RADAR ALERT: ABC Primetime Awarded "RADAR Accuracy In Journalism" Award

ABC's News Show "Primetime" has been awarded a "RADAR Accuracy In Journalism" award for its December 26th, 2006 story Turning the Tables: How Do People React When There's Abuse in Public, But the Gender Roles Are Reversed.

The story took a look at what happens when women abuse men. A video segment consisting of two trained actors in a city park was filmed to document public reactions to female-on-male violence. Reactions by the public were limited to the extremes. 163 passers-by were indifferent. Four women sent an emissary to talk with them, but left after the actress said, "This is not your business". However, one of the women did report it to 911. In contrast, another woman made a fist as she walked by, muttering, "Good for you. You go, girl!" (See video here).

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V8 Drink Commercial Demeans Men

This morning I woke up and listened to the news on the radio. After this, the usual annoying commercials came on. I was appalled to hear the latest one for V8 vegetable juice.

This radio commercial starts with a husband and wife apparently in some sort of courtroom. An incident is recalled where the wife couldn't get the husband to eat healthy, or to eat vegetables or drink V8, so the wife bopped the husband on the forehead.

This is accompanied by a comical "bop" sound used in previous V8 commercials - except that in those the person who "could have had a V8" slaps themselves on the forehead. The female judge then asks the husband what vegetables he has had recently, and he replies “Oysters." The judge then asks the man to approach, which is followed by the sound of her bopping the man on the forehead, and the comment "You could have had a V8!"

Ha ha, very funny (not).

The silly thing is that I, for one, already eat healthy foods and have been buying a large size V8 once a week. Unless the commercial is retracted, I will find another brand of vegetable juice to purchase in the future.

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Ready Yourselves for the Nancy & Louise Show

Well someone has to say something about this 800-lb. gorilla in the room...

Unless you have been without modern communications of any kind for the past several months it will be no news to you that Nancy Pelosi was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives yesterday.

Those who read MANN with a less-than-sympathetic eye to MRAs may be quick to assume that the objection most MRAs have to Pelosi's ascension to the Speakership is that she is a woman. The problem is not that she is a woman; it is that she is a feminist. She and fellow travelers (such as Lousie Slaughter) are now in a position to pursue long-desired legislative agendas that are not likely to be in the interests of men and particularly, men-as-fathers.

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Duke lacrosse player files suit against university

The great part about this is that it's not even one of the three, "accused". Just wait until THEY file suit. Duke University is in deep trouble and deservedly so... story here. Excerpt:

'(01/04/07 -- DURHAM) - A former Duke Lacrosse player has filed a lawsuit against the University saying he was failed by an professor because of his membership on the lacrosse team.

Kyle Dowd filed the lawsuit Thursday against against Duke University and visiting associate professor Kim Curtis. Dowd, who graduated with David Evans in May 2006, was not indicted in the rape case but says that Professor Curtis gave him and another lacrosse player in class a failing grade in class as a form of retaliation after the Duke Lacrosse scandal broke. The two players were apparently receiving passing grades until the scandal, and Duke University revised their grades upward months after graduation.'

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SAFE (Stop Abuse For Everyone) International Newsletter Available

If you would like the Premier Edition, end of the year "wrap up", please visit this link and request a copy or go to http://www.safe4all.org/ to download a copy from the SAFE website.

Let's hope for a productive New Year!

Lee Newman
Executive Director, SAFE International
Director, SAFE-NH

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Dont-marry.com Up and Running

The original dontmarry.com website, which failed due to various DOS and TOS attacks, is back up at:


Lee Raconteur

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MGM-fest in Africa Begins

Seems they couldn't wait to get chopping... story here. Excerpt:

'Growing numbers of Ugandan men are being circumcised, after medical research showed it could halve the HIV infection rate among heterosexual men.

A Ugandan paper reports that last year of 2,500 people circumcised at various clinics, half of them were male adults, compared to less than 400 in 2005.'

Suppose if some UN study concluded that FGM reduced the spread of HIV, there'd be extra clinic hours open for that, too? Would there ever be such a study? Answers: No and no.

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Womensinfidelity.com Covers the Issue

Thanks to nbdspcl for mentioning http://womensinfidelity.com/ in a comment in a recent post. I have never seen the issue addressed seriously like this anywhere else. Anyone read the book? Don't forget to read some of the posts on their message board. Anyone doubting this issue is real, just put on your reading glasses.

My own take on this issue is that marital/LTR infidelity has been with us since the dawn of humanity. It will always be with us, for many reasons. I am making this post not to be picking on women as a group on this topic, as infidelity is an equal opportunity employer! I am pointing the site out because too many people think that 'tis only men (or largely only men) who do not keep faithful to partners when infidelity exists, and this just ain't true!

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Duke Invites Back LAX Players

I wouldn't blame them for not accepting this "invitation". I wonder if it comes with a paid scholarship and public apology from the president/chancellor? Story here. Excerpt:

'RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- Duke University has invited two of the lacrosse players accused of sexual assault to return to school as students in good standing, a defense attorney said Wednesday.

Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann had been barred from attending class during the fall semester while their case made its way through court. The third player charged in the case, Dave Evans, graduated in May, the day before he was charged with raping a stripper at a team party in March.'

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UK Times: Why getting hitched is the real hitch for women

Story here.

"For those who like to begin every new year with predictions of the end of civilisation as we know it, here’s a cracker: married women are officially in the minority for the first time."


"The change, without doubt, is on the part of women rather than attributable to any increased reluctance among men — as evidenced by yet more figures from the Office for National Statistics, showing that men who divorce are far more likely to give marriage another shot, while divorced women, once bitten, are twice shy of committing again."


Another selling point was protection: the wide-shouldered, steely-jawed, testosterone-fuelled barrier between a woman and harm’s way. Today, if we are to believe research from some women’s organisations, a quarter of wives will suffer at the hands of the protector himself.


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Domestic Violence Is OK In Japan, As Long As The Victim Is Male

Or so it would seem, reading this misandric article about Japanese wives beating their husbands when they don't get their way.

Notice that the article concludes by blaming everyone but violent women for women's violence. Notice also the statement of statistics which claim women are almost twice as likely to be assaulted, right after the article points out that men are far less likely to report being beaten, i.e. the usual feminist smoke-screen.

As long as society continues to give violent women gold stars for their behavior, they will continue to be violent, and male victims of domestic violence will continue to be marginalized, thanks to sexist fools like the ones who wrote and published that article at MSN.

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Mean Girls Run Amok

In this story we clearly see what happens to young women when they are not provided with proper boundaries by those who are supposedly in authority over them. This is an excellent microcosm of what is happening in society at large:

...according to the report. When one teacher told a squad member to quit chatting on her cell phone in class, the girl replied, "Shut up, I'm talking to my Mom." On a separate occasion, she offered this response to the teacher's reprimand: "Pull your panties out of a wad." "Gang members were nothing compared to these girls," the teacher told Jones. "They believe they cannot be touched."

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Three-YO Son Wandering on Freeway, Daughter Eating Spaghetti on Filthy Floor

Story here. Excerpt:

"Drivers swerved their cars and trucks into other lanes to avoid a 3-year-old boy, wearing only a diaper and T-shirt, who was playing along a busy highway after wandering away from home while his mother slept, police said."

"Police said they traced the boy to an apartment at a nearby complex, where they found his mother, Nancy Dyer, asleep in a filthy apartment and his 2-year-old sister eating spaghetti off the floor. Dyer, 33, was arrested on two counts of child neglect and remained in custody Sunday, officials said."

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Duke Prosecutor's Fourth Victim: the Accuser???

Essay here. Excerpt:

"The fourth victim is unlikely to be so lucky; she will not be exonerated at trial, and she will not be able to move on with her life. She will be destroyed by this case, and while she is partly to blame for that herself, the other part of the blame rests squarely on Mike Nifong’s shoulders."

"The defense attorneys will obliterate her, permanently painting her as the worst sort of nut and slut. We will not hate the boys, we will hate her."

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India: Mother "slits" 5-YO daughter's throat

Story here. Excerpt:

"In a bizarre incident, a woman killed her five-year-old daughter by sliting her throat with a sharp weapon, in the Kuli Bazar locality of Kanpur early on Sunday morning, all out of pique."

"Her daughter, Al Shifa's fault: She informed her grandparents that her mother, Bismillah Jahan, pushed her cousin from the roof of the house in order to kill him. However, the kid got entangled in ropes and fell on a dog, thus escaping critical injuries."

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