Man Stabbed to Death After Custody Swap

Story here.

Let's reverse the genders, the father would have been in police custody within five minutes. Excerpt:

"Sheriff's investigators said it was not clear whether the killing was related to the man's relationship with his estranged wife or the custody arrangement, or whether he was the victim of a random violent crime."

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Fathers4Justice protester wins court case

Story here. Excerpt:

"Guy Harrison says no one was put at risk by his stunt.
A Fathers 4 Justice campaigner who scaled the Houses of Parliament has been acquitted."

"Fathers4Justice founder Matt O'Connor warned the organisation planned to stage several more events before Christmas."

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"The Dads Who Fought Back": Documentary about Dads who Wouldn't Quit

The Dads Who Fought Back, a documentary about two dads who tried to be part of their kids' lives in spite of bitter exes and a system stacked against them, aired on Global TV last night.

No word yet as to where it's going to air next, but definitely worth keeping an eye out for it.

A number of government and private organizations contributed to the development of this film (see bottom of home page) -- it's worth noting and thanking them for their contributions to this project.

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Prisons for women now have nurseries...

Story here.

That's right folks, the madness never stops. In the never ending race to please women the State of Ohio has gone created living quarters for the babies of female convicts, on prison grounds. Think about this: We are now not only allowing female convicts to maintain contact with thier children, we are actually willing to put children in prison in order to accomplish this. Of course, the taxpayers, who are mostly male will have no say in this matter. So let me ask you: Would a male convicted felon be allowed to imprison his children just so he could selfishly maintain a "relationship" with them? Is that a question that is even allowed?

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Pink Ribbon Obsession Called to Account

Article here. Excerpt:

'Warning: This column might be so politically incorrect that you may feel the need to send me harassing e-mails. During October, this sacred month commemorating breast cancer awareness, our commitment to the cause may be diverting our attention from diseases in greater need of our attention.
This year, in lieu of a pink ribbon, I'll be wearing brown and light blue in support of my husband - another nagging reminder of my commitment to his prostate and colon health and, ultimately, our life together. Oh, the romance.

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NOCIRC Releases Criticism of UN for Ignoring Circumcision

Press release is here. Excerpt:

"According to the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers, the UN fails in its humanitarian mission by choosing to ignore boys. Are they ignorant, sexist, or sadly just indifferent to boys’ suffering? The first sentence in the just released, 34-page report, which took four years to compiles, is “No violence against children is justifiable.” The United Nations’ silence on these crimes is nothing less than justification for them."

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"60 Minutes" Covers Duke Case

Unexpected from a MSM source, but worthy of notice in any case. Story here. Excerpt:

'(CBS) The three Duke lacrosse players indicted for a rape they say they didn't commit are indignant over the effect the charges are having on their lives and their families.

In their first interviews, they speak to Ed Bradley this Sunday, Oct. 15, at 7 p.m. ET/PT.

"Your whole life, you try to, you know, stay on the right path, and to do the right things," says Reade Seligmann. "And someone can come along and take it all away, just by going like that," he says, pointing his finger. "Just by pointing their finger. That's all it takes."'

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Woman named McBride had Six grooms, Police say

Story here. Excerpt:

"McBride, 31, has married five men without divorcing her first husband, according to warrants issued by Gwinnett County Police detectives. She is charged with five counts of bigamy and false swearing"

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Some mothers have had enough hugs

An excellent commentary from Christie Blatchford of the Globe and Mail (and CFRB radio) about murderous moms and the double-standards in society and government agencies. Excerpt:

"As a female friend of Frances Elaine Campione put it, this after Ms. Campione was charged on Wednesday with murder in the death of her two young children, "That mother needs a hug."

In that line, widely repeated in Toronto and national media outlets, is a telling clue to what is so wrong with much of what happens both in the nation's family courts and in its child-protection system -- the pervasive view of the female of the species as constantly nurturing (except, you know, when she allegedly kills) and as in need of constant nurture (hugs all 'round, no matter what)."

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Mother Smothers Infant Sons to Death

More of the same here (embedded video). She smothers her newborn twin sons to death and already, police and community are making excuses.

What's the future hold? Probably an insanity defense, maybe mandated psychiatric treatment, and no justice for the dead babies.

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Teenager's False Accusation Prosecuted

Story here. Excerpt:

"A teenage girl is facing jail after her "wicked and evil" rape lies caused an innocent man to be locked up for six weeks"

"My son has been left absolutely devastated, he will never be the same man. He is a totally different person."

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U.K. Schools Failing to Meet Boys' Education Needs

Story here. Excerpt:

"U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown, aiming to improve his appeal with voters as he seeks to succeed Tony Blair as prime minister, will call for policies to improve education for boys with poor exam results."

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McElroy: False Child Support Case Exposes System's Failures

Article here. Excerpt:

'More than $20,000 in payments later, a judge finally did the obvious. Trevino was ordered to produce the disputed child, then supposedly 5-years-old. On her way to the court appearance, Trevino snatched a 2-year-old off the street to pass off as her own daughter; the ruse collapsed when the infant's distraught grandmother trailed Trevino into the courtroom.'

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Woman sentenced for baby's stabbing, arson

Story here.

'A Decatur woman who authorities say stabbed her 1-year-old son and then set her mother's house on fire was sentenced Monday to five to 15 years in prison.
Following the sentencing, Gipson's brother, Ted Gipson, questioned whether prison is the right place for his sister. "She needs some professional help beyond the (Michigan) Department of Corrections," he said.'

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Sun-Times: Women get work perks, men get zilch

I realize this article is over a week old, but Betsy Hart makes some good observations. I also like the fact that a story which appeals to our site, is featured in a major publication, the Chicago Sun-Times. Excerpt:

"NOW may find that at this point, such 'discrimination' may largely be running against the guys. I mean, how many men can indulge in the luxury of ever thinking to themselves, 'Gee, would I like to be respected for having a meaningful job with all kinds of perks for being a dad, or respected for staying home and raising my children, or maybe a little of both?'"

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