Update on Lohstroh Murder Case

Some of you may remember the case mentioned in this previous MANN piece. The follow-up to it is that the man's son was just found guilty of murder, or at least the juvenile equivalent of it. Story here.

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Nurse pleads no contest to killing 10 patients

Article about a nurse who killed 10 people. No comments on my part....just a news story. Excerpt:

'FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) -- A former hospital nurse pleaded no contest Tuesday to killing 10 patients nearly six years ago by injecting them with a drug used to temporarily halt breathing.

Vickie Dawn Jackson, 40, will be sentenced to life in prison, the maximum sentence she faced if she had been convicted by a jury.

Authorities have not offered a motive for the slayings.'

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Mom Accused Of Fleeing State With Teenage Lover Arrested

Story here.

Fortunately this man has gained custody of his two children.

"Nashua, N.H. -- The Canterbury woman accused of taking her 16-year-old lover and 8-year-old son to Florida is back in jail on charges of stalking him.

Jennifer Malone was arrested in July after a 10-day nationwide hunt to track her down.

Malone was out on $50,000 bail awaiting trial. She was told to stay away from the 16-year-old."

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Boycott ESPN's Monday Night Football

The female-supremacists have been steadily moving to replace "he or she" with the sexist "s/he", which is simply "she" with a slash, and is even prounounced "she". Along with this attack on males comes the reversal of "men and women" to "women and men." The intent is clear, to remove males altogether in the first case, and to relagate us to a secondary status in the second case.

In the spirit of this sexist attack on males through our language, at the very anti-male, ABC-owned ESPN, a network almost entirely dependent on male viewers for its survival, retired professional football players who now announce the Monday Night Football games are being forced by the feminist management to sign off every Monday night football game by saying "thank you from all of the WOMEN AND MEN at ESPN's Monday Night Football" even though it alienates and insults the male viewers and reduces viewership of the games.

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RADAR ALERT: Tell Newsweek to Tell the Truth about Parental Alienation and Domestic Violence

Newsweek's September 25th article "Fighting Over the Kids: Battered spouses take aim at a controversial custody strategy" attempted to sell the American public an impossible theory: abusive fathers are successfully winning custody of children by claiming that the mother alienated the children from them.

The article highlights the case of Genia Shockome, who lost custody to the father in her divorce. A study of case facts reveals that the judge made the correct decision. (http://glennsacks.com/enewsletters/enews_9_20_06.htm)

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In order to stop male-bashing we must hold the perpetrators accountable.

My essay addressing our strategy for protesting male-bashing is here.

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More Media 2x-Standards in Combat-Deaths Reporting

A CNN video report covers women in combat in Iraq (MediaPlayer or similar required). They talk about it like it is something that is bad and should be stopped, without so much as mentioning the much larger number of men killed and wounded thus far in the Middle East. So much for equality in both status and commensuarate risks.

Getting killed or wounded/maimed in combat is a terribly tragic thing. That's what you sign up for though when you volunteer to serve in the armed forces, and it is no more or less tragic however when it happens to men as opposed to women. So why do MSM outfits like CNN act like it is? Answer: gross sexism and arcane chivalry.

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Husband Charged in Wife's Minivan Suicide

Story here.

"A 34-year-old architect was charged Friday with helping his wife commit suicide by stepping aside as she drove the family minivan down a 300-foot cliff with their two daughters inside."

Thats right, this man faces severe criminal charges because his wife decided to drive off a cliff. "He "afforded her an opportunity for her to carry out her intentions," police said in a statement."

Apparently he tried to grab the bumper, but was unable to stop the minivan. I guess they expected this man to use his strength and prevent a 3500-lb. SUV from falling down a cliff. He is also charged with endangering the welfare of a child. The woman had his two daughters (3 and 5) in the minivan during her suicide attempt.

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Fox News Ignores Male DV Victims and Pumps Up the Misandry... Again

Read it here.

"You might be surprised to learn that the most dangerous place for a woman in the United States is her own home. Domestic violence is the single biggest threat of injury to U.S. women — more than heart attacks, cancer, strokes, car accidents, muggings and rapes combined!"

Ed. note: This article is a couple months old, apparently; it is cited here in a comment dated 6/13/06. Still, it's a fine example of Fox's inability to see male DV victims.

I have seen this Fox analyst's name before attached to similar such rantings, too. Looks like she's a regular, and a law professor to boot. I can only imagine what being a man in one of her classes (or someone who dares speak the truth about DV in it) must be like.

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More from the NY Times on Colleges and Women

An otherwise unremarkable review of an otherwise unremarkable book opens with a scathing taunt of the male sex in this review from the NY Times Book section. A wonderful little "nya nya nya" from another privileged recent college co-ed graduate whose father probably paid her way through whatever school she went to.

You know, I think the Times (as well as MSN for that matter) should just dispense with any pretense and set up their own "Nya nya nya we're made of sugar and spice and you nasty boys SUCK" subsite and put all their misandrist claptrap in one place rather than sneak it in via both sideways commentary and overt misstatements, lies, and distortions throughout their respective publications. That way the rest of us could just skip it entirely and go look for something decent to read.

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"Women Behind Bars"

Typical news story about the rising rates of female jail offenders-- and of course how much harder it is on them than their male counterparts. Excerpt:

'Jackson's scenario is a fairly common one for incarcerated women, he said. Two-thirds of all women in state prisons are parents of minor children; many have substance abuse problems.

"It is illustrative of a lot of the problems with drug sentencing," King said.'

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Users Blocked and Posts Deleted

I have disabled the account of Bert (and his alter-ego, Henry) and removed all of Bert's postings to the site. Enough is enough.

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MSN Launches Men's Subsite

Stop the presses, can it be the sun has risen in the west and will set in the east? Check out http://men.msn.com/. Yes, you read that right. Now let's see just what kind of stuff they put there. Wonder if they will include any links to MRA-issues and -interests sites? Frankly I am not holding my breath, what with articles on back-hairiness and closet contents on the debut day.

Looks to me more like a site for women that is "supposed" to be for men... *sigh*... same claptrap, different day.

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Leving and Sacks Take on "Single by Chance, Mothers by Choice"

This article written by Glenn Sacks and Jeffery M. Leving, discusses "Are single mothers the 'New American Family'"?

We all know that a father's role in parenting is vital, but some think differently. The title of the latest anti-father book is "Single by Chance, Mothers by Choice: How Women Are Choosing Parenthood Without Marriage and Creating the New American Family."

The only viable use for a book written by a Women's Studies professor is using the pages to line the cat's litter box. Gentleman, I'll give you a DISTURBING quote from this article citing the book:

'Hertz asserts that today the "core of family life is the mother and her children." Fathers aren't necessary – "only the availability of both sets of gametes [egg and sperm] is essential." In fact, Hertz explains, "what men offer today is obsolete."'

Maybe you'd like to e-mail her (rhertze-at-wellesley.edu) and have her define "misandry".

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Stat Rape and Supplying Drugs Buys Female Teacher One Year in Jail

Story here.

And she does not have to register as a sex offender.
What would a man have received? Letters can be sent to letters-at-uniontrib.com. Excerpt:

"“I really believe that you are a good person. I believe that what you did was very wrong,” Brown said.

The judge ordered Walls not to have any contact with the victim, but did not require her to register as a sex offender.

Walls pleaded guilty on July 26 to four felony charges of having unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor and a misdemeanor charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor for providing the student drugs and alcohol."

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