Is Misandry Protecting Mothers Who Murder And Maim?

Latest from Teri Stoddard. Excerpt:

American Heritage Dictionary
Hatred of men.

I’m a woman and I used to believe what the media said about men. Now I know better.

The media constantly exposes us to inaccurate, negative impressions of and statements about men. In looking for the root of the problem I found a network of people who benefit from misandry. Many of these people work for or with the family courts or domestic violence services, often both. I wonder if the Violence Against Women Act funds misandry.'

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RADAR ALERT: Make your voices heard on Nov 7

Often elections are close. Your heartfelt vote on your personal issues of importance can be the deciding factor.

In 2005 Jerry Kilgore, then-Attorney General of Virginia, was favored to win the race for Governor of Virginia. Kilgore, running on his record as Attorney General frequently emphasized how he had cracked down on domestic violence and wanted to expand the existing draconian laws. He lost the race for Governor by a small margin. A credible case can be made that his position on domestic violence lost him the election. This can be an effective argument to make to other candidates after the election's over.

In 2000, U.S. Senator John Ashcroft narrowly lost his re-election bid to a candidate who died in a plane crash shortly before the election. His position supporting the Violence Against Women Act had upset voters to the point that continued protests were being held at his senatorial offices in Missouri, combined with much public activism. The voters turned him out.

In tight races, single issues which normally are not polled or recognized as major factors by parties or pundits, can make or break any candidate.

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OC Weekly Runs Racist, Misandrist "News" Cover

Look at this will you. The author all but paints (white) men categorically as drooling Asian-hungry predators. Well hasn't she ever met an Asian woman who only dates white or black men? I'll bet she knows a few. But these, I am sure she will say are victims of the "colonial occupation" and are to be sympathized with as victims.

What an incredibly smug, racist and sexist person she is. If she is so unhappy with "white guys" coming on to her, then she can wear a button that says "No white guys need apply". There, that will take care of her problem. Or maybe she is just having too much fun laughing at the misguided fools who waste their time trying to talk to her.

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UK: Woman jailed in 'naked slave' case

Story here. Excerpt:

'A mother-of-six from York has been jailed for seven years for turning her sister-in-law into a domestic slave.

Veronica Sandeman, 26, originally from Dundee, was forced to work naked and beg for food, York Crown Court heard.'

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Study: "Moms' motives key in killings"

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is hard to comprehend why a mother would kill her child.

It is even harder to think she might do it out of love. But that's what an Ohio study published last year indicates may be the motivation, particularly when suicide follows.

The feeling on the part of a mother that killing her child will save him or her from suffering is usually rooted in depression, Callanan said.'

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Reynolds won't take ESPN's benching quietly

Story here. Excerpt:

'Reynolds admitted contact with the woman. From his lawsuit: "As he truthfully has stated publicly, in July 2006 he gave a brief and innocuous hug to a female intern. The intern, at the time, never expressed any discomfort and in fact had dinner with Mr. Reynolds at a Boston Market restaurant that same evening after he had given her this brief hug. Mr. Reynolds has never seen her since then, and upon information and belief she made no complaint until approximately three weeks later.

Maybe ESPN expected Reynolds to go quietly. In 11 years at the network, he had developed a reputation as a good guy and hard worker who did actual reporting, the rare athlete-turned-analyst who understands that even in an entertainment-first business there is value in journalism.'

Like0 Dislike0 "Mankind to be wiped out by language police"

Article here. Excerpt:

"Don't assume it is acceptable to address women by endearments such as 'dear', 'pet' and 'love' when you would not address men in such a way," the guide instructs. "Don't refer to women as 'girls', for example, 'the girls in the office'."

It adds: "The term 'ladies' should only be used in situations where the parallel term 'gentlemen' is used."

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Female teacher's sex charge is unusual

Story here. Excerpt:

"When former Johnston County teacher Rebecca Withrow was charged this month with having sex with an 11-year-old male student, the news stunned parents who knew her as a talented teacher, devoted parent and PTA president."

"The time Letourneau spent incarcerated is notable because women often face less severe punishments than male teachers charged with sexual improprieties."

"But Berlin said boys face the same long-term effects as girls who are victims of sexual abuse: early and inappropriate sexual behavior; problems building relationships later in life; a tendency to either remain a victim or become an abuser themselves."

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Accuser in Duke Lacrosse Case Wanted Money

Story here. Excerpt:

"Four days after she said she was raped, the accuser in the Duke lacrosse case told co-workers at a Hillsborough strip club that she was going to get money from some boys at a Duke party who hadn't paid her, the club's former security manager said."

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Revealed: How BA bans men sitting next to children they don't know

Story here. Excerpt:

"British Airways has been accused of treating all men passengers as potential sex offenders after it was revealed it has banned children from sitting next to male strangers - even if their parents are on the same flight"

"Leading child protection campaigner Michele Elliot, director of the children's charity Kidscape, said she was astonished by the BA rule."

"It is utterly absurd. It brands all men as potential sex offenders," she said.

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Bull Busters Video a Must-See

Posted here on

'Bull Buster Video

Have any of you guys managed to get hold of the free Bull Busters video going around? It's called Violent Women and it is very powerful.'


Ed. note: The links to the downloadable .wmv format clips are at the above linked-to website. I have watched it myself and agree, it's a must-see.

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Woman Caught Lying that a Congressman Assualted Her

Story here. Excerpt:

'LAS VEGAS A surveillance videotape released today (Thursday) by Congressman Jim Gibbons' lawyer does not appear to show the gubernatorial candidate or a woman who has accused him of assaulting her in a parking garage.

A partial review of portions of the tape by The Associated Press did not reveal evidence supporting 32-year-old Chrissy Mazzeo's allegations.'

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Man Escorted From Planet Fitness Gym For Grunting

Story here. Excerpt:

'"We're creating an atmosphere that's not intimidating," said Carol Palazzolo, the gym manager, who yanked Argibay's membership on Monday.

Grunting is commonplace at most gyms, but not Planet Fitness, which discourages so-called "musclehead behavior." There's even a flashing light and siren on the wall, labeled a "lunk alarm," which sounds if someone grunts or drops weights on the floor.

Palazzolo admits she called the cops on Argibay. The Wappingers Falls police report said officers were asked to "escort a member out of the club for grunting while working out...which is not conforming with the rules of the establishment."'


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Don't Always Believe the Victim, by Wendy McElroy

Article here. Excerpt:

'For ten years, I have argued that both the law and society have embraced a fundamentally wrong approach to accusations of sexual abuse. The approach reverses the presumption of innocence and assumes that an accused is guilty until proven innocent. It also includes giving false accusers a 'free pass'; that is, until recently, it was rare for those who filed false reports to be punished by law.'

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Court: Woman Can't Say No After Start Of Sex

Story here. Excerpt:

'An appellate court said Maryland's rape law is clear -- no doesn't mean no when it follows a yes and intercourse has begun.

The decision startled activists who believe people have the right to say no at any time. Jennifer Pollitt Hill of the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault called the law "insulting and dangerous."'

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