The bodies of men pile up

Into the abyss of Baghdad is exceptional because it discusses the truth of what is happening there without kowtowing to PC spin. Excerpt:

'BAGHDAD -- I keep seeing his face. He appears to be in his mid-20s, bespectacled, slightly bearded, and somehow his smile conveys a sense of prosperity to come. Perhaps he is set to marry, or enroll in graduate school, or launch a business — all of these flights of ambition seem possible.

In the next few images he is encased in plastic: His face is frozen in a ghoulish grimace. Blackened lesions blemish his neck.

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Female teacher's sex charge is unusual

Story here. Excerpt:

"Only 4 percent of educators who were investigated for sexual misconduct were females, the report said. But students surveyed said 43 percent of inappropriate behavior came from female teachers."

"Researchers and advocates believe that most child sex abuse cases go unreported, and boys are less likely than girls to report abuse."

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Duke and the Death of Academe

Article here. Excerpt:

"Thus, when a black stripper claimed that members of the lacrosse team gang-raped her, faculty members seized the moment. The truth of the charges themselves was irrelevant; these young men represented everything these faculty members despised, and they were not going to permit something as bourgeois as truth stand in the way of their attempt to remake Duke University in their own image – and perhaps be able to help railroad innocent young men into prison, which they would have seen, ironically, as a triumph of justice."

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BBC Admits Leftist Bias

We are all well aware of the fact that no end of the political spectrum can claim a monopoly on misandry, but it goes without saying that feminists tend to gravitate to the far left. Here, the BBC actually admits that it has a leftist and pro-PC bias. It seems as though men's rights activists were not just talking nonsense when they were complaining that the BBC is anti-male. Story here.

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RADAR ALERT: Time to Blow the Whistle on the UN Violence Report

Two weeks ago the United Nations issued its one-sided Study on Violence Against Women (.pdf file).

If you haven't reviewed the report yet, think of it this way:

What the Violence Against Women Act has done to families in the United States, this report may do to families throughout the entire world.

The report's portrayal of domestic violence is so flawed that leading family violence researchers around the world are speaking out against the deliberate bias:

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Florida: Divorce custody changes in works

Story here. Excerpt:

'A legislative committee is considering whether "shared parenting" may be best.
The House Study Committee on Shared Parenting, which began meeting in September, could propose new legislation by the end of the year encouraging judges to grant joint custody in most divorce cases.'

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Critics assess U.S. military's role in 'gender wars'

Story here. Anyone know how many male soldiers have died in Iraq? Excerpt:

"Kate O'Beirne, Washington editor of National Review magazine, said the Iraq war is producing an unprecedented number of killed and wounded military women. She said the military signs up mothers despite their child care responsibilities. "Does our national security really have to rest on single parents and teenage girls?" she said. More than 60 military women have been killed in Iraq or Afghanistan."

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UK: Female police win right to bonus for working night shifts despite only working days

Story here.

Apparently these women are entitled to "overtime" pay because "their childcare commitments stop them from working anti-social hours" Now that the so-called wage gap has been refuted, women are again looking for special privileges. Excerpt:

"Its judgement means West Midlands police must now pay thousands of pounds in special allowances to single mother Susan Blackburn and her colleague, mother of two Victoria Manley, both of whom work part-time."

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Girl Tries to Kill Herself by Ramming Another Car Head-on - Goes to Mental Hospital, not Jail

Here's another one to watch. She was rejected by another girl she wanted to have sex with, so she decided to kill herself by running her car (ie, her parents' car) into someone else's car head-on, killing the other driver. She is to be charged for felony murder and tried as an adult-- but she is locked up in a mental institution, not a jail. So, time will tell if she actually gets treated the way a teenage boy would in her position. We already know she's getting different treatment while awaiting trial.

Suicidal men/teen boys are, if lucky, put on suicide watch, but still go to jail, if in the process of trying to kill themselves they have committed a serious crime against another person. But suicidal women/teen girls? That's different, I guess.

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Police exonerate man murdered by neighbor over molestation accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

'We're confident this 2-year-old was not molested," said Capt. Gary MacNamara. "We are confident in our investigation that Mr. Edington did in fact kill Mr. James. We are as confident in our investigation that Mr. James did not molest the Edingtons' daughter."

MacNamara confirmed that investigators interviewed the girl but declined to release further details.

MacNamara also would not comment on whether the girl's mother would be charged. A molestation complaint was filed against James shortly after he was killed.'

Now why would the police be considering charges against the girl's mother? Making a false statement to police, perhaps, or maybe instigating murder?

In one fell swoop a man is murdered and another goes to jail for a long time for the crime he committed; qui bono? You have three guesses. I doubt you'll need more than one.

Let's keep an eye out for the follow-up on this one.

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N.Y. newspaper ad targets 'deadbeat dads'

Another one-sided story on those darned "Dead Beat Dads", and a way to shame them. Excerpt:

'Westchester County, just north of New York City, bought a quarter-page ad in Tuesday's New York Post aimed at shaming four major child support debtors into compliance — or at least finding out where they're hiding.

"Do you know where these deadbeat dads are? Their children don't," the ad said.'

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MSN Covers Men and the Lack of Desire to Marry

Surprising they would run it, but here it is. They include the 10 main reasons a study (I believe they are referring to this project) discovered why men are avoiding marriage, but even more unexpectedly, they are running some very honest feedback from men. For example:

'You should have an article on why divorced men will not marry again. The responses would be very interesting. For example:

* They've already been taken to the cleaners at least once by a prior wife.
* If a woman has kids, she really has no use for a man. She's got the house, the BMW, the kids, and his support and alimony.
* The women of today have taken the place of the man from yesteryear. They are today what they thought men were 40 years ago.
* They run the risk of meeting a female divorce attorney.

I'm not bitter, just realistic."'

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Drugged N.Y. woman driving naked kills pedestrian

Interesting how they refer to her as "drugged" implying somebody else drugged her -- rather than her being on drugs. Since she killed a man I wonder if this will be listed as a hate crime... story here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (Reuters) - A speeding car driven by a naked woman high on drugs hit and killed a pedestrian in the New York City borough of Staten Island, before flipping over and stopping in a parking lot, authorities said on Thursday.

The driver, Taliyah Taylor, 24, of Staten Island, was uninjured in Wednesday's crash and pulled from the upside-down car with no clothes on by employees of a nearby hardware store, said William Smith, spokesman for the Staten Island District Attorney's office.'

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More on the Newsweek article about PAS

Blogger's discussion is here. Excerpt:

'In her article, it's apparent that Sarah Childress implies an awful lot, but is careful not to say anything really about Tim. She mostly demonizes him through association with the subject, assuming from the start that Genia is truthful and qualifying most of the unsupportable claims with phrases like, "she says." So first to examine are the premises of the article, which are that Tim Shockome is a batterer, and that the judge awarded him custody based on parental alienation syndrome (PAS).'

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BBC promotes DV myths -- again

This is the UK equivalent of the 'Superbowl Sunday' myth. Excerpt:

"Domestic violence surged by up to 31% on England's World Cup match days this year, Home Office data has revealed. The biggest rise in reports of domestic violence to English and Welsh police was on Saturday, June 10 - when England beat Paraguay 1-0."

"Domestic violence is a cowardly crime that will affect one in four women during their lifetime and, on average, claims the lives of two women each week - killed by a current or former partner."

Same old lies. No mention of female-on-male violence. No mention of gay-on-gay violence. For the first time, the article does suggest a link between alcohol abuse and violence.

Contrast it with this article, a blog by a serving UK police officer. Excerpt:

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