Wendy McElroy: Audio Interview

I found a presentation by Wendy McElroy delivered to the National Coalation Of Free Men. The speech was given in 2002. I feel her comments are still relevant today regarding our issues as M.R.A's. I thought the speech was outstanding.

When you enter the site look for the following info to listen to her presentation:

"AUDIO Scrapping NOW: Time to Redefine Feminism (39 minutes, offsite link to 4.7 MB MP3 file), or read the transcript. Delivered for the National Coalition of Free Men, St. Paul, MN, 21 June 2002."

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Doctors Opposing Circumcision

Article here.

This article, though not recent, offers information regarding the tragic affect circumcision has on some infant boys. The article also explains MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), an infection I never knew existed.


"Doctors Opposing Circumcision consistently has advised parents that genital integrity (non-circumcision) is most likely to produce the highest state of health and well-being and is the preferred medical option for newborn boys. The arrival of community MRSA in epidemic proportions adds additional force to that recommendation."

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Australia: Boys Education Becomes Priority

Story here.

I believe the U.S is woefully behind other nations when it comes to the educational needs of boys. When searching for articles regarding boys/education, I find very few from the States. It seems England, and now Australia might be the nations that start a needed revolution to educate our sons. I wonder what Australian feminist Germaine Greer thinks of this new educational initiative?

"A $19.4 million Australian Government initiative called Success For Boys aims to change all that in 1600 schools by 2008 - and four schools in the NSW Blue Mountains will be among the first to implement it."

"Success For Boys works on a number of fronts, including teachers' professional development, producing and sharing successful teaching and assessment strategies to take more advantage of boys' interests and strengths and developing male mentoring systems"

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RADAR ALERT: Take 60 Seconds, Save the World from a VAWA Melt-Down!

Last month the UN issued its Study on Violence Against Women. The study recommends that every country around the world enact VAWA-like laws: http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/vaw.

Of course the UN feminists hoped the UN Third Committee would immediately “welcome” the Study so they could get on with the job. But thanks to your e-mails, phone calls, and faxes, the proposal has been delayed.

Now, time is running out – the UN Third Committee needs to reach a decision by this coming Wednesday, November 22. That’s the date when the committee wraps up its session.

So this is it folks! This is our last shot! Let’s not hold anything back!

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Sorry Kim, Wendy is Correct

Gloatfest here.

"Concerned Women for America President Wendy Wright (second in line as official woman-hater right after the Coultergeist, of course) reliably responded: "Single women tend to trend Democrat. They usually rely more on government than married women."

But Kim Fights Back:

"...are in line to replace House Republican (and mostly white male) chairs of committees and subcommittees, and gain integral influence over legislation, budgets, programs and services important to women. How great is this?"

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UK - White boys from poorer homes worst in classroom

Story here.

'WHITE working-class boys are doing worse at school than any other ethnic group and risk becoming an “unemployable underclass”, according to a Conservative Party report.

Mr Duncan Smith says that lack of parental involvement is the prime factor behind white educational failure, not weak schools or poor teaching.'

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Bush Needs to Rein in Feminist Operatives -- Carey Roberts

Article here.

Hillary in '08? Could be an M.R.A.'s worst nightmare.

"Under the Clinton two-for-the-price-of-one presidency, a bevy of feminist-inspired programs sprang up throughout the federal bureaucracy. A decade later, most of those programs are going stronger than ever, sucking up taxpayer money, violating men's civil rights, and destroying families."

"All this puts the Department of Justice feminists in high spirits, because with the stroke of a judge's pen, another family has been dissolved, a patriarch has been de-throned, and the statistics of "abused" women continue to mount."

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Carey Roberts: 'Fathers No Longer Cost-Effective?'

Article here.

"There's a message here: persons have an enormous sense of gratitude for the many things - big and small - that dad did for them. I know, that's exactly how I feel about my father."

"But there is a small yet influential group in our society that views fatherhood as an anachronism and a stubborn obstacle to their utopian vision of the social welfare state. And they see divorce and award of child custody to mothers as a highly-effective ploy to achieve their goal."

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Duke Case Update - New Evidence

Story here.

'Days before a woman said Duke University lacrosse players raped and beat her, she was passed out cold at a Hillsborough strip club and had to be carried to the parking lot, according to the club's former manager.
Haynes' account of that night at the club offers a possible explanation for the scratches doctors would later note on the accuser's body.'

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RADAR ALERT: Fake Statistics Used to Claim that Wife-Beating is Men's "Birthright"

Throughout the world women in dating relationships are twice as likely as men to be perpetrators of serious domestic violence. In India, for example, 23.0% of severe aggression was instigated by women, 15.3% was male-initiated, and 61.5% was mutual - see http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mas2/ID41E2.pdf, Table 3.

But those facts didn't stop The Washington Times (TWT) from publishing an article that completely ignored the problem of women who physically abuse men: http://www.washingtontimes.com/world/20061113-120817-8603r.htm.

It's not just that the article is one-sided - it also makes inflammatory and derisive statements about men. The story quotes Brinda Karat of the All-India Democratic Women's Association who claims that men "want to hold on to their birthright to beat up women."

How can any responsible journalist include such a derogatory claim about any group in society?

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N.O.W. Anticipates Gender Hate-Crime Law

The National Organization for Women is orgasming multiply over the future of feminist legislation that they envision following the mid-term elections.

NOW Prez K. Gandy writes --

"Feminists continue to celebrate the results of the 2006 midterm elections and recognize the hard work and resolve that brought many new women's rights supporters to Congress. As much as we enjoy -- and quite frankly deserve -- a good celebration, it's not too soon to ask: What next? ...

The targeting of girls in recent school shootings reminds us that it's past time for Congress to finally add gender, disability and sexual orientation to the existing hate crimes law. As we saw in the Colorado and Amish school shootings, women and girls are sometimes singled out for cruelty and even murder because of their gender, yet federal law does not consider these acts to be hate crimes, as it would if the students had been targeted because of their race or religion."

Link at -- http://www.now.org/press/11-06/11-13.html.

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Male Firefighter Claims Discrimination

I believe I posted the original story about this woman. It seems more people are stepping forward as a result of her actions. Story here. Excerpt:

'A male firefighter is the latest person to sue the Minneapolis fire chief, a lesbian, claiming that she discriminated against him because he is a heterosexual man.

...alleges that Bonnie Bleskachek, the city's first female fire chief, and her partner, a fire department captain, gave him bad reviews, harassed him and denied him advancement.'

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Teacher has sex with 14-year-old boy

Story here.

What was most intriguing (and disturbing) about this article is she had sex with him in 4 different cities.

"She has been charged with sexual assault of a child and improper relationship between an educator and a student, both of which are second-degree felonies, according to a news release from Frisco police"

"The boy told investigators that that he and Torres had sex in four different cities, primarily in her F-150 pickup either at his Frisco apartment complex or at soccer fields in The Colony, according to an arrest warrant affidavit."

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Husband backs story from wife accused of sexual abuse of student

Story here. Excerpt:

'The husband of a teacher accused of having sex with a 15-year-old pupil said she had been groped and punched by pupils in the past.

Mrs Poole, 26, denies having sex with the teenager on up to eight occasions.

She claims he forced her to do so by holding a screwdriver to the back of her head..

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Retired Husband Syndrome

The BBC continues to pour out a stream of anti-male propaganda. Check this story out.

"In Japan it is estimated that 60% of older women have a common problem - their husbands"

The story: Once salarymen retire and stay at home, their wives become ill because they are so disgusted with their husband's mere presence in his own house. Marriage makes women ill, and they do not have enough rights to abscond with their husband's hard-earned pension.

These privileged women spend their adult lives in luxury and solitude, spending their husband's money, and then when he gets too old to work any more, they find him an inconvenience. And the BBC presents this as a joke.

The Japanese have felt the need to coin the word 'karoshi', which means 'death from over-work'. Who is it that dies of karoshi? The husbands I think you will find.

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