Canada: 'Activists say fathers' rights ignored in custody battle, but experts disagree'

Story here. Excerpt:

'REGINA (CP) - Fathers embroiled in custody battles for their children face an "unfeeling" and "unfair" justice system, an activist group charged Tuesday after a controversial court decision in Saskatchewan.

The group Fathers for Justice said the case of a Saskatoon man who lost custody of his biological baby son shows the system is plagued with problems, but at least one legal expert disagreed. "It's a horrendous experience," said Kris Titus, one of the group's founding members. "And I think a lot of people are losing custody of their children unfairly."

On Monday, a judge ruled it was in the best interest of the nine-month-old baby to stay with a Prince Albert couple who were given custody by the biological mother and have raised the child since birth.'

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Government offers new help for fathers

Story here.

'KUSA – Community and faith-based organizations that help fathers can now sign up for a grant from the federal government.
The department calls the grant “groundbreaking.”

“From our perspective, it’s the first time that we’ve actually had funding and resources available to fathers, particularly here in Colorado,” said Ruth Glenn with the Domestic Abuse Assistance Program for the Colorado Department of Human Services, “that really is geared toward services for them in the areas of parenting skills and healthy relationship building and really geared toward the final outcome, which is healthy children.”'

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New warrant issued for female sex case teacher

Story here.

Here we go again! This sociological ignorance based on a young boys supposed "fantasy" regarding sex with a teacher is the definition of a double standard. The teacher is attractive, but its still rape. Having two sets of rules based on gender is an example of the judicial system's leniency regarding women who commit crimes.

"A Larimer County judge has signed a new arrest warrant for Carrie McCandless after prosecutors alleged that the former Brighton Charter High School teacher contacted the alleged victim in her sexual assault case.
McCandless, 30, faces charges of sexual assault and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. She was ordered not to have contact with the alleged victim - a former student - or any other minors as a condition of her release on $20,000 bail."

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Update on Poisoned Marine Case

Referring to this prior post, the update is here. Excerpt:

"SAN DIEGO (AP) -- A woman accused of poisoning her Marine husband with arsenic to cash in on his $250,000 life insurance policy was convicted of murder on Tuesday.

Prosecutors argued Cynthia Sommer, 33, wanted a more luxurious lifestyle than she could afford on her 23-year-old husband's $1,700 monthly salary and saw the military life insurance policy as a way to "set herself free."

Sommer's friends and co-workers testified during the trial that she threw wild parties, got her breasts enlarged and had casual sex with multiple partners in the weeks after her husband's collapse.

Todd Sommer was in top condition when he collapsed and died at the couple's home on the Marine Corps' Miramar base in San Diego."

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RADAR ALERT: “Support and Defend the Constitution” Means Congress Must Fix VAWA

Senator and would-be President Joe Biden wants Congress to pass his International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA). He seems to want to do for the world what his VAWA law has done for the U.S. But what exactly has VAWA done for the U.S.? RADAR's latest special report,
A Culture of False Allegations: How VAWA Harms Families and Children (.pdf file) explains the harm caused by VAWA and the various state laws it has spawned.

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'Woman-boy affair in TV and movies pushes fewer buttons'

An interesting article that examines the media portrayal of older women engaging in sexual relations with under age males. Excerpt:

"The older woman and young boy affair has played out on the movies and television for years from Summer of '42 to The OC. Often there's no creepiness, no outrage, no mention of statutory rape."
"In the reverse, it's kind of sexy, every schoolboy's fantasy. Both are statutory rape. But the aggressive predatory woman is perceived much more of the stuff of allure and fantasy than the stuff of creepy."

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Adoptive parents prevail in father's custody battle

The Canadian legal system strikes again!

In a nutshell:
- Mom gets pregnant, doesn't tell dad it's his. They break up.
- Dad finds out shortly before his son is born that mom is planning to put child up for adoption
- Dad intervenes immediately. Takes legal action to be re-united with his son and stop the adoption
- Child lives with "adoptive" parents while this is sorted out through the courts; the "adoptive" parents even sue the biological dad for child support in the meantime
- Court ruling came down today on the custody of the child: the adoptive parents win. Dad can't see his kid for a year.

Story here.

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Hillary Clinton and "Evil Men"

Reported from a speech by Hillary Clinton in Iowa:

'One questioner asked Clinton if her track record showed she could stand up to "evil men" around the world.

"The question is, we face a lot of dangers in the world and, in the gentleman's words, we face a lot of evil men and what in my background equips me to deal with evil and bad men," Clinton said. She paused to gaze while the audience interrupted with about 30 seconds of laughter and applause.

Meeting later with reporters, she was pressed repeatedly to explain what she meant. She insisted it was a simple joke.

"I thought I was funny," Clinton said. "You guys keep telling me to lighten up, be funny. I get a little funny and now I'm being psychoanalyzed."'

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Parents Blast School's 'Body Sock'

Here is an update on this ridiculous notion of locking children in some kind of "body sock" prison. If a teacher cannot handle a student, leave the profession, don't incarcerate them in some virtual prison. First came Ritalin, now a 'body sock'? Whats next? Excerpt:

'A Florida family is outraged over a teacher's use of a big, baggy "body sock" to calm their 4-year-old son after he went on a crying jag in class."

Patrick Holt, of Pinellas Park, has since yanked his son from Pinellas Central Elementary and claims he never gave permission for teachers to place the boy in the Lycra pillowcase-like sack in mid-December.
"My wife saw my son try to open up the body sock, and the teacher's aide went ahead and had him put it back up," Holt said."'

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NCFMLA makes its presence know in CA's Capitol - in Superior Court

On Thursday, members of the National Coalition of Free Men, Los Angeles flew and drove to Sacramento to attend a trial in Superior Court on Friday. The lawsuit was addressing areas of California law, where it alleges California discriminates against men in domestic violence law, and in programs & services available for Mothers (but not Fathers) in CA prisons. Here is a link to a story that ran in the Capitol weekly
Battered men seek equal protection

The reporter appears to have stated some info incorrectly, but overall it appears fairly accurate.

Also, here's an online link to the lawsuit.
Woods, et, al. vs. State of CA, et. al.

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Woman who had husband killed sentenced to life in prison

Story here. Excerpt:

"Cleland's attorney, Ed Murphy, asked that his client be allowed to serve her sentence in a psychiatric facility. The judge promised to file the request, but declined to recommend a specific location for her incarceration.
'It's crystal clear the only thing defendant Cleland ever wanted from Bruce was his money,' Deputy District Craig Hum told jurors during closing arguments in her trial last year.
Rebecca Cleland planned to have her husband murdered "to avoid being left with nothing if Bruce divorces her," he said."

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Official: Recruiter, coach had sex with students; principal tries to suppress report

Story here.

"Former Ware Shoals High School coach Jill Moore, 28, took cheerleaders to a motel, where they met guardsmen for sex, according to Greenwood County sheriff's reports released late Thursday.
Moore, a married mother of two, also is accused of having sex with a male student on a different occasion, according to the reports. Because all the students involved were 16 or older, none of the adults will be charged because the teens were old enough to consent under state law, according to the sheriff's reports.
Principal Jane Blackwell also is accused of telling cheerleaders and a school staff member not to talk about the allegations against Moore, authorities said. She was charged Monday with obstruction."

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Erie County, PA: Female teacher charged with sex with student

Story here.

Until the judicial system holds women accountable for such crimes, this disturbing trend will continue. Excerpt:

"Robin Lee Hecker, a teacher at Northwestern High School, was charged yesterday with five counts of corruption of minors. Police say she had sex with the tenth grader in August 2005 at her Albion home."

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"Ontario gov't website to embarrass deadbeat parents"

Ontario's Liberal government is planning to post the pictures of "deadbeat" parents who have refused to pay their child support on a new website. Parents would be advised that their picture is about to be posted, giving them one last chance to pay up; news article here.

Ontario's ombudsman recently lashed criticism against the Ontario Family Responsibility Office (FRO), for being "inept" and having a "lackadaisical" attitude when it comes to collecting outstanding support.

For Example, name change that kept a dad from collecting child support is just the latest in routine "carelessness'' at the Ontario Family Responsibility Office tasked with collecting from deadbeat parents, Ontario's ombudsman said; news article here.

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"Same-sex classes a growing trend in public schools"

Story here. Excerpt:

"'All the girls there, they can talk out of turn," the 14-year-old said. "We get really off task and it's really annoying.'
Panos' classmate, Alyson Douglas, 15, said she likes not worrying about boys causing disruptions.

"Guys just make a bigger nuisance in the class," she said.
...They include New York City -- where there are nine single-sex public schools -- as well as Chicago, Dallas, Seattle and Washington, D.C.

Plans to open same-sex schools have been announced in Miami, Atlanta and Cleveland.

Nationwide, at least 253 public schools offer single-sex classes and 51 schools are entirely single sex...

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