Woman Brutally Murders Pregnant Friend, Children

Story here.

People seem astounded such a thing happened. But why should they be, the press covers stories of parents (of both sexes) murdering friends and children almost daily. The surprise is that they are surprised. But then again, "everyone knows women, especially mothers, would *never* do such a thing...". Um, yeah, that's right, only men/fathers do such horrific things. Excerpt:

'Hall and the baby were taken to a hospital, where she refused to let doctors examine her and gave conflicting accounts of why she went into labor, alternately saying she had consensual sex and was raped, Hart says.

The baby girl showed no signs of trauma and an autopsy the next day failed to pinpoint a cause of death.

"We didn't even figure it was a homicide," Hart said.'

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"Uppity Men", by Carey Roberts

Read it here.

'Hard-working men whose liberated wives had come to look askance at anything that might remotely be called housework. And it resonated with the average Joes who put in long hours on the factory line, only to come home and learn that he was a member of the male oppressor class.'

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Female Fire Chief Accused of Harassment

"After reading this story, it would be safe to say their next chief probably won't be a lesbian."

"Bleskachek endured, becoming Minneapolis' first female fire chief and the only openly gay fire chief of a major U.S. city. but now, two years after ascending to the top job Bleskachek is the one who stands accused of harassing women."

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"Don't Date Him Girl" Bigotry Exposed, Class Action Website Started


Paul D. "My boss said it was financial cutbacks, then why did she hire new staff last week without calling me back to work? I know why."....a possible outcome based on his profile on this disgusting website.

These men are fighting back with their class action lawsuit. Vindictive women post unsubstantiated comments about men they've dated. These women can include the man's name, picture and location. The women remain anonymous.

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"Sen. Clinton Calls for Global Plan for Poor Women"

Not to be outdone with the "HIV is a Woman's Disease" move, now feminists have targeted perhaps the oldest of all scourges for their propaganda: poverty. Read it and weep/laugh/whatever right here. Excerpt:

‘Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton made a star turn this morning at former President Bill Clinton’s conference on global challenges, calling for a concerted attack on the “feminization of poverty” by destroying cultural, political, and economic barriers that trap women and children in desperate conditions.’

In case that isn't enough to get you sick, taste some of this outright horse-cow from our very own Anne Veneman in the 7th paragraph:

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Canadian Women's groups fear federal cuts coming

The Toronto Star is publishing a firestorm of articles about the Status of Women here, here, and here.

Maclean's and the National Post have also picked up on the news here and here.

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"I don't believe she did that intentionally"

Woman Charged in Husband's Slaying

"I hate to speculate on what's going through some one's mind, but in my own personal opinion, I'm not sure she wanted to kill him either," said Sgt. Tim noble, Toledo Police Department.

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Ford Ad: Family Vacation - Truth in advertising

In this Ford ad (embedded video), Dad gets out of the car, sad dufflebag in hand, dropped off at his crummy townhouse, and thanks his ex for inviting him along for the day with the kids.

Meanwhile, she is the gatekeeper to the kids, and is driving a brand new SUV.

Truth in advertising.

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'Cause... Y'know... It's would have been OK if she really had recently lost her baby...

UNION, Mo. -- A woman who authorities say slit the throat of a young mother and stole her baby was charged Wednesday with kidnapping and assault as authorities cast doubt on her claims that she had recently lost her own baby.

Story here.

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Accused Denied Due Process In Duke Lacrosse Rape

Accused Denied Due Process in Duke Lacrosse Case? by Wendy McElroy

"I believe the accused are blatantly innocent and that the prosecuting District Attorney Mike Nifong is acting with willful disregard for both the evidence in the case and the Constitutional rights of the accused. In this case, I believe the legal system is the enemy of justice...and nakedly so."

The Duke rape case will be an "eye opener" when it reaches court this spring. Why should these men wait so long to prove their innocence? The outcome (not guilty) will raise awarness that some woman do lie about rape for their own perverse goals ($$$$). The three accused men happen to have parents with tremendous wealth. She is looking to make some money off this false accusation. Disgusting!

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Kindergarden Infected with "Boy Bigotry"

Kindergarten rhyming book stirs controversy

"Girls are dandy, made out of candy. Boys are rotten, made out of cotton. Girls go to Mars to get candy bars. Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider.".

Parents are upset, rightfully so regarding a Kindergarden book that has negative messages about boys. Male biogtry now affects young boys. Is there any wonder why boys are falling behind in school? From the age of five these boys are brainwashed with the notion they are inferior to girls. Its time more men become elementary school teachers.

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Mutari Update, Dads on the Air

The latest from Teri re the Murtari case is here. Excerpt:

"As John Murtari wrote in his weekly newsletter; the appellate judge denied his stay. He’s decided to ask Judge Hedges for a reduced sentence. If that doesn’t work he’ll move forward with an appeal."

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Deported former guard at Nazi camp is emphatic -- 'I did nothing wrong'

Yes, it seems she saw nothing and knew nothing and was just doing her job. Read all about it here. Not an ounce of remorse or sense of responsibility.

Suppose she’ll get the Femme-pass or the Age-pass? Or both?

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Genia Shockome - Bogus Claims, Malicious Mom

Newsweek publishes this story about a woman who supposedly lost her kids to an "abusive" husband by a crooked court system.

She cried victim and the bloggers heard her cry -- backing her with petitions, endless articles, and more. (Google her name to see all the petitions and blogs).

But they ignored some important facts. Glenn Sacks did a little digging...

"Some of the more important points contained in the documents include:

1) The allegations of abuse against Genia's ex-husband, Timothy, were never once substantiated.

2) The abuse allegations coincided perfectly with every custody hearing.

3) Genia was caught--on videotape--at a supervised visitation center coaching her children to make remarks against their father.

4) During the hearing resulting in her contempt charge and jailing, she was warned over 15 times to stop interrupting the judge.

5) Despite a position with IBM, paying $80,000 per year, Genia refused to pay her child support.

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Wife Of Ex-Football Player Arrested For Domestic Violence

Here is an interesting story not so much that a woman actually was arrested for DV but for the little blurb at the end where the male writer seems to obsess over the weight differences of the female perpetrator and the male victim as if that was really relevant.

I guess the destructive and outmoded concept of chivalry is very deep rooted in this culture.

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