Adoptive mother held on torture charges

Story here

"According to the report, Williams used them as ashtrays, stabbed them with glass and knives, burned them with cigarette lighters and beat them with exercise equipment at her Toepfer Road home. They also said she forced them to sleep on the floor without blankets, choked them with a belt and bound their arms and legs with rope."

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New Live Radio Program For NCP's and Fathers

And The Truth Continues...

We are very excited to announce Kright's Radio goes live with our new weekly panel show - "VLR Discussion's."

Beginning Saturday December 2nd / 3:30PM EST, 2:30PM CST, 1:30PM MT,

The topic of discussion for our Live Show will be:

"The State Of Noncustodial Parent's In America Today."


Alicia Crow -

Bessie Hudgins -

Jim Loose-

Jim Semerad - United States Navy Commander and Family Readiness Officer

Moderator/Host: Richar' Farr

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Female reporter in Florida stands up to praise, sympathize with boot camp nurse

In this article which appears in todays St. Petersburg Times, reporter Abbie Vansickle does not highlight the fact that Kristen Anne Schmidt had 5 jobs in her first three years after graduating from nursing school.

Also it turns out that her husband divorced her in 1992, because she was having an affair with a fellow employee.

As well as telling us about Schmidt's virtually perfect work record, the article also has the obligatory sympathy-raising statements about Schmidt's personal life, telling us about Scmidt's two kids (who she has custody of, needless to say), and how her 'house is decorated with Christmas lights'.

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Leving and Sacks: Michigan bill assumes male guilt

Article here. Excerpt:

"The proposal actually makes it a crime for a man to "change or attempt to change an existing housing or cohabitation arrangement" with a pregnant significant other, to "file or attempt to file for a divorce" from his pregnant wife or to "withdraw or attempt to withdraw financial support" from a woman whom he has been supporting -- if it is determined that the man is doing these things to try to pressure the woman to terminate her pregnancy."

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John Murtari Released!

Great news! Bet that was the best sundae he ever tasted. Good work, John! Story here.

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Call to Action: LA Times Bias Shines

Posted on behalf of Marc A:

Joseph D. just showed me this BIASED article by the L.A. Times on the "inequities of women." PLEASE, let's FLOOD them with letters immediately so we can get as many as possible printed! Email them at, and copy the author at

The article says things like:

"Most striking is that 40% of the estimated 88,000 homeless people in the county are women and children." But combining women and children together is totally deceptive. According to the Institute for Homelessness and Poverty's 2004 report, 77% of single adult homeless were male." Cite (.pdf)

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Nurse Who Did Not Strike Teen in Boot Camp Death Case Still Charged

Story here.

"A prosecutor will argue that she had a legal duty to intervene. They will say she should have known the boy was being severely hurt," said Jack King, spokesman for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers."

"But King said a defense attorney could argue that there was little Schmidt could have done to stop the guards: "They might say she was just one woman surrounded by a bunch of crazed men, by these goons that were going crazy."

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"Having It All": Book Review Drips with Misandry

Read it here, best on an empty stomach.

The urge to close the browser after the first one or two paragraphs is strong, but keep a-reading anyway. Some degree of reality seeps through in one paragraph (below), but the overall tone of this peice of writing is that men-as-fathers are vestigial organs at best and a necessary (for now anyway) evil that has to be carefully managed and allowed involvement in their own children's lives only at the permission and fine-grained-control management of the mother. All in all, a real barf-maker. The review's author has her own web site, here, which also lists a contact email address. Excerpt:

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Globe and Mail Editorial: Status of Women is an "Agency Well Pruned"

The Globe and Mail, Canada's largest national newspaper, printed this editorial:

"From the opposition outcry over budget cuts to Status of Women Canada, Canadians might think the Conservatives had throttled women's aspirations for equality. That is simply incorrect. Instead, 35 years after the creation of a status-of-women cabinet post and 22 years after the recognition of women's equality rights in the Constitution, Ottawa has decided to close 12 of the agency's 16 regional offices across the country. The closings come as Ottawa pares $5-million from the agency's $23-million annual budget over two years. It's about time."


"Today, it seems more like a government relic, laden with jargon from old wars."

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Victim Now Accused of False Rape Report

Story here.

"Now detectives have the accuser, Sherry Mullins, 35, of 318 Walker Road, Morganton, behind bars. Mullins is charged with filing a false police report."

"Detectives invested about 25-30 hours in the case, Huffman says. That time could have been spent on other, real cases, he says. Filing a false police report in North Carolina is a misdemeanor.

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England: Woman jailed over rape lies

Story here.

"Liverpool fan Patricia Miller, 26, had consensual sex with the 19-year-old student Charles Brown hours after the Champions League final on 25 May 2005."

"But she told police she had been raped by Mr Brown at her flat in Acomb, York."

"Jailing her for nine months at York Crown Court, Judge Stephen Ashurst said Miller had told "a pack of lies".

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Parent Activist Murtari to Be Released From Prison

Great news! Read it here. Excerpt:

"Contact: Teri Stoddard of AKidsRight.Org, 925-628-1206 or

SYRACUSE, N.Y., Nov. 30 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Family rights activist and AKidsRight.Org's founder John Murtari will be released from prison Friday after spending four months incarcerated for "willful" failure to pay child support. Murtari denies the charge, saying support was calculated with a salary he no longer had, and travel expenses to see his son exceed the amount ordered after the courts allowed his ex-wife to move their son across the country.

Inspired by Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Murtari embarked on a peaceful protest July 31, the day he reported to serve his 6-month sentence. For 10 days Murtari had no food or water. Medical personnel tried to tempt him with candy, and threatened not to intervene. He lost 27 pounds and suffered dehydration, low blood sugar, low blood pressure and an irregular heartbeat before prison officials gave him a feeding tube."

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Woman accused of having sex with 14-YO boy

Story here. Excerpt:

"The teen told police Kalinowicz became pregnant and he thought he was the father, although Kalinowicz told police she'd slept with three other men. Kalinowicz had an abortion when she was five months pregnant, court records state."

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Ousted Female Teacher Admits 'Misconduct' with 13-YO Boy

Story here.

"A former gym teacher has admitted to improper conduct with a 13-year-old boy at a Middlesex County middle school where she taught for nearly a decade."

"Under the plea bargain, Amy Burke faces up to four years in state prison and agreed to surrender her teaching certificates."

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30-year-old woman charged with sexual assault of 16-year-old boy

Story here. Excerpt:

"A warrant has been issued for a 30-year-old Bay City woman who is charged with sexual assault of a child, a 16-year-old boy who worked with her at a fast-food restaurant."

"The charges were made following an investigation that started Nov. 20 when the boy's mother went to police to express her concerns about the possible assault."

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