Iraq Vets Left Stranded

Check this out. Used, discarded. They are after all, only men.

The article mentions a female vet who returned and said she had her bank account cleaned out by her boyfriend and is left with nothing, living in a shelter. That is bad indeed. However the article fails to mention the many men who come back to find the law after them for child support, etc. they couldn't pay when they were in service. Welcome home, brave warriors.

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Concord Monitor Editorial Trivializes the Impact of Female Abusers

Here's one article regariding abusive women that I feel directly relates to gender inequity and bias. This editorial in the (NH) Concord Monitor starts out by advocating for equal justice for men and women, but then rationalizes reasons why female sex abusers could be treated more leniently. The editorial suggests "Females are much less likely to use force or intimidation, less likely to threaten retaliation for reporting the offense and more likely to believe that they are truly in love with their victim. They are also far less likely to have multiple victims." I think this article tries to sound fair-minded, but has a more insidious purpose: to justify the leniency that female offenders, particularly of sex crimes, often receive in the criminal justice system.

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Men less likely to Report Domestic Violence, due in part to lack of Agencies for Men

From the article:

"Whether a person reports an incident depends on a
number of factors. Women are twice as likely to report
abuse than men, and aboriginals more likely than non-aborginals."

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RADAR Alert: Blow the Whistle on VAWA Waste, Fraud, and Abuse!

Domestic violence programs around the country have become larded with waste, fraud, and abuse. These are some recent examples:

MICHIGAN: Two weeks ago the Michigan Department of Human Services affirmed its decision to require the SafeHouse Center of Washtenaw County to repay the state $483,000 for services it billed for but apparently never provided. The state’s decision follows on the resignation of executive director Susan McGee, who admitted in 2001 she had falsified financial reports to cover up delinquent tax payments.

Click "Read more" for more.

MINNESOTA: This past May, Paulette Wang, former treasurer of Asian Women United, pleaded guilty to stealing $265,000 from her domestic violence organization. Ms. Wang is scheduled to be sentenced on August 1.

NEBRASKA: A 2005 audit by the U.S. Department of Justice of Legal Aid of Nebraska identified $1.3 million in non-allowable and questionable expenses. TEXAS: An audit of a VAWA grant to the Texas Office of the Governor discovered that $852,000 in claimed matching costs could not be documented.

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Backlash over new 'women's only' craze has Japan split down the middle

Story here. Excerpt:

'At 2 o'clock every afternoon, an employee of Buon Viaggio walks out to the front of the restaurant in the JR Hakodate Station building and posts a huge sign saying, "Women Only," according to AERA (7/17).'

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NBC News: "What working moms want"

Apparently they want more time with their kids and if their (lazy good-for-nothing) husbands would just make more money or the government would just intervene and force employers or other taxpayers to pay them to stay home, they'd be just fine. Oh yeah, their coworkers should not mind it if they get paid the same for half the work, too.

Yep, that's pretty much the summary version. Saw it tonight on NBC Nightly News and predictably they have a web-based version of this claptrap here. One comment that stands out to me made by an interviewee was that it breaks her heart when she leaves home in the morning and her kids say they want her to stay. Well every man I know who has had to leave small kids at home (usually with their moms) has had the same experience. Yet somehow, it's not so bad when it happens to men.

Contact NBC Nightly News at

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Female "care-givers" force-feed elderly woman with talcum powder

Although the three women workers were actually captured on video force-feeding talcum powder to an 89-year-old disabled woman, they were acquitted of assault by the court.

The agency they worked for had its license revoked and went out of business, and now the victim has received compensation.

What is the reason for the perpetrators' acquittal? It can only be because they are women. Can you imagine what would have happened if 3 men had done this? They would be doing jail time for sure. Story here.

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NH CSM May Meeting Minutes Available

I'm going to start taking a more pro-active effort to announce happenings of the NH Commission on the Status of Men. The CSM web site has now been updated with the May meeting minutes PDF and the mp3 file of Dr. Murray Straus' testimony (22 MB) during the June meeting.

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Protesting outside the Judges / Lawyers Homes

Here in New Zealand we have found that taking the protests directly (Note: preceding link opens directly to RealMedia clip) to Family Court Lawyers and Judges, outside their homes is the most effective way of letting these Family Court parasites know the true damage they inflict upon seperated families and children. (Main video page here).

These protests are completely legal and let the neighbourhood know what a seriously nasty neigbour they have.

Kind Regards

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RADAR Alert: Step 2: Now Get Ready to Meet with Your Congressman

Step 2: Now Get Ready to Meet with Your Congressman
The 2006 elections are already beginning to heat up. The goal of the Truth and Consequences campaign is to meet with every Congressman throughout the country to explain how the Violence Against Women Act is violating people's civil rights on a massive scale.

See first comment for more

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Home-Alone Boy Survives 11-Story Fall

Home-Alone Boy Survives 11-Story Fall. Excerpt:

'The boy ended up in the same pediatric intensive care unit at Albany Medical Center where his mother works as a receptionist, police reports said.

'Elizabeth Burciaga, 21, was charged with endangering the welfare of a child. She initially told police the boy had been left with a baby sitter, officials said.

'A psychiatric evaluation has been ordered for her, authorities said, and an order of protection to keep her away from the boy has been filed.'

Like0 Dislike0 At Colleges, Women Are Leaving Men in the Dust

Here is an interesting article on women attending college more, graduating with honors more, etc., but not to worry -- according to the article there is no crisis in boys ... sure they are expelled from high school more, sure they are more likely to be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, sure they drop out more, but hey they still earn much more on the dollar than women. Sheesh! Is it my imagination or does this article try a little too hard to legitimate the sudden acceleration of girls in school at the expense of boys...?

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Murray Straus CSM Testimony Available

The New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men's web site won't be updated until next week at the earliest, so I thought I'd make available the audio recording of Dr. Straus' testimony. It's very worthwhile listening material, both for the information on domestic violence, as well as insight into the state of the Commission. You can download an mp3 of the audio here (22 MB).

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U.K. Study Finds Women Seeking Repeated Abuse

A new study from the U.K. makes a controversial claim about domestic violence, documenting that some women repeatedly seek out abusive relationships. These findings dispute the dominant feminist DV creed that the Evil Patriarchy is the sole explanation for domestic conflict. Erin Pizzey, who set up the first woman’s refuge in 1971, said that the study confirmed what she had been saying for years: “Violent relationships can be like an addiction to drugs and alcohol and these are the people who need the most help.”

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Why boys really are in a crisis

Why boys really are in a crisis

Gender feminists spin the facts in order to claim that boys' lower academic performance relative to their sisters is not a gender issue but due to "behavioral and emotional" reasons, as Warner wrote, or "larger educational and social problems," as Mead wrote.

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