Now Boys Have To Sit To Urinate?

This may be taking equality of the sexes a bit too far.

In a school in Norway boys are told they will have to sit on the toilet to urinate. The rationale by the female principal is that the boys aim is not always so good when they stand and it wets the toilet seat for the next girl who might use it. This school doesn't have separate restrooms for boys and girls and I guess wall mounted urinals would be obvious sexism.

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Women who kill thier children are now bonding with each other...

This is just insane. Andrea Yates and Dena Schlosser are now buddies. That's right. They give each other, "emotional support" and have a "relationship" . The article that follows seems to portray them as poor wounded victims clinging to each other for surivial. Let me ask you, would two men who murdered thier children ever see the light of day again much less be allowed to buddy up? I think not. The world has gone insane...

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FL: Wife who killed husband freed

Is depression now a license to kill for women? Maybe each Prozac prescription should include a defense attorney's phone number. Story here. Excerpt:

"Kathleen Hill, doctors for both the defense and the prosecution testified that she suffered from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder because she was a battered wife."

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Reporter Argues Killing of Females is a "Hate Crime"

So writes Kansas City reporter Mike Hendricks. Excerpt:

'The recent tragic murders of ten Amish girls has fueled a renewed effort to define violence against women as a special category of "hate crimes." "Too many of us would rather isolate crimes against women, rather than look at them the way many women do — as just more evidence that they are victims of hatred by men in general. Certainly, the National Organization for Women saw it that way. The group has been trying for years to pass legislation that would make gender-based violence part of hate-crime laws. "Every woman saw this and said, ‘Oh, my God, they sent all the boys away and targeted all the girls,’ NOW President Kim Gandy told me Thursday. It’s easier than facing the fact that there’s a sickness in this society in need of a cure. What that cure is, I don’t know. A starting point would be to recognize misogyny for what it is. And then to give its victims names."'

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Mother Seeking C/S from Minor Father Arrested for Stat Rape

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Warren County mother who tried to get child support ended up getting arrested Thursday.

Twenty-two-year-old Kimberly Baker sued for support for her 3-year-old daughter.

Prosecutors became concerned when they found out father is 16 years old. That means he was 13 when the child was conceived.'

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Media now "cares" for homeless men

The media now cares enough about homeless men to at least do a single story about them. Or maybe it was misandry in disguise? You decide:

Homeless Men Are Aging on the Streets

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UK taking a stand on false rape allegations

A couple of false rape allegations have come to light and the police are pressing charges in the UK.

Two women, three instances.

Ex-wife who made false rape claims faces prison

Rape claim raised 'serious doubt'

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Woman commits murder/suicide, but she's still the victim

A judicial inquiry into a woman who:

- was out on bail pending her trial for murder
- had a record of child abuse complaints against her
- eventually committed murder/suicide by walking into the ocean and drowning with her son

... is somehow a victim of "substandard child protection practices".

"It is evident that substandard child protection practices contributed to the outcome of Zachary Turner's murder and the mother's suicide," Ms. Neville told a news conference after delivering the report.

Story here: here

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Husband Killer's Application for Widow's Pension Denied

A woman who killed her husband has had her legal battle for a widow's pension dismissed by the Court of Appeal. She stabbed her husband, a retired police officer, to death, and was sentenced to only two years in prison. I believe she may have been released after one year. She then applied to the government for a widow's pension. The judge has had the good sense to refuse, but still described her as a 'decent, hard-working woman'. Amazing. Story here.

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ASU Students Found "Caucasian Men's Club"

Looks like college students are finally beginning to do something to show their disaffection with the many ethno-genderal interest clubs that openly proclaim their proud affiliation with any group of people except whites, men, or both. Clip on is here (embedded video). To note is that membership isn't restricted to white men only, in the same way other college campus groups can't restrict membership based on gender or ethnicity. My only reservation about it is the ethnic issue, since men's issues are men's issues first and foremost But I suppose including it may be unavoidable in terms of making a statement, in that there are generalized men's groups already on college campuses but these are usually affiliated with feminist goals, groups, or their inclinations.

In any case, these people are making a strong statement around the idea of "equal time and consideration" that college administrators at ASU and on other campuses should hearken to.

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USAToday Runs Gandy's Latest Propaganda

Here it is. Exceprt:

'Every few years, a report that women are gaining ground prompts panicky articles proclaiming that "men are falling behind!"

Don't get me wrong: I believe in equality for all. I'm concerned about women's status and I'm concerned about the race, ethnicity and income divisions revealed in the Department of Education survey.'

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Lacking Jail Space, "Family Courts" Turn to Public Shaming

Story here. Excerpt:

'WABASH, Ind. -- A judge ordered that a man who has failed to pay child support must spend his days sitting in a county building's lobby under a sign reading "I don't support my kids."

Wabash Circuit Judge Robert McCallen III said he imposed the sentence against Michael Booth, 33, of Wabash not as a special punishment, but to avoid adding to the overcrowding of the county jail.'

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Essay on and Call for Men’s Movement Unity

Essay by Richard Doyle is here. Excerpt:

'I have long suggested a philosophy meeting that criteria: “To preserve the traditional nuclear family through restoration of equal dignity and equal (not identical) rights under the law for all male persons across a broad spectrum of life, including divorce, employment, health and crime punishment.” Anything essentially similar to this will do. I ask leaders of the major men’s/fathers’ organizations to respond to me with comments, pro and con.'

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Good Piece on Aging Men and Testosterone Levels

Good clip here (embedded video) from on men and testosterone levels changing as we age. Also pleasing is the non-taunting, matter-of-fact way things are presented without the usual misandrist sideways jabs. And, it has good advice for helping with this age-induced state.

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Basinger to Stand Trial

Story here. Excerpt:

'LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Kim Basinger will go to trial after pleading not guilty Wednesday to disregarding court orders concerning ex-husband Alec Baldwin's visitation rights with their daughter, a court official ordered.

Court papers filed by Baldwin allege that in 2005, the Academy Award-winning actress ignored court orders by not letting her ex-husband know she would be out of town working so that he could take care of their 10-year-old daughter until she returned.'

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