Tribunal to hear prostate screening complaint

Story here.

A human-rights tribunal will begin hearing a complaint today in Victoria against the provincial Ministry of Health that says the government discriminates against men by refusing to pay for prostate cancer screening tests on demand.

Victoria lawyer Laurie Armstrong is spearheading the case before the tribunal, arguing the province discriminates against him and other men on the basis of sex. Women do not have to pay for Pap smears or mammograms.

But men who want the early detection test, called the prostate specific antigen (PSA), have to pay $30.

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Mom acquitted of murder in kids' drowning

Remember this case? Predictably, she was let go, with the suggestion that her 'abusive boyfriend' was pretty much all behind it. Excerpt:

'DECATUR, Illinois (AP) -- A woman whose three children drowned when the family car rolled into a lake was convicted Tuesday of child endangerment.
Authorities said Hamm was going along with her boyfriend's plan to drown the children to get rid of the strain they added to the couple's sometimes abusive relationship.

Maurice LaGrone, now Hamm's ex-boyfriend, was convicted in April of murdering the children and is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.
Skelton said the verdict means the jury decided Hamm did not help plan murders, but should have known LaGrone was a threat to her children.'

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Verdict in Murder-Acid Barrel Case

Story here. No mention of charges the wife is facing or has faced, or if she will at all (the latest mention of her I could find using Google is here, wherein she requests not to be charged because the prosecution couldn't provide a body in evidence). Excerpt:

'A jury on Tuesday found a former lab assistant guilty of murdering a Clovis man by stuffing his body in a barrel of acid.

James Fagone, 24, was convicted of murder after Fresno County Superior Court jurors deliberated for more than five hours over two days. The jury of six men and six women acquitted Fagone of a kidnapping charge.
Fagone testified last week that Larissa Schuster poured gallons of hydrochloric acid over her husband's body after they knocked him out with chloroform and a stun gun.

Fagone had worked at Larissa Schuster's lab in Fresno in late 2001 and most of 2002. He said he quit after Schuster became controlling and manipulative.'

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RADAR ALERT: Flawed DHHS Report Offers Little Holiday Cheer to Men

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is planning to release a one-sided and biased report called the “Surgeon General’s Call to Action on Women’s Mental Health.” The report is being developed by the Surgeon General’s Women’s Mental Health Project.

But if we take action now, we can turn this around.

This is our recommendation to Dr. John Agwunobi, the DHHS Assistant Secretary for Health:

Because the flaws in the draft report are so systematic, we request that a new report be commissioned that reflects a balanced and truthful perspective on the mental health problems faced by women and men.

The detailed critique is included in the letter below. Please put your name and address at the bottom of the letter and e-mail it to:

John O. Agwunobi, MD
Assistant Secretary for Health
Department of Health and Human Services

And send a CC of your letter to:

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Italy: Fathers' rights activist's televised suicide attempt foiled

An Italian fathers' rights activist says he tried unsuccessfully to self-immolate on live television to call attention to dads unable to see their kids. The ANSA news service reported Saturday that Nicola De Martino, who was recently re-united with his son after a 12-year separation, tried to set himself on fire Thursday night while appearing as a guest on the current affairs show, "Dieci Minute," or "Ten Minutes" on state television station RAI. ANSA said that the show's host, along with the distraught man's 18-year-old son "looked on in horror" as De Martino doused himself with gasoline and then threatened to light a match. Host Maurizio Martinelli and the studio crew frantically managed to wrest the lit match from De Martino's hands. He was then led away from the stage.

Video clip here.

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Two Women Arrested For Filing False Rape Reports

Story here. Excerpt:

Two women, in unrelated cases, were arrested Friday morning and charged with filing false rape reports:

"In the first case, Stephanie Ebbert, 20, called the sheriff’s office saying a cab driver took her to a field and then forced her to have sex with him."

"Around 9 a.m. Carey Studybaker, 27, called deputies saying she went to a home in Pine Manor to buy some pills. When she went inside she says a man forced her to smoke crack and then raped her."

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College Going Coed Sued by Students

Story here. Excerpt:

'LYNCHBURG, Virginia (AP) -- Randolph-Macon Woman's College will change its name to Randolph College when it admits men next year, officials said.

Trustees of the 115-year-old private college voted in September to make the school coeducational, and received more than 1,000 suggestions on a new name.
The school is going co-ed in an effort to achieve more financial stability, although nine students have filed a lawsuit seeking to delay male enrollment until at least after current freshmen have graduated.

About 100 people rallied Saturday to protest the name change and the college's transition to coeducation.'

Article also mentions that the number of women's colleges in the US is down to 60. It doesn't mention that the number of men's colleges is down to five. But hey, we all know men's colleges are bastions of sexism and male privilege, so that's different, right?

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4 -year-old Accused of Improperly Touching Teacher

I believe this story requires no elaborate commentary from me except to say should anyone doubt that schools are boy-hostile, send them the link. Excerpt:

'BELLMEAD- A four-year-old hugged his teachers aide and was put into in-school suspension, according to the father. But La Vega school administrators have a different story.

Damarcus Blackwell's four-year-old son was lining-up to get on the bus after school last month, when he was accused of rubbing his face in the chest of a female employee.

The prinicipal of La Vega Primary School sent a letter to the Blackwells that said the pre-kindergartener demonstrated "inappropriate physical behavior interpreted as sexual contact and/or sexual harassment."'

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GB: Male teenagers choose work, not homework

Story here.

An interesting fact:

"Girls are three times more likely to keep studying after school than to get a job, according to new figures which show boys lag far behind their female peers in extending their education."

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Kenya: Woman Rights Groups to Sue Over Law On Sex Offences

Story here. Excerpt:

"A group of women and children rights organisations are planning to sue the Government over a clause in the Sexual Offences Act which makes a false rape allegation a criminal offence. The contentious clause was inserted at the last minute as one of the compromises hammered out to ensure passage of the Bill in July."

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Theologians Battle Female Circumcision

Article here.

I do not need to explain the shortcoming of the above approach to the readers of this site.

But isn't it funny how people there complain about the involvement of doctors and the contradiction that lies in the act of religious people messing with God's creation, while the exact same applies to mutilation of boys if one is not blinded by excuses provided by culture and tradition, occasionally transformed into medical "studies"? One must ask oneself how much more ignorant and illogical it can get. Do some people want boys harmed for whatever reason?

Some time ago, organizer Ruediger Nehberg appeared in German media when the conference was announced, and claimed Islam saved his life. My personal assessment is: he refuses to believe something his beloved religion supports in communities around the world is harmful. An insulting reply to my attempt to inform him has affirmed this.

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Cathy Young: Are false abuse charges a common tactic in child custody battles?

Essay here. Excerpt:

"Child custody disputes are some of the bloodiest battlefields in the gender wars—battlefields upon which allegations of spousal and child abuse are widely regarded as a nuclear weapon. But there are two opposite views of this problem. Fathers’ advocates claim abuse allegations are routinely used to deny divorced fathers contact with their children and to poison children’s minds against their fathers, in what the activists and some psychologists call “parental alienation syndrome.” Feminists argue that well-founded accusations of abuse are often dismissed and even turned against the accusing mothers."

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Essay: Feminism has destroyed a generation of men

Article here. Excerpt:

"My father's generation defined their wives: nowadays, the role has completely reversed and men are defined by women. As a result, their definition of themselves has faltered and society has been cruel towards their attempts to redefine themselves."

"Women, meanwhile, are groomed relentlessly to succeed. How did we get into such a predicament? No feminist I ever knew wanted to see a world in which men were beaten by women: a world in which one dominant group was just replaced by another."

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Ottawa Police, hired guns for the anti-male machine.

Story here. Excerpt:

OTTAWA (CP) - Diplomatic immunity is no excuse for domestic violence, says a consortium of police and government agencies that has launched a new website aimed at helping women and children who find themselves in such situations.
The multilingual site maintained by Ottawa police in partnership with the RCMP, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Immigrant Women Services Ottawa outlines the rights of all Canadians regardless of nationality."

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Death penalty sought in baby's microwave death

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman suspected of killing her month-old daughter by putting her in a microwave oven was indicted on a charge of aggravated murder Thursday, and the prosecutor said he would seek the death penalty."

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