Source: Duke rape accuser pregnant

Story here. Excerpt:

"The person who confirmed the pregnancy to the AP had no information about the father. Defense attorneys have stressed for months that no sex occurred at the party and they have cited DNA testing that found genetic material from several males in the accuser's body and her underwear — but none from any member of the lacrosse team."

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Wendy McElroy: Abortion Bills Violate Men's Rights

Story here. Excerpt:

"Right to Life of Michigan describes the penalties for leaving. "A misdemeanor charge for actions that do not physically threaten a woman, but clearly constitute a coercive element (relationship, financial or housing arrangements) would subject the perpetrator to fines up to $2000…If the pregnant woman is under the age of 18 and the perpetrator of the coercion is the adult father of the unborn child, the punishment would be imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than $5000, or both."

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Female teacher charged with sexually abusing five boys

Story here.

Interesting that the words "rape" and "pedophile" do not appear in this story. Excerpt:

"A flirtatious Brandy Lynn Gonzales lured five boys from her fifth-grade classes into sexual acts at movie theaters, her apartment and even her classroom, prosecutors said Thursday."

"The charges involve four students in the same fifth-grade class and a fifth boy from a different class. The students alleged that Gonzales would touch them under desks during class."

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Noted female coach charged with sexually assaulting student

Story here. Excerpt:

'SOMERVILLE -- A former Immaculata High School physical education teacher and coach once described by an assistant coach as the "Vince Lombardi" of girls' basketball at the school was arrested and charged Thursday with sexually assaulting a female student, Somerset County Prosecutor Wayne J. Forrest said.

Pamela Balogh, 39, of Bethlehem, Pa., was arrested and charged with first-degree ggravated sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault, third-degree aggravated criminal sexual contact, fourth-degree criminal sexual contact and third-degree endangering the welfare of a child.'

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Rutgers Sponsors Global Feminist Terrorism

Story here. Excerpt:

"Rutgers is an integral part of the U.N. Feminist Rumor Mill. Virtually all statistics and conclusions feminists make about abuse have been scientifically proven to be fantastical."

"In fact, the body of assertions made in the U.N. Secretary Generals Report on Violence Against Women were so outrageous that the U.N. Third Committee voted unanimously to only “note” the report, rather than accept it. In parliamentary language, this is a full rejection — a rare event at the United Nations."

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England: Fleeing dads start new lives

Story here. Excerpt:

"I do find it interesting . . . how often when men fight for custody and don't get exactly what they want . . . those men just vanish from the child's life. And then you've kind of got proof that this was never about the father wanting to be involved with the child."

"Asked if men are leaving the country to get away from support payments, Debois responded with a link to a Global Television website promoting a documentary about two men's access struggles against a system they believe has a "deep and persistent gender bias against fathers."

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England: Absent fathers to be named and shamed

Story here. Excerpt:

'Fathers who fail to pay maintenance for their children will be "named and shamed" on the internet as part of a Government drive to make them honour their family responsibilities.

Offenders with a record of non-payment could also be fitted with electronic tags, subjected to curfews or have their passports withheld.'

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Boy "Body-Socked" in School

Story here, video here. Excerpt:

'Body sox are designed to help kids explore their three-dimensional space, according to web sites about the device.

"I don't like it at all," said Patrick Holt, the boy's father. "I don't think it should be used on anybody."

Calming device or restraining order?
Watch and learn more about the body sock.

Holt felt that way after learning a Pre-K teacher at Pinellas Central Elementary put his 4-year-old son in a body sock Friday.

"My wife saw my son try to open up the body sock and the teacher's aide went ahead and had him put it back up," Holt said.

The Holts wondered what was going on, especially since they said their son was the only student in a body sock.'

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Teen Girl Lies about Her Age; BF Jailed

Story here. Excerpt:

'Her daughter climbed out of windows late at night and slipped back in during the early morning hours. She brought a guy into her home while her mother slept. The sad truth is, this girl was not the victim of a sexual predator. She was dating. Thompson took her to meet his family.

If she found Thompson, she'll possibly find another date.

She and other girls who lie about their ages and get into inappropriate relationships that lead to serious trouble for others should receive juvenile summons themselves. That, at least, might force them to talk to someone about why they are compelled to seek out older guys. At best, it might deter young girls from playing adult games, putting themselves and unwitting males at risk.

Thompson, unfairly, will forever be linked to the sexual predators of society.'

So, now young men (who already lag well behind girls in reading, writing and vocabulary skills in school) need to be able to test a potential dates ability to communicate? What does that even really mean?

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More Gov't Sponsored Endorsements for MGM

Story here. Excerpt:

'Circumcision appears to reduce a man’s risk of contracting AIDS from heterosexual sex by half, United States government health officials said yesterday, and the directors of the two largest funds for fighting the disease said they would consider paying for circumcisions in high-risk countries.

The announcement was made by officials of the National Institutes of Health as they halted two clinical trials, in Kenya and Uganda, on the ground that not offering circumcision to all the men taking part would be unethical. The success of the trials confirmed a study done last year in South Africa.'

By this reasoning, it makes sense to cut off a baby's hands shortly after birth, too, as a means of reducing his risk of seeing arthritis form in his fingers later in life.

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British IVF Law Changes Raise Many Questions

Story here. Excerpt:

'In London, government health officials announced that a child's need for a father will no longer will be a consideration when a woman seeks fertility treatment via sperm donation. They also stated that the creation of a human embryo from two women would be forbidden because it would make men obsolete in reproduction.'

If a human embryo can be made from two women, why shouldn't it be done? Why should men continue to waste time engaging in the procreational process if we are not needed? Why should we continue to donate sperm if it is unnecessary?

I'm not in the least intimidated by the notion of being cut out of the procreational process. I think the making of embryos by two women SHOULD BE allowed, and men should stop donating sperm. Men are not afraid of becoming obsolete in the procreational process! I'm curious to see how it all would turn out. I desperately hope London's government health officials overturn this inhibition.

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DNA Tests Reportedly Clean Duke Players

Story here. Excerpt:

'DNA testing conducted by a private lab in the Duke lacrosse rape case found genetic material from several males in the accuser's body and her underwear but none from any team member, including the three charged with rape, according to a defense motion filed Wednesday.
"This is strong evidence of innocence in a case in which the accuser denied engaging in any sexual activity in the days before the alleged assault, told police she last had consensual sexual intercourse a week before the assault, and claimed that her attackers did not use condoms and ejaculated," the motion read.'

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Congressman calls for investigation of Nifong's conduct

It's long overdue, but at last these innocent young men may get a morsel of justice. A North Carolina Congressman has asked the Dept. of Justice to investigate Nifong's handling of the Duke Lacrosse case. His reasoning is that Nifong has committed prosecutorial misconduct and violated the civil rights of all that have been charged in this so called, "case". Excerpt:

'A North Carolina congressman has asked the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong's handling of the Duke lacrosse case.

In a letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, U.S. Rep. Walter B. Jones said Nifong may have engaged in prosecutorial misconduct and violated the civil rights of the three lacrosse players charged with raping an escort service dancer hired to dance at a team party in March.'

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Tribunal to hear prostate screening complaint

Story here.

A human-rights tribunal will begin hearing a complaint today in Victoria against the provincial Ministry of Health that says the government discriminates against men by refusing to pay for prostate cancer screening tests on demand.

Victoria lawyer Laurie Armstrong is spearheading the case before the tribunal, arguing the province discriminates against him and other men on the basis of sex. Women do not have to pay for Pap smears or mammograms.

But men who want the early detection test, called the prostate specific antigen (PSA), have to pay $30.

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Mom acquitted of murder in kids' drowning

Remember this case? Predictably, she was let go, with the suggestion that her 'abusive boyfriend' was pretty much all behind it. Excerpt:

'DECATUR, Illinois (AP) -- A woman whose three children drowned when the family car rolled into a lake was convicted Tuesday of child endangerment.
Authorities said Hamm was going along with her boyfriend's plan to drown the children to get rid of the strain they added to the couple's sometimes abusive relationship.

Maurice LaGrone, now Hamm's ex-boyfriend, was convicted in April of murdering the children and is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.
Skelton said the verdict means the jury decided Hamm did not help plan murders, but should have known LaGrone was a threat to her children.'

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