Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2006-10-11 14:07
The day has come when touting one's credentials as a team hand-around from the 1960s is qualification for secretary of state of a state? Yes, read it here. No further comments from me I think are necessary. Excerpt:
'The usually ho-hum race for Wisconsin secretary of state is being spiced up by one candidate's naughty tell-all book about her bed-hopping exploits with Green Bay football legends during the team's glory days under Vince Lombardi in the 1960s.
Sandy Sullivan, a 65-year-old Republican with no political experience, self-published a gushing memoir in 2004 titled "Green Bay Love Stories and Other Affairs" in which she claims she was the girlfriend of Green Bay Packers Paul Hornung and Dan Currie, deflected a pass from Hall of Famer Don Hutson and was on the receiving end of a saucy comment from Richard Nixon.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2006-10-11 14:01
Add this (embedded video) to your list of ridiculous spins on poor-dearism. At this point I put nothing past the feminist hooey machine. The story talks about how some women join the military to help with their weight-loss regimen and how it often doesn't work.
What is one supposed to conclude? That the military (ie, men) isn't doing enough to help them? That they are victims?
How about this: I am going to join the Army so I can get a scholarship to a college after two years in. When after reading the enlistment contract and fully knowing that I could be sent into battle one day, six months later a shooting war starts and I have to go fight in it. Now, should you feel sorry for me?
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Submitted by afg on Tue, 2006-10-10 23:47
The Toronto Sun published a column arguing that male perpetrators of violent crimes receive much less public sympathy than female perpetrators. This is an excellent article, written by a woman, in which no punches are pulled.
The National Post, on the very same day, published yet another article criticizing the misandrist attitudes when it comes to dealing with domestic violence. Though less "confrontational" than the previously mentioned article (there seems to be just a hint of reluctance to "upset" domestic violence "experts"), it is still a very, very good resource.
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2006-10-10 20:33
Read it here. Excerpt:
"That wasn't the idea behind Title IX. It was designed to create, not eliminate, opportunity. But since its enactment more than 170 men's wrestling teams have disappeared. Eighty men's tennis teams, 45 track teams and 106 men's gymnastics teams have been axed."
"Yet there are some 580 more women's teams at NCAA schools today than men's teams, a disparity that is likely to continue to grow. Faced with budgetary cuts last summer, the board at Rutgers University elected to eliminate six teams, five of which were men's teams: lightweight and heavyweight crew, tennis, swimming and diving, and fencing."
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2006-10-10 20:23
This is an oustanding article by David Kupelian. He does incorporate some religious idealogy in his beliefs (which could offend some here), but there are some excellent examples of male bigotry, education, and marriage.
'Mountains have been written about this feminist-inspired assault on men, this mysterious hostility we've lived with for so long. So let's skip over the usual litany of evidence – the fiery denunciations of marriage (which some feminist professors condemn as "slavery" and "legalized rape"), the militant demonstrations of the '60s, the toxic books maligning homemaking in favor of corporate ladder-climbing, and so on. Instead, let's get right to the very heart of the matter. Let's dive down deep, so deep it's almost scary – and then dredge up what truly lurks underneath today's "war on fathers."'
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Submitted by GaryB on Tue, 2006-10-10 20:19 reports here that the UN has reported that around the world as many as 1 in 3 women will be intimately abused throughout their lifetime. They will face constant sexual harrassment, are likely to be murdered and sexually assaulted by their husbands/boyfriends, and are basically barely surviving amidst a constant barrage of attacks from us nasty men. Geez, it's a wonder any of them ever survive at all...
And of course, it's all the fault of us evil, nasty, sexually-predative males.
Amazing how they can only look at one side of the coin. If I were to do the same, I'd see that my sons are constantly harrassed and attacked by my daughter. There isn't a week goes by that she doesn't denegrate them, hit them, steal something of theirs, abuse them mentally and physically. Terrible really.
Until I look at the 'other' side of the coin, where they actually do the same or worse to her. Look at BOTH sides of the picture, and it's a touch different. Hmmm, I wonder if I should let Kofi know that.....?
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2006-10-10 20:09
While the increase of male suicide is alarming, there are some positive aspects from this BBC article.
Male suicide is at least gaining some attention, but MUCH more is needed to solve this problem. The increase of male suicide cannot be ignored any longer!
"Merseyside is one of a handful of CalmZones, set up by the charity, where callers are given detailed information about the help they can receive."
"The charity also has a service where men can receive counselling online."
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2006-10-10 17:30
Story here. Excerpt:
"More than five years after a Las Vegas homeless man was killed and mutilated a jury reached an apparent compromise in holding Kirstin Blaise Lobato accountable for his death."
"But by finding Lobato guilty of voluntary manslaughter the jury determined that, although Lobato was provoked and didn't act in malice, she was still accountable for killing Bailey."
"Both the prosecution and defense agreed that the jury's decision was a "compromise"
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2006-10-10 14:24
She did what she did for years and went unchallenged. Unthinkable if she had been a he. Story here. Excerpt:
'After Ms. West was arrested, school officials insisted for more than a year that the allegation was the only accusation of misconduct in a sterling 24-year career. They allowed her to take an early retirement package that fattened her pension, and gave her a farewell party with cake and ice cream. When Ms. West pleaded guilty in 2005 to sexual assault charges, glowing references from co-workers, supervisors and friends helped persuade a judge to sentence her only to probation. She was also spared the ordeal of having to register as a sex offender.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2006-10-09 22:38
After the Nov 7 elections VAWA funding reauthorization will be up for a vote in the Senate. The President's budget has allocated $350 million to fund VAWA. This is in line with other social spending priorities. Unfortunately the House has passed a 25% increase in VAWA funding.
Last Friday we went to all the Senate offices and asked for two things.
- Support the President's VAWA budget.
- Hold hearings on how VAWA actually harms woman.
We gave each Senate office a copy of our flyer Six Reasons why VAWA is Bad for Women (.pdf file). The message resonated with the Senate staffers we spoke to.
We need your help in getting the message out. Here is what to do:
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2006-10-09 18:27
Story here. Excerpt:
'ERIE, Pennsylvania (AP) -- A woman used her 4-week-old baby as a weapon in a domestic dispute, swinging the infant through the air and striking her boyfriend with the child, authorities said.
The baby was critically injured in the attack early Sunday, said District Attorney Bradley Foulk.
"Never, never, never. I can never remember anything like this," Foulk told the Erie Times-News.
Chytoria Graham, 27, of Erie, was charged with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment and simple assault. She was held Monday in the Erie County Jail in lieu of $75,000 bail.'
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2006-10-09 14:26
Yes, you read that right. Watch it here (embedded video). For those of you who are outraged enough as it is by the notion of "alimony", you will probably need to pick your jaws up off the floor after watching the clip. Not only is this man compelled to pay his ex-wife alimony *for life* or until she remarries, but she is no longer a she. She is now legally a he and he (the husband) still has to pay her (the ex-wife, now a him) alimony.
Why bother reading works of fiction when you have the news? Stuff like this makes video games and movies look tame in comparison.
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Submitted by Luek on Mon, 2006-10-09 12:27
Yet another falsely imprisoned man is released from prison after being unlawfully held for 21 years.
This case is different from the others we have been hearing about because blood tests at the time before DNA testing came on the scene failed to link him to the crime. He was convicted basically on the woman's testimony alone. Her husband who was tied up by the real rapist and got a good look at him was not able to identify him as the attacker.
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Submitted by Luek on Mon, 2006-10-09 02:11
This may be taking equality of the sexes a bit too far.
In a school in Norway boys are told they will have to sit on the toilet to urinate. The rationale by the female principal is that the boys aim is not always so good when they stand and it wets the toilet seat for the next girl who might use it. This school doesn't have separate restrooms for boys and girls and I guess wall mounted urinals would be obvious sexism.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2006-10-09 01:53
This is just insane. Andrea Yates and Dena Schlosser are now buddies. That's right. They give each other, "emotional support" and have a "relationship" . The article that follows seems to portray them as poor wounded victims clinging to each other for surivial. Let me ask you, would two men who murdered thier children ever see the light of day again much less be allowed to buddy up? I think not. The world has gone insane...
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