icWales: Is education too female for boys?

Article here. Excerpt:

"It would be ridiculous to conclude that boys are more stupid than girls. Something must be going wrong for boys. Could it be that different approaches might be needed for boys and girls, and that perhaps a mix of men and women teachers would be best"?

It's time for the education system to make serious changes regarding the biological needs of boys. Ignoring this issue is tragic. I say "tragic" because education is vital! No one should be deprived a quality education regardless of massive feminist influence. I've said it before, boys are enemy #1 for feminists. They are looking to create a society where males are manipulated with their ideology. Am I paranoid, maybe so, but the education of young males is vital for a productive society.

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Female coaches claim punishment inequity over prank

Story here.

Two females claiming discrimination because there isn't equity regarding pranks on male coaches. Am I the only one who's confused? Excerpt:

'However, the lawsuit states that during the sleepover, Schroefel and Mahoney allowed the students to leave the school to place toilet paper and other items on the lawns of two male coaches as a prank.

The male coaches complained, and the school district suspended each of the women coaches from teaching for 21 days and banned them from coaching for two years.'

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Title IX opens and closes doors

Essay here. Excerpt:

'But the reason that it's not fair might sound sexist to a stubborn person, so try to look at it with an open-mind. For example, it's a given that more people, a lot more people, attend male basketball games versus female basketball games. It isn't because fans like staring at guys more than the women. No, it's because men are generally more intense and generally physically stronger - two key points for a good basketball game.

For those of you who don't know, our athletic program scrapped four male sports in order to comply with this law years ago. The male swimming team and the male diving team were yanked. A nationally- recognized male track and field team was pulled. The male tennis team came to a crashing halt as well.'

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World Bank Book asks - What about Men?

Story here. Excerpt:

'But the authors argue that resolving some of the most chronic social ills in the developing world requires helping men deal with problems unique to being men."

"It is not that men are faring worse because women have advanced," Correia said. "It is just that we haven't realised that men are gendered beings."'

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Should Men Be Able To Compete In Female Sports?

Essay here. Excerpt:

'I have no beef with either women's sports or female athletes, but I believe that equality should always be a two-way street. If women are allowed to compete in men's sports, then wouldn't a truly egalitarian policy allow men to compete in women's sports as well.'

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Globe And Mail: Father dealt difficult hand by the system

Story here. Excerpt:

'Even last week, when the family court file of Elaine and Leo Campione was released to the press -- in significant measure because Mr. Campione didn't oppose the media's bid to see it -- most of the coverage that followed was exquisitely balanced, or what in the modern world has come to be deemed balanced.

It was a nifty mirror of how the police, courts and social service agencies, which so often are drawn into and/or influence these kinds of proceedings, see and treat the warring married couple.

There is, to be frank, an underlying perspective of feminist oppression from which all else springs.'

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Hawking Could Be New Voice For Male Victims Of Spousal Abuse

The world-reknowned British astro-physicist Professor Stephen Hawking is getting a divorce from his present wife of 11 years.

Hawking has been totally paralyzed with motor neuron dysfunction, commonly-known as Lou Gehring's Disease, for years. His former nurses have publicly stated he was physically and mentally abused by his soon to be ex. However, it seems like Professor Hawking like too many male victims of DV and spousal abuse is in denial. He claims he was never physically assaulted by his wife. But the evidence seems to indicate otherwise. Hawking is very famous about his theories about the creation of the universe and time but his most important contribution could be in bringing the hidden crime of men being abused by their spouses to the public's attention. Let's hope he does the right thing.

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"Veil Essay" is Food for Thought

I read this and thought "Gee, wonder how far down the street a man in London would get covered head-to-toe with only his eyes showing? Excerpt:

'I don't understand the need of women to wear something as severe as the niqab. But for that tiny number that do, I will shake their gloved hands for bearing this endurance task — the staring, the swearing and the discomfort. On the streets of London, the black veil does nothing to distract attention — and everything to attract it.'

One day perhaps men will start to voluntarily keep their faces covered in public. Only instead of being insulted for it, I rather think we'd be arrested or shot-- or both.

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MSN Covers Benefits of Singlehood

Do my eyes deceive me? Read it here.

Of course it doesn't go into the risks associated with divorce, nor the particular risks associated with being a married man, especially one with children. That, after all, would annoy their female readership base, since to paraphrase Jack Nicholson, people just can't handle the truth. But the fact that they have published anything that contrasts with their incessant marriage-as-a-panacea mantra is some progress.

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The Onion (HUMOR): DNA Evidence Frees Man After 15 Years Of Marriage

Gotta love The Onion! Read it here and laugh!
[For those not in the know, The Onion is a spoof newspaper/news site that frequently hits the nail on the head when it comes to using humor as a vehicle for social commentary.]

Starts with:

'JACKSONVILLE, FL—Henry "Hank" Doswell, 42, was released from his marriage Wednesday, after DNA tests conclusively proved his innocence in the July 1991 fathering of Spencer Doswell, the solitary charge that has kept him committed for 15 years.

Visibly moved to tears as his divorce lawyer read the test results, Doswell, who had been confined to a suburban housing facility after being wrongly wedded after allegedly impregnating then-girlfriend Karen Sanders, told reporters he was relieved to finally set his matrimonial record straight.

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Judge sides with Father on his Son's circumcision

Good news for a change. In this case, a judge in America actually sided with a divorced man over the wishes of his ex-wife. Get this: the creepy ex-wife wanted to circumcise their 9-year-old boy! The Dad said no way and took her to court, and WON! Finally, we have at least one victory where the sicko ex-wife isn't allowed to literally castrate the male members the family. Thank goodness.

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Sex-segregated public school classrooms on rise

Looks like we're drifting back to sex-segregated classrooms... read it here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Bush administration is giving public schools wider latitude to teach boys and girls separately in what is considered the biggest change to coed classrooms in more than three decades.

After a two-year wait, the Education Department issued final rules Tuesday detailing how it will enforce the Title IX landmark anti-discrimination law. Under the change taking effect Nov. 24, local school leaders will have discretion to create same-sex classes for subjects such as math, a grade level or even an entire school.'

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Don't Blame Me, A Man Made Me Do It

Woman charged with armed robbery. Excerpt:

'HILLSBOROUGH -- A woman who was caught after allegedly robbing a convenience store Wednesday tried to tell deputies she did it after a man beat her and forced her to commit the robbery. But her lack of injuries to substantiate her story caused authorities to doubt her story.

The Orange County Sheriff's Office charged Elizabeth Scott Allen, 24, of 1523 Pleasant Green Road, Durham, with armed robbery, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of burglary tools. A magistrate set her bond at $50,000, and she was confined in the Orange County Jail.'

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Heather Mills to be the new face of DV in the UK

That's right, Heather Mills is now going to campaign on behalf of battered women because we all know she was mistreated and beaten up by Paul McCartney (sarcasm, as I'm sure you all know). So, is the former Beatle now going to campaign for fathers and men going through divorce? Unbelievable... story here.

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False Rape Accusation Leads to Murder of Marine

Story here. Excerpt:

'NORFOLK, Va. - A sailor pleaded guilty Monday to abducting and killing a Marine corporal he thought had been involved in a gang rape. The rape turned out to be a lie, but the truth surfaced too late.

Petty Officer 3rd Class Cooper Jackson, 23, pleaded guilty Monday to premeditated murder, kidnapping, impersonating a Naval Criminal Investigative Service agent and obstruction of justice in connection with the death of Cpl. Justin L. Huff, 23.'

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