RADAR ALERT: UN Violence Report: Three Strikes and You're OUT!

The United Nations recently released its biased Violence Against Women report. The report is filled with half-truths and distortions about violence against women, and absurdly claims that the root cause of domestic violence is male "patriarchy".

So last week, RADAR issued an Alert and press release that went to 17,000 media contacts. But that was just the warm-up pitch. In honor of the recently-concluded World Series, this week we're fielding our whole ball team.

RADAR and 90 other organizations from 9 countries around the world have formed a coalition to stop this dangerous report. These organizations are based in the United States, Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Australia, and New Zealand.

This is what two of these groups are saying about the UN report:

"The UN Report ignores the plight and pain of half of all victims of domestic violence. In effect this report 'sanctions' male victims and ignores the terrorism that fills their lives simply because they are men." — Lee Newman, executive director, SAFE International

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Kraft Foods slams men in order to sell their products

Not a new topic to MRAs but an essential one. Kraft foods has been bold enough to place an ad on their website denigrating men in order to sell their products, namely, their new line of A.1. steak marinades. The clever little ad reads, "A marinade so unforgettable, even a guy won't forget it."

What are they suggesting, that all men are so stupid that they can't remember which products they have used in the past? Or that women are just so naturally superior to men that they won't have to worry about forgetting which products they use? In either case, it's bad and we should not just ignore it as "humor"-based advertising. We did that in the past and look where it got us. Every time this comes up we have to hit them back hard. That's only way this will ever stop.

Ad here.

Contact form here.

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Freep.com: "United States puts more women at risk in conflicts"

Article here.

The harsh reality of war and death should be understood by anyone who enlists in the armed forces. We cannot equate the mortality of one gender over another. They are all soldiers, each death tragic, regardless of gender. Excerpt:

'Ann Wright, a retired Army colonel and former State Department diplomat, said that, with each woman's death in Iraq, the public becomes more aware of the dangers women face. But it hasn't spawned the backlash some predicted.'

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UVSC Hosts Conference Aimed at Building Male Academic Success

Story here. Excerpt:

'While recent studies show that American males may be losing interest in college life, Utah proves that higher education is just as important to boys as it is to girls.

"We have 2 million boys who need to be in higher education," Draves told the Arizona Republic. "This is an issue for everyone."'

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Prosecutor Has Never Interviewed Duke Lacrosse Rape Accuser

So here we have a prosecutor who has never even asked the accuser of the facts or events of the evening.

"I've had conversations with (the accuser) about how she's doing. I've had conversations with (the accuser) about her seeing her kids," Mike Nifong said. "I haven't talked with her about the facts of that night. ... We're not at that stage yet."

Oh, and at the end of the article: Evans, 23, of Bethesda, Md., was charged in May with rape, kidnapping and sexual offense. A month earlier, a grand jury indicted players Reade Seligmann, 20, of Essex Fells, N.J., and Collin Finnerty, 20, of Garden City, N.Y., on the same charges. The accuser, a student at nearby North Carolina Central University, told police she was raped in a bathroom by three men at the off-campus party.


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Father to be tried for circumcising daugher

Taking a knife to one's daughter's genitals in the name of tradition is wrong-- but so too is doing it to one's son. Yet I wonder when boys will get equal protection under the law in this matter? In any case, what this man did to his daughter was wrong. Had he done it to his son though, or paid someone else to do it, he would not be facing trial.

Story here. Excerpt:

'LAWRENCEVILLE, Georgia (AP) -- The trial of an Atlanta-area father accused of circumcising his 2-year-old daughter with scissors is focusing attention on an ancient African practice that experts say is slowly becoming more common in the U.S. as immigrant communities grow.

Khalid Adem, a 30-year-old immigrant from Ethiopia, is charged with aggravated battery and cruelty to children.

Human rights observers said they believe this is the first criminal case in the U.S. involving the 5,000-year-old practice.'

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Mother cleared of poisoning son to death

Sounds like this women and defense attorney have "Yated" (ie: Andrea Yates) the court system. All prescriptions for Prozac, Lexapro, Effexor and Zoloft will now come with a book: "100 Ways For a Mother To Kill Her Children" (and not do jail time). Story here. Excerpt:

'During the trial, the prosecution alleged that Williams, who was on antidepressants, killed her son because she felt she could not cope with caring for him.'

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Violent Female Celebrities

In the wake of Naomi Campbell being arrested for violent assault yet again - her ninth rap in eight years - The Sun publishes a light-hearted review of female celebrity violence.

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F.R.A. Murtari to Remail in Jail

Story here. Excerpt:

'John Murtari is a family rights activist who hasn’t eaten solid food for 87 days, since July 31 when he reported to jail to serve a 6-month sentence for “willful failure to pay child support.” Murtari’s not eating, his act of non-cooperation, is his way of taking a stand against the immorality of family court where there is no due process and parents can lose custody with no trial by jury.'

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icWales: Is education too female for boys?

Article here. Excerpt:

"It would be ridiculous to conclude that boys are more stupid than girls. Something must be going wrong for boys. Could it be that different approaches might be needed for boys and girls, and that perhaps a mix of men and women teachers would be best"?

It's time for the education system to make serious changes regarding the biological needs of boys. Ignoring this issue is tragic. I say "tragic" because education is vital! No one should be deprived a quality education regardless of massive feminist influence. I've said it before, boys are enemy #1 for feminists. They are looking to create a society where males are manipulated with their ideology. Am I paranoid, maybe so, but the education of young males is vital for a productive society.

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Female coaches claim punishment inequity over prank

Story here.

Two females claiming discrimination because there isn't equity regarding pranks on male coaches. Am I the only one who's confused? Excerpt:

'However, the lawsuit states that during the sleepover, Schroefel and Mahoney allowed the students to leave the school to place toilet paper and other items on the lawns of two male coaches as a prank.

The male coaches complained, and the school district suspended each of the women coaches from teaching for 21 days and banned them from coaching for two years.'

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Title IX opens and closes doors

Essay here. Excerpt:

'But the reason that it's not fair might sound sexist to a stubborn person, so try to look at it with an open-mind. For example, it's a given that more people, a lot more people, attend male basketball games versus female basketball games. It isn't because fans like staring at guys more than the women. No, it's because men are generally more intense and generally physically stronger - two key points for a good basketball game.

For those of you who don't know, our athletic program scrapped four male sports in order to comply with this law years ago. The male swimming team and the male diving team were yanked. A nationally- recognized male track and field team was pulled. The male tennis team came to a crashing halt as well.'

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World Bank Book asks - What about Men?

Story here. Excerpt:

'But the authors argue that resolving some of the most chronic social ills in the developing world requires helping men deal with problems unique to being men."

"It is not that men are faring worse because women have advanced," Correia said. "It is just that we haven't realised that men are gendered beings."'

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Should Men Be Able To Compete In Female Sports?

Essay here. Excerpt:

'I have no beef with either women's sports or female athletes, but I believe that equality should always be a two-way street. If women are allowed to compete in men's sports, then wouldn't a truly egalitarian policy allow men to compete in women's sports as well.'

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Globe And Mail: Father dealt difficult hand by the system

Story here. Excerpt:

'Even last week, when the family court file of Elaine and Leo Campione was released to the press -- in significant measure because Mr. Campione didn't oppose the media's bid to see it -- most of the coverage that followed was exquisitely balanced, or what in the modern world has come to be deemed balanced.

It was a nifty mirror of how the police, courts and social service agencies, which so often are drawn into and/or influence these kinds of proceedings, see and treat the warring married couple.

There is, to be frank, an underlying perspective of feminist oppression from which all else springs.'

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