momentus series of papers he published in 1905.

I knew it would come to pass. Soon Napolean Bonaparte will in fact have been a female, and every great world leader (the hero ones anyway) will have in fact been women or controlled by women.

Hitler and Stalin of course will remain men.

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Female Psychopath gets Life

AngryMan writes "A 17-year old girl has been given life for the cold-blooded killing of an elderly woman. Her plan was to kill a defenceless old woman for her money. This killing of a neighbour was a test run. Was she desperate for money? No. Her father is a millionaire. He has now disowned her, and she will serve at least 20 years."

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Privacy or justice?

John Doe writes "A significant victory for fathers' rights in the UK: The Times reports that Fathers (and I would assume mothers) will now have the right to talk openly about family court cases.

Something to celebrate for a change...?"

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Female Paedophile Teacher Jailed

AngryMan writes "A 49-year-old female teacher has been jailed for 4 years 3 months for repeatedly raping a 14-year-old boy. The article call it rape, doesn't call her a paedophile, and doesn't complain that the sentence is too lenient. How many years would a male teacher get for having sex with a 14-year-old girl? That's the female discount for you, guys!"

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Oracle Head Cancels Major Harvard Donation

Tumescent writes "It's not certain why Larry Ellison of Oracle changed his mind on the donation but it looks like the feminists just cost their school a cool $100M for running Summers out for no good reason."

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Sick Judge, Sick D.A., Sick Jury Won't Listen to False Accuser's Recant

Chuck H writes "Woman recants story of being sexually assaulted by her boyfriend. Now the court runs with the ball of false witness. Sounds like Bell County Texas all over again. I can't believe it's happening in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. I am ashamed to live here!"

Ed. note: Since the Leader-Telegram has a particularly thorough (ie, annoying) registration process, the story is posted in its entirety under "Read more..."

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CA Case Decision Advances Cause of Fathers

Marc A. writes "This decision (.pdf file) is a must-read. It just came down yesterday from the 2nd District Court of Appeal (Los Angeles) and overturns a disgusting decision by a dependency court judge, making it very clear how shocked the appellate court is a the lower court judge's attitude toward this potential father who wanted a DNA test before the child was permanently placed in foster care.

A drug-addicted mother couldn't care for the child, so the child was placed in foster care temporarily. Mother didn't give names of possible fathers, but later told Jesus H. he might be the dad. Jesus immediately comes to the DCFS, just before the child turns 1 and just before the court permanently places the child in foster care. DCFS refuses to let Jesus see the child but tells him to appear at the upcoming hearing. He did. Ultimately the court refuses him a DNA test, treats him like garbarge, and acts like he should have come forward sooner. Even the child's own attorney waffles on its position. Jesus appealed on his own with a handwritten notice of appeal. DCFS fought him and even tried to argue his notice was insufficient. The appellate court wrote this scathing decision reversing the judge's order and repeatedly quoting the judge to show how outrageous her reasoning was."

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The Elitist Feminist Trash Can Runneth Over

Anonymous User writes "This crap made me cancel my LA Times subscription. This elitist piece of trash dictates to women on what they should be from her ivory tower. I would be really curious where she got her money from... perhaps her first husband?

EXCERPT: 'Never do yourself what you can pay someone else to do, because that then frees you up to do what you're good at," said Hirshman of housework. "When workmen come to my house and say, 'So what's the matter with the lamp?' I say, 'OK, you stand up in front of a class of 200 people and explain to them about Plato, and I will figure out what's wrong with the lamp...For many years she was a union side labor lawyer, and bargaining in marriage plays a big role in Hirshman's philosophy. For example: "You want more children?" she said a woman could say to her husband, "Then start doing the laundry."'


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Harriet Lechter? Cannibal Murderess Seeks Acquittal due to Her Gender

Roy writes "This one's so over the top it begs belief! An Australian grandmother who skinned and cooked her de facto husband will plead with a court to overturn her life sentence - because she is a woman. The mother of four pleaded guilty to murder after hubby's body was found on the floor of his Aberdeen home in the Hunter Valley in 2000. She worked as a slicer and packer at Aberdeen Abattoir and her lover had been carefully skinned and his skin hung on a meat hook in a doorway at the house. His decapitated head was found in a pot on the stove. The table had been laid for dinner with name cards for Mr Price's three children and parts of his buttocks cooked and served up with vegetables and gravy on dinner plates. Her solicitor refused to comment on the grounds of her appeal, due to be heard this week, but it is understood it involves innovative grounds, including that she is a woman."

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