Glenn Sacks: Michigan NOW Declares 'Action Alert' Against Shared Parenting Bill

Article here.

"Michigan shared parenting advocates and the Michigan chapter of the National Organization for Women are squaring off over HB 5267, a Michigan shared parenting bill which will be heard by the House Families and Children Services Committee on December 6"

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Police Say Mother Microwaved Her Baby

Story here.

China Arnold, 26, was jailed Monday on a charge of aggravated murder, more than a year after she brought her dead month-old baby to a hospital.

"China - as a mother and a person - was horrified that such an act could occur," her attorney said.

Arnold has three other children.

In 2000, a Virginia woman was sentenced to five years in prison for killing her month-old son in a microwave oven. Elizabeth Renee Otte claimed she had no memory of cramming her son in the microwave and turning on the appliance in 1999. Experts said that Otte suffered from epilepsy and that her seizures were followed by blackouts.


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Canadian child care tax benefit social program forces dads to get a note from their wife

From Revenue Canada's web site:
"The Canada Child Tax Benefit is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under age 18."

Just one catch... If you're a man, you need to get a note from the child's mom before you can even apply.

From the application form (.pdf file):

"[W]hen both a male and a female parent live in the same home as the child, we presume that the female parent is primarily responsible for the child and should apply, unless a note from the female parent is attached to this application that states that the male parent is primarily responsible for the child."

Imagine the uproar we'd hear if women were forced to get a note from men so that they collect on a government run program.

I haven't looked into it, but I wonder who gets the Child Tax Benefit if the parents have split custody? I think I know the answer, but it would be interesting to find out.

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"Boot camp" Guards Charged with Murder

Apparently waiting for a male to get out of adolescence is too much patience to expect from certain "law enforcers" before torturing him to death for being "uncooperative". Seems inmate abuse is an age-adjusted equal-opportunity activity, particularly when it comes to males. Read it here. Excerpt:

"A second autopsy by Dr. Vernard Adams, the medical examiner for Hillsborough County, found Anderson's death was caused by suffocation due to the actions of the guards.

He said the suffocation was caused by hands blocking the boy's mouth, as well as the "forced inhalation of ammonia fumes" that caused his vocal cords to spasm, blocking Anderson's upper airway."

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Lifeclass: 'I would urge any father to fight'

A long and very sympathetic article about fathers' rights from Lesley Garner in the conservative-leaning London Daily Telegraph.

'A month on, desperate letters about fathers who have been denied access to their children continue to pour in to Lesley Garner

The sheer urgency and volume of your views on excluded fathers has compelled me to return to this topic for the third time.

When I wrote some weeks ago about Paul, a young father being excluded from his baby's life by the mother, I was deluged with stories from you, and they keep on coming.'

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Sorting out puzzle of male suicide

Article here.

"It occurred to me that if 86 percent of adolescent suicides were girls, there would be a national commission to find out why. There'd be front-page stories and Oprah shows and nonprofit foundations throwing money at sociologists and psychologists to study female self-destruction. My feminist sisters and I would be asking, rightly, "What's wrong with a culture that drives girls, much more than boys, to take their own lives?"

"Just as we enlisted fathers to empower their daughters, we need them now to empower their sons. We mothers can tell our sons to talk about their feelings, to teach them the signs of depression, to say it's OK to ask for help. But they learn how to be men from their fathers."

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RADAR ALERT: Why is the Washington Times Dragging its Feet on the Flawed Abuse Article?

On November 13 The Washington Times (TWT) ran an inflammatory article on “Abused Wives in India Pin Hope on Anti-Violence Law.” The article claimed, “A 2005 U.N. Population Fund report found that 70 percent of married women in India were victims of beatings or rape.”
That statement implies that 70% of all husbands in India are batterers or rapists.

Columnist David Usher analyzed the claim, and concluded it was “yet another classic example of the feminist rumor mill in action” that came from a study that is a “misrepresentation of science.”

In short, the claim is a fabrication and a hoax.

Responsible journalism dictates that key facts be confirmed before they are published, especially when they serve to stereotype and denigrate groups of persons. But The Washington Times did not do this.

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Father of girl slain by mother channels grief into new law

Story here.

'Anguish has marked John Giovanni's life since his ex-wife bludgeoned their daughter to death nearly two years ago. First there was the news of the killing, committed as the teen slept. Then there was the moment he looked into her casket and realized how badly damaged her body was even after morticians did the best they could.'

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Lost Boys: The Anxious Years

Article here.

" is important to look past the stereotypes to celebrate and recognise the good things about being male. "Then there is a better understanding of what it means to be male, what sort of things you need to think of, about how we need to look after ourselves and the way we interact with each other as males...

It gives the boys the opportunity to talk about issues affecting men in a totally male environment. It's about them trying to find out who they are and why they are. They are learning what it is to be a man and they see what that means from their own father."

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Chicago group counsels men on their rights in a divorce

Story here. Excerpt:

“We were getting a lot of fathers who were losing custody because of traditions in the courts favoring mothers,” Delorto said."

“It doesn’t go away. Even today we have a hard time getting equal rights for fathers.”

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Christina Hoff Sommers: Title IX shouldn't be used as an academic weapon

Article here. Excerpt:

'If the Education Department and National Science Foundation were strictly to impose Title IX compliance standards on academic science, we could see men's participation in math, physics, technology and engineering capped at the level of female interest. That would wreak havoc in fields that drive the economy and where the USA already lags other countries.'

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Dissident Domestic Violence Experts Form New Group to Challenge DV Establishment

Original announcement at

'Current DV policies are so at odds with research and reality that many domestic violence researchers and treatment providers are rebelling against the DV establishment. Earlier this year over 50 of these authorities signed a letter urging the California legislature to stop the state's policy of excluding male victims and their children from DV services.'

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Europe 'must end domestic abuse'

...for women only, of course. Story here.

This is not the first time the current Spanish government has supported the outdated, one-sided feminist definition of domestic abuse. Already a law was passed there that allowed electronic tagging after allegations of domestic violence. Gender neutral language was only used after some politicians protested. The wording then used was "persons especially in need of protection".

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Male teachers slow to push dress code for fear of accusations

Story here.

Is there any wonder why male teachers are on the endangered species list?

"The Minidoka County School Board in southern Idaho has resolved to more strictly enforce dress code rules after some male teachers said they were reluctant to deal with underdressed students for fear of being accused of sexual harassment."

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Ethiopians protest U.S. mutilation case

Story here. Excerpt:

"During the trial, Adem testified he never circumcised his daughter or asked anyone else to do so. His attorney acknowledged that the girl had been cut, but implied that the family of the girl's mother, who emigrated from South Africa, may have been responsible"

"His trial was not fair ... how is it that Fortunate did not notice that her own daughter had been circumcised for almost two years? How is that possible? She only told the police when they got the divorce to hurt him — to get back at him," Adel Adem, Khalid's brother, told The Associated Press before the demonstration."

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