Toronto Star asks, "Why was mother the trusted parent?"

The Toronto Star published an article about Elaine Campione, asking why she, the accused murderer of her two children, was the trusted parent.

"Elaine Campione has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder.

Yet she was the parent who was trusted, who had full and exacting custody of the children, who fought bitterly against easing access restrictions imposed on her estranged and allegedly abusive husband, who was reportedly terrified that she would lose those babies to their father.

Despite all the alarm bells — and they'd been clanging — despite Elaine Campione's palpable mental instability, her hospitalization, the purported warnings that she might do harm to those children, she was mistress of the manger.

In her care, those beautiful little girls were killed. Nobody protected them."

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Mother hid dead baby in freezer, police say

The National Post reports...

"TORONTO - Police have charged a young woman with allegedly hiding the dead body of her infant in a freezer for several years before it was dumped into the Humber River.

Ivana Levkovic, a 24-year-old Toronto resident, is also accused of a similar crime after the decomposing body of another baby was found in a vacated apartment in Mississauga earlier this year.


Her lawyer, Michael Moon, told a local newspaper that his client was "emotionally distraught" by the whole ordeal."

Golly. Poor woman -- the emotional distress of the whole ordeal must be awful for her.

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Girls 'forced handicapped boy to eat own faeces'

More from the Sugar and Spice archives...

"The court heard one of the girls instigated the attack because she didn't like the way the boy looked at her.

It's alleged the boy tried to leave but Dignan stopped him and brought him back to the group so they could taunt him about his disability.

The group allegedly forced the boy to eat his own faeces and broken glass while one of the girls is accused of threatening him with a metal bar."

Story here.

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NYTimes Covers Problems with IMBRA

Story here. Excerpt:

'The new law has angered many men, who argue that there is no definitive evidence that violence is more likely to take place in an international marriage arranged over the Internet than in a domestic one. Unwilling or unable to find a spouse in the United States, some worry that the law could make it more difficult to find a wife abroad.

“We should have the right to correspond with, date and marry the person of our choosing,” said David Root, who has been involved with many women from the former Soviet Union in the past decade but has not married any of them. “The government shouldn’t interfere in this.”'

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Five Children (4 Girls) Lock Disabled Teen Boy in Burning Woodshed

Four girls and one boy locked a disabled boy in a backyard shed and set it on fire.

Oddly, the CBC doesn't see it fit to report the sexes of the prepetrators, but the Globe and Mail does.

Think they would've reported the sexes more prominently if disabled person set on fire were a girl and the perpetrators were boys?

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Mums knuckle-up over baby-sitting

You'd think it was something from a one-hour nighttime cop/lawyer drama series, but no, it's for real-- read it here. Excerpt:

'TWO women armed with a knuckleduster* invaded a house because of a baby-sitting dispute, a court heard yesterday.

Rachael Anne Jones, 35, and Shelby Wilson, 28, had both been drinking when they made a late-night visit to "sort out" a transport issue, Darwin Magistrates Court was told.

The court heard one woman grabbed a knife from the kitchen during the rural Darwin home invasion on December 6 last year.
"I don't want the ladies to think it's a lay-down misere they're going to get a home detention order," he said. "There must come a point single mothers must go to jail when they have kids when they commit serious crimes."

The magistrate adjourned their sentences to November 6.'

Well, I guess time will tell if he's serious about that.


* For those not familiar with the term, a "knuckleduster" is also called "brass knuckles".

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Sydney's Daily Telegraph Covers Maths Crisis Without Actually Mentioning Boys

Our boys are falling behind in education at an alarming rate, we know that already. One area where this is starting to show up is the shortage of Math Teachers.

How so? Because Maths is traditionally a male area. By failing our boys the education system is actually shooting itself in the foot. We are not producing educated boys so we are not producing Maths Teachers. It is that simple. Yes of course women also teach maths, but educated women have so many choices these days Maths is seldom one of them.

Sydney's Daily Telegraph has managed to do an editorial about the shortage of Maths Teachers without once mentioning that it is boys who are falling behind. Rather it ends with a call for a new program to be put in place to encourage (girls) to take up mathss.

No boys crisis at the Telegraph. Copy of the editorial and commentary here.

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RADAR ALERT: Presidential Proclamation on Domestic Violence Recognizes Male Victims

In this year's presidential proclamation on domestic violence, George W. Bush said, "Domestic violence has no place in our society, and we have a moral obligation to help prevent it. The terrible tragedies that result from it destroy lives and insult the dignity of women, men, and children."

The inclusion of "men" in the proclamation is significant. Never before has anyone at this level acknowledged what researchers have known for three decades – that domestic violence victimizes men as well as women and children. Domestic violence is not a gender issue. It's a human issue.

Our effort last year to get the VAWA reauthorization bill to require service providers to stop refusing to help men resulted in explicit language in the bill, stating, "Nothing in this title shall be construed to prohibit male victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking from receiving benefits and services under this title." It's likely that this is what brought the issue to the president's attention.

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Father Sued by Couple for Child Support

This story is another example of just how absurd family law can actually get. Excerpt:

'A Saskatoon father who is battling with a Prince Albert couple for custody of his five-month-old son got a shock this week in the form of a letter demanding that he pay them child support.

"Shame on them," Rick Fredrickson said in an interview, after learning the couple who left a Saskatoon hospital with his newborn son this spring -- while he desperately sought help asserting his paternity and right to custody -- now wants access to his financial records in order to calculate how much he should pay them for the child's care.


"If his son's mother was the one asking for child support, he would pay it immediately, Fredrickson said."'

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UNICEF supports only girl's education -- what about boys?

UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund sends 22% of their donations to girl's education. Not a penny to boys. Expenditures here.

Their expenditures total $1.9 billion, so that works out to $4.2 million for girl's education. A very noble and worthwhile cause, but what about boys?

"Of an estimated 700 million primary-school-age children in the world today, roughly 120 million are not in school. Nearly three quarters of these children live in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. They are mostly children of ethnic minorities from remote regions, working children, children living in conditions of emergency and conflict, children affected by HIV/AIDS, and children with disabilities. And they are mostly – 53 per cent – girls."

You'd think they might be able to scrape up a few bucks for the other 47% of human beings they're supposed to serve.

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Marrieds now in the minority-- gee wonder why?

This will come as no surprise to MRAs. What is significant about this piece is the readers' comments. They are unabashed and unflinching in saying why they think "the M word" is no longer in vogue. Enjoy!

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"The Dads Who Fought Back" Available On-line

The Dads Who Fought Back, the documentary of father's stories in the justice system can now be viewed online.

The main page can be found here.

The episode is broken into six pieces, and should be viewed in this order:

Not sure how long it will be available -- it's definitely worth watching.


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Toronto Star: Women no longer need to be coddled

For those of you who know the Toronto Star, you'll probably be shocked to read that this little ditty was published in their pages:

"As much as equality between the genders can be achieved, it has been achieved in Canada. In the reasonable ways in which gender equality can be measured, Canadian women can declare victory.

Women have every kind of liberty, intellectual, physical and reproductive freedom. Women have the same opportunities as men. Women can become CEOs, die in horrible space shuttle accidents, buy banks, get the better of someone in a divorce settlement — all the things that used to pretty much be the realm of men.

Contrary to the oft-repeated — and debunked — perceived wisdom, women in Canada have achieved pay equity."

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Teacher's aide charged with "having sex" with ex-student

Story here. Excerpt:

'The criminal complaint filed in Canal Township Justice Court on Wednesday charges Tracie Nelson, 26, with felony statutory sexual seduction for the alleged sex act, open and gross lewdness for allegedly engaging in the act in front of the other juveniles and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, Lyon County sheriff's Lt. Rob Hall said.'

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Teacher accused of sex with 11-YO student

Story here.

"A former Johnston County teacher has been arrested on charges that she had sex with a student on campus."

"The boy was believed to be 11 at the time."

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