RADAR ALERT: What if my Congressman is a Die-Hard VAWA Supporter?

The goal of the Truth and Consequences campaign is to meet with every Congressman to discuss VAWA abuse. One question that is often asked is, "What should I do if my Congressman (or senator) is known to be a strong supporter of VAWA?"

Basically you've got two options:

  1. Work with the incumbent, or
  2. Support the challenger.

Work with the Incumbent

If you choose to work with the VAWA supporter, you need to adjust your goals and expectations. Any progress you make will be incremental. When you meet with the staff person, highlight the good work that VAWA has done in serving DV victims. From here you have two possible strategies:

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Mary Winkler out on bond

"I have nerve now, and I have self-esteem. So, my ugly came out," Alabama investigator Stan Stabler quoted Mary Winkler as saying, according to a report on the hearing published in The Jackson Sun. She referred to herself as a "moron" and an "evil woman," the newspaper reported.

My bet is that eventually the preacher will be condemned as an evil patriarchic oppressor and she will be painted as poor Ms. Wonderful who fell victim to his abuse and rightfully killed him in self-defense.

Article Here

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Petition to Finnish Government

Please sign the petition here to the government of Finland to rectify the injustices in their child custody/divorce system. The petition accepts signatures from people regardless of their nationality. The more the merrier, so please do your part.

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Gold Diggers Are Alive and Well in 2006

“Men, I urge you to be more conscious about whether you are allowing yourself to be turned into being a beast of burden to pay for the expensive house, kids, and all the material “stuff” that you might well be willing to trade away for a more pleasant life.” Marty Nemko

Apparently, according to Marty, most women who start out on a career path, in the end, long to be taken-care of by a successful male breadwinner who will maintain them in a lap of luxury.

Marty’s Article Here

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Update on John Murtari's Protest

"Commitment" is a word that doesn't begin to cover this fellow's dedication. He has been put on a feeding tube but continues his vigil. Story here.

John, we're in your corner!

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Charged With Underaged Sex At 15

Here is one that is hard to believe. A 15 year old male is to be sentenced this month because he had sex with an 11 year old female who subsequently got preggo and is now a mother at 12. If a 15 year old male can be convicted of having underaged sex then why can't the 12 year old female?

And to think this happened in the land of Braveheart. BTW: the 12 year old female was recently arrested for a "drunken incident." Get it?

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India: Wife charged in abortion-extortion case

Save Indian Family member Swarup finally was able to summon his wife (to court) for killing his unborn child on account of not meeting her monetary demand.

This sends a strong message to ladies who would like to kill their child that it is not proper to kill a child on failure of the husband to meet your monetary demands.

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Mary Winkler Out on Bond

The update is here. I doubt if she had been the victim, he would be out on bond. The report closes with the usual sort of "she has only seen her kids once," blithering foolishness. Well, that's because she's unpredictably muderous!

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Dads Get Postpartum Depression, too

Hard to believe, except for men whose wives/partners have had children-- or is it? This is one less thing feminists can assert is the exclusive province of women, though I am sure some will try.

Does this mean if a man does something insanely violent after a baby is born he can claim it as a defense, too?

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Mother and Grandmother Send Kids on Boosting Spree

A mother and grandmother would never do this sort of thing, now would they? Of course not. Some man must be behind it all.

"BEDFORD, New Hampshire (AP) -- A woman turned herself in to police Wednesday after a store surveillance video captured footage of two children sneaking behind display cases to steal thousands of dollars worth of jewelry, allegedly on instructions from their mother and grandmother."

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The New Double-Standard

The New Double Standard, by Marty Nemko. Excerpt:

'This establishes a new double standard: you can, without reprisal, viciously denigrate men without substantiation but dare you make a milder statement about women, your career is eviscerated. That double standard will make academics, leaders, and the media think 10 times before saying something negative about a woman, but not about a man. That will immeasurably hurt how men are treated today, and in future generations.'

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Latest in the McCartney Divorce

For those wanting a little tabloidism today, the latest in the McCartney divorce news is here. She's going to walk away with a great big chunk of this guy's wealth, all for five minutes of "work": standing there and saying "I do", in a dress no doubt bought by Paul.

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Disparities in Workday Dress Standards for the Sexes

This in the NYTimes does a good job of pointing up how men and women are held to substantially different standards of "business attire" and speculates on why that may be. Indeed, heaven help the man who dares wear anything not within very prescribed limits to the office!

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Blame it on the patriarchy

“The feminism is a secular religion with its own high priestesses, dogmas, and initiation rituals. Its creation myth holds that on the first day Goddess created Eve, and all was right with the world. But that idyllic state was shattered when first patriarch Adam stumbled into the Garden, pounded on the table, and demanded his apple.”

Carey Roberts, in his usual straightforward (male) fashion, takes another slab at debunking feminism.

Carey’s Article Here

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News Station Identifies & Includes Photograph Of Juvenile Male Rape Victim

A 19 year old teacher's aide ran off with a 14 year old student at the school where she taught. She is being arraigned on charges of interference with custody, but nothing else. They quote the police claiming the two had a "romantic relationship". They identify the boy, and include a picture of him with the teacher's aide. The age of consent in New Hampshire is 16. Even if the woman isn't charged with rape, it is ridiculous to post a 14 year old boy's picture and name on the internet in a case like this.

Story here. Hat tip to fark.com

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