Arkansas: Supreme Court Says Non-Father Must Pay C/S

Story here. Status quo affirmed! Excerpt:

'LITTLE ROCK (AP) -- Even though a paternity test ruled out Anthony L. Parker as the father of a child in a child-support dispute, he still has to pay support owed the mother before he took the test, the Arkansas Supreme Court ruled Thursday.

The court reversed a decision by Pulaski County Circuit Judge Mary Spencer McGowan and sent the case back to her to determine the amount Parker must pay.

The opinion, written by Associate Justice Donald L. Corbin, said state law and prior court cases make it clear that an "acknowledged father" cannot be relieved of past-due child support.

State law only speaks to a man's future child-support obligations once that person has been found through testing not to be a child's father. And Associate Justice Robert L. Brown said in a concurring opinion that the court was "legislating by inference."'

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Switzerland: Cabinet holds back paternity leave plan

Story here. Excerpt:

"The Swiss government has stymied plans by Economics Minister Doris Leuthard to introduce five days' paid paternity leave in her department with immediate effect.

In a statement on Wednesday the cabinet said it wanted to have the same rule for all ministries – currently only two days is allowed – putting its colleague's plans on ice.

As part of her agenda for 2007, Leuthard, who took up her post in July, announced on Monday that a raft of family-friendly measures would be introduced immediately within the economics ministry.

This included new fathers being able to take five days' paid and 20 days' unpaid paternity leave."

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Bulgaria: Mandatory DNA tests

Story here. Excerpt:

"Bulgaria has decided to create a DNA database of all fathers in the country in an attempt to make it easier for courts to rule in fatherhood cases."

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Duke Case Update: Supplemental Motion to Dismiss Filed by Defense

Story here. Excerpt:

"The defense motion filed Thursday includes the investigator's report of the Dec. 21 interview, during which she made several other changes in her account of the March 13 party where she and another woman were hired to perform as strippers.
But the defense motion said the accuser's cell phone records show that she was on her phone during part of the time she now says she was attacked. Records also show Seligmann received a call on his cell phone during that period, the defense said."

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Florida Woman Puts Baby in Heated Oven

Story here. Excerpt:

"An Orlando woman was charged with turning on an oven and putting her baby in it.

Sharlyn Singh faces aggravated child abuse charges.

Authorities said a man helping the woman's boyfriend move out of their apartment after the couple broke up heard the baby crying and found it in the oven. Singh had left the apartment by that time."

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Female Ex-Teacher Gets Two More Years for Nude Photos Sent To Male Victim

Story here. Excerpt:

"A former teacher serving an eight-year prison sentence for having sex with a 13-year-old student agreed Wednesday to serve two more years for sending him nude photos of herself.

Rogers, 29, was arrested in February 2005 and pleaded no contest to having sexual intercourse and oral sex with the student. A judge suspended most of her eight-year sentence on the condition that she not contact the student or his family or use the Internet."

Six months ago, Circuit Judge Bart Stanley ordered Rogers to serve the rest of the sentence after she sent the photos to the boy, and prosecutors brought the new charges. The new sentence was added to the first term for a 10-year total."

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Judge Wants More Jail Time for Accused Female Sex Offender

Story here. Excerpt:

"Former teacher's aide Melanie Hackett was back in court eleven months after she reportedly bragged to a teacher at the Missisquoi Valley Union High School that she had sex with a 13-year-old male student at his home."

"Two months ago a judge rejected a plea deal that would have sent her to prison for 6 months. Monday a second judge rejected the same deal. He pointed out that the victim's age of 13 and Hackett's abuse of trust demands more prison time."

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37% of births in U.S. to unwed mothers

Preaching to the choir... article here. Excerpt:

"Never have fathers seemed so disposable, or so overlooked. A report out says 37 percent of all births in the United States last year were to unwed mothers. The figure is now at an all-time high, up a percentage point from last year.

But society does need to say something in defense of fatherhood. Long experience at dozens of honors banquets leads us to decisively say that children from traditional homes have advantages. Listen to an honors list, and you will be struck by how many winners come from those traditional mom and pop, Ozzie and Harriet homes.

The problem is particularly true for boys. A generation of boys has grown up without a father at home. The results have largely been disastrous. Men today constitute only 44 percent of college students. A boy is 30 percent more likely to drop out of school than a girl. A boy is three times as likely to be expelled from school as a girl. A boy is 10 percent more likely to skip school than a girl."

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Here is one to watch - Star Athlete files DV claims in divorce papers

Story here.

The article states that the woman threw things, name-called, displayed outbursts in front of kids, spends lavishly, and is abusive. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK — Hoops superstar Jason Kidd yesterday slapped his knockout wife with shocking divorce papers - claiming he's an abused spouse.

The New Jersey Nets' All-Star point guard - once busted for allegedly hitting his sexy bride, Joumana, in the face over a french fry - charges in the explosive court document that she has been punching, kicking and throwing "household objects" at him virtually since their wedding day in 1997.

"The defendant's behavior has left the plaintiff concerned for his well-being," say the sensational papers, filed in Bergen County Superior Court in Hackensack.'

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SF Bay mother convicted of assault... acquitted of 1st degree murder

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman who pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity after throwing her three children into San Francisco Bay was acquitted Tuesday of first-degree murder but convicted of assault.

Tuesday's verdicts, which came after seven days of deliberation, do not make any conclusions about the woman's sanity. After determining her guilt, jurors will then decide whether she was legally sane at the time of the deaths."

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PBS's "Breaking the Silence" Producers Forced to Apologize

This is good news, via Glenn Sacks' Jan. 9, 2007 e-Newsletter. The producers of "Breaking the Silence" have apologized for their misstatements. It takes them some time but at the end of the letter, they finally get to it, as follows:

"It was never our intent to accuse Dr. Loeliger of physically abusing his daughter or to create harm to his daughter. Although we believe that most viewers understand this, we sincerely regret if some viewers drew an inference from the film that we did not intend and do not endorse."

This is a victory-- but personally, I'd rather see this letter plus a full and public retraction of their anti-male/father biases (preferably on national TV and billboards all across America), with a full admission that they understand the *whole* truth about domestic violence and the rates of battery among all classes of people who live together.

Well, a fellow can dream, can't he?

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Mother Murders Children, Brutally Assaults her Father

Story here. Excerpt:

"ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- A woman charged with stabbing her two young children to death and severely beating her father was arrested in Atlanta early Tuesday, nearly a week after the attack, authorities said.

Police had been looking for Felicia Williams since Wednesday, when officers following a 911 call found the bodies of her children, Elexis Nicole Hill, 9, and James Ross Hill, 4, in her parent's home in Bethlehem, a tiny town in northeast Georgia. Williams' father was found injured in the home, authorities said."

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Army widow charged with murdering husband for money

She couldn't wait, it seems, to get rid of the poor guy so she could have a nice little party for herself. What do you suppose the spin will be, she was abused? Or perhaps, negelected? Or just plain so overcome with grief, she couldn't think straight-- for weeks on end.

Story here. Keep a barf bucket handy.

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Krights Special Video Report: Legal Requirement to Create NCPs Illegal and Immoral

And The Truth Continues..

"The Creation Of A Sub Class Of American Citizens With A Diminished Access To Rights Equal To All Americans Through An Instrument Of The Court Is Unconstitutional and Illegal."

-- Richar' Farr, 2007

The Law: USC. 42 Chapter 7 Sub Chapter IV Part D 666 requires each state court in a divorce to create a non-custodial parent and place unequal duties upon this citizen. This is discrimination, This is Illegal, This Argument is enforceable.

Krights Special Video Report "Illegal and Immoral" - Tuesday January 9 - On The Krights Video Channel!

All the news for non-custodial parents and their families.

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Colorado: "Ladies' nights" held as discriminatory

The Rocky Mountain News reports a crusader against ladies nights has won in a civil rights complaint against a Denver nightclub. However, the report says "state officials said rulings regarding discrimination in public accommodations apply only to the target of the complaint, not to all similar businesses."

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