School Teacher Fights Back Against False Accusation

A school teacher is actually suing his ex-wife who used the old false accusation gambit of sexual molestation of the children to gain an advantage in custody disputes.

False accusations by women are encouraged by society because there are really no consequences for using them.

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Teacher's gender affects learning (Study)

A new study suggests that boys learn more from men and girls learn more from women.

"[The] study comes as the proportion of male teachers is at its lowest level in 40 years. Roughly 80 percent of teachers in U.S. public schools are women."

Expectedly, a feminist group was sought for commentary (men's groups weren't). Interestingly, the author notes, "As provocative as this all might seem, I really haven't gotten that much negative feedback."

AP article available here.

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NCFM-LA Member Gets Interview on Radio

Kudos to Marc Angelucci of NCFM-LA for his recent interview on 700WLW in Cincinnati. It is archived and available for dowload here (search on 'Marc' to find it), or right-click to download it here (.mp3 file).

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Rare Case of Chimerism Highlights Inequities

Looks like the same people who aired that all-male sexual predator series not too long ago are also in on a sideways attack on DNA testing. Check out this story on ABC's Primetime web site regarding chimerism, an extremely rare condition wherein a person has the fused DNA from two different eggs in their genetic make-up. One discussion board for this subject shows the mentality: a one-in-millions exception to a general rule is grounds to suspect all DNA testing. Notice they also spend a lot of time talking about how terrible it must be to be a mother who is having her role as mother questioned, or her word questioned on the matter. Guess she found out just a little bit what it's like to be a father in a divorce case.

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Australian Authorities OK Exclusion of Men From Cultural Events

"Of course, as is right and proper, Victorian law demanded we get permission in the interests of equality," said SWAN's Debbie Roberts.


The continuing, feminist-driven campaign to push men out of public spaces is obviously gathering steam. I'd be very curious to know what (if any) bona fide reason there was for the exclusion of men in this case, or if the Victorian authorities simply rubber-stamped the hatred of men as western governments invariably do.

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Female prison workers cited in 2/3 of sexual offenses against inmates

Story here. Excerpt:

"Female staff were the offenders in two-thirds of the prison cases, and two-thirds of the victims of prison staff were male inmates, according to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics."

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Los Angeles County Child Support Services Department Helping Prisoners but Abusing Good Fathers

News Release:

August 25, 2006

On Sunday, August 20, 2006 two representatives from the Los Angeles County Services Department (LACCSSD), attorney Lisa Garrett and Al Reyes Division Chief of Communications and Marketing, appeared on a Los Angeles television show (KTLA, Pacesetters) touting “Child Support Awareness Month” and the wonders of their abusive government agency. Not surprisingly, Garrett merely reiterated the propaganda that LACCSSD wants the public to believe and Reyes practically beamed with joy when he stated, “We have a new approach in our department where we try to reach out and start a dialog,” and “We’re doing outreach in jail.”

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Mismeasuring Women

Article shows 'A study done in 1994 hints that if women think nobody is watching and judging them, and there are no physical consequences, they might be more aggressive than men.'

Very good stuff here. How does this relate to crime activity when they are likely not to be punished for pedophilia, or reproductive rape?

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Murtari Hunger Strike Makes TV News

A local news station covered the Murtari hunger strike, including the interview on its web site. Teri Stoddard has the latest here.

"John Murtari, 49, former Air Force training pilot and loving father to 13-year-old Domenic says he’s back on strike. The New York father stopped eating and drinking July 31 to highlight the desperate need for family law reform when he reported to serve a 6-month sentence for child support arrears."

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"Rally for polygamy"?

On the heels of the last story, look at this (requires RealPlayer plug-in). Add it to your list of things that fall under "Now I've seen everything," and send it on to your favorite feminist when she starts babbling in any way, shape, or form about marriage.

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Woman goes on trial for polygamy

'Polygamy'? Well, that too, but also try 'fraud', 'grand theft', etc., etc.

Story here. Excerpt:

Kyle Elizabeth McConnell admits she has a habit of marrying men.

But while a lawyer for the 46-year-old says McConnell is simply a serial monogamist, Michigan authorities claim McConnell was a polygamist.

They allege she went from from one spouse to the next before they realized she had cleaned out their bank accounts.

McConnell has already pleaded guilty to attempted forgery and intent to defraud for writing bad checks to her former husband, Richard McConnell. Those checks were drawn on an account belonging to Len Battaglia, who she married before McConnell.

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Update: Activist father Murtari thankful for press, lucky to be alive

The latest from Teri Stoddard re John Murtari's brave efforts is here. Thanks to everyone who is part of making his sacrifices appreciated and his cause noticed!

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LiveScience: Christopher Wanjek supports male circumcision

I used to respect Christopher Wanjek's articles, until I read this one in support of male circumcision. What about "My body, my choice" for men as well, Christopher? Wanjek also makes the false analogy between the men's movement and a white rights club in college. What a jerk!

Christopher Wanjek's email address is in case you want to write to him about what you think of his article.


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RADAR ALERT: It's Baaa...aack! "Breaking the Silence" re-aired by PBS affiliate!

Last Sunday, KVCR in San Bernardino, CA aired Breaking the Silence: Children's Stories.

Many of you will remember that when this film was aired last October, its blatant bias resulted in a veritable firestorm of criticism for PBS, and condemnation from both the PBS and the CPB ombudsmen.

For those who need a reminder, a history of the controversy is included below and also found on RADAR's site here.

Last December, the CPB ombudsman found that the producer's attempt to justify excluding certain interviewees, "amounts to a plea of guilty to violating the fairness and balance standards of PBS."

Considering this, one wonders why a PBS station would choose to air this film now? Three possible explanations come to mind:

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"Oh no!! You're one of THEM!!?"

Apparently, for certain women of a certain orientation, there can be nothing worse than becoming... male! Or, at least looking and acting like one.

So much for the whole "acceptance of differences" that gets touted from some quarters, eh? Looks like exercises in mind-broadening and learning tolerance appear to be necessary for more than just a couple types of person. Read The Trouble When Jane Becomes Jack.

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