Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2007-03-16 17:47
Suddenly she is being quite circumspect. Story here. Excerpt:
'March 16, 2007 — The woman who accused three members of the Duke University men's lacrosse team of sexual assault is not being forthcoming with special prosecutors, law enforcement sources close to the case tell ABC News.
The accuser has met at least twice with prosecutors from the North Carolina attorney general's office, which took over the case from Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong in January.
In those interviews, she gave incomplete answers when asked about the alleged assault and the events surrounding it, according to sources.'
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Submitted by ItsDan on Fri, 2007-03-16 03:47
Article here.
I hope stuff like this keeps happening, the sperm donor pool is going to entirely dry up. Not that I have any issue with sperm donations, but we need to reestablish the lines that are slowly being erased.
'THREE children have won a share of the estate of a man said to be their sperm donor father after using tweezers to pluck his eyebrows for DNA testing as he lay dead in a hospital morgue.
In a landmark decision, the NSW Supreme Court yesterday granted administration of Willem Wijma's estate to one of those children, ruling against his family's wishes.'
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2007-03-16 02:14
Posted for Marc A.:
In this news video of the mugging of a 101-year-old woman, KCAL 9 News Los Angeles (CBS) reads and displays two letters from viewers, one of which calls for the guy to receive "prison justice" (rape), and the other hopes the guy is "beaten."
I sympathize and feel the anger too. But it is extremely irresponsible of KCAL 9 News to promote prison rape and vigilante beatings. If a seemingly homeless/destitute woman beat and mugged a 101-year-old man, fixing the victim's collar in between blows, would KCAL 9 News read and display letters calling for her to be raped and beaten? Or, instead, would their reaction include speculation about the woman's mental state? I sent KCAL 9 News (CBS) an email at
Their website has a feedback page at
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Submitted by Demonspawn on Thu, 2007-03-15 13:58
My letter to the contact listed under Financial and Corporate Communications:
While watching the Discovery channel I saw a commercial for the Sprint Blackberry where a woman is searching for her phone. She states that she can't find her phone, and that it has her contacts, her email... The phone rings in one of the guys' pockets. They claim it was just a prank. She gives the guys an angry stare. After that, we see a text message being sent "Frank might be late" and then a scene of her with the two men seeking medical attention.
I have but two simple questions:
Would your marketing department have allowed the advertisement to air if a man caused two women to seek medical attention?
If not, how does your marketing department justify approving this commercial?
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2007-03-14 17:45
Watch the report here (video). This is one to keep an eye on. Will she actually be charged with the heavier hate crime offense? Will only her male companion be charged with it? Neither? Wait and see.
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Submitted by ItsDan on Wed, 2007-03-14 17:00
Article here describes a case of not only a man being denied access to a gym because of it being just for women (which I have no problem with, so long as no one has a problem with men's only fitness clubs and other such facilities), but on top of that then being forced to pay $3,000 restitution to the gym for his "improper conduct".
A man behind a failed human rights complaint against a women's-only fitness centre in Burnaby has been ordered to pay the gym $3,000. Gordon Stopps claimed Just Ladies Fitness discriminated against men.
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Submitted by AngryMan on Wed, 2007-03-14 15:43
Women's prisons should be shut down and replaced with small secure units, according to a report commissioned for the Home Office. If adopted by the home secretary, Baroness Corston's approach would see Holloway and about 14 other all-female prisons in England and Wales shut down or converted into jails for men. Story here
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2007-03-14 15:30
Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2007-03-13 17:36
Article here. Excerpt:
'Last month, Harvard researchers reported the results of the first national study of eating disorders in a population of nearly 3,000 adults and found that 25 percent of those with anorexia or bulimia and 40 percent of binge eaters were men.
Although disordered eating is well-known among teenage girls and young women, experts say the problem among boys and young men is frequently overlooked by parents and coaches and under-treated by doctors.
Eating disorders, Robb and other experts say, appear to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
"Genes load the gun, and environment pulls the trigger," said North Carolina's Bulik. "But one of the problems I see for male eating disorder patients is just being taken seriously."
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2007-03-13 17:05
Story here. Excerpt:
A Coeur d’Alene woman was sentenced to supervised probation today for beating her 6-year-old foster son so severely that he was hospitalized with a head injury.
Joyce D. Hibshman, 37, no longer has custody of the boy and two other foster children that were in her home, her lawyer said during today’s sentencing hearing at the Kootenai County Courthouse.
Hibshman was arrested in July 2006 after bringing the injured boy to Kootenai Medical Center. Emergency room staff contacted police.
Another foster child in the home told police that Hibshman had beat the boy “for eating mommy’s chocolate bars.”
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2007-03-13 16:06
Story here.
First ritalin, now tape. Whats next, using a staple gun? Excerpt:
"Monje wasn't charged with a crime because police determined that incident was not child abuse, Cocoa Police spokeswoman Barbara Matthews said.
The boy's mother, Donna Negron, filed a report Feb. 23, after her son told her that his teacher had taped him to the table because he wouldn't put his head down."
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2007-03-13 14:09
Story here. Excerpt:
"Checks and life insurance forms show that two women made millions from the deaths of two transient men they are accused of killing, a prosecutor said in a preliminary hearing Monday.
Helen Golay, 76, and Olga Rutterschmidt, 74, are accused of befriending the men, convincing them to sign the women's names on to their life insurance policies before drugging and running them over in secluded alleys.
Authorities said the women collected some $2.3 million after their deaths."
Ed. note: This is a follow-up to a previous story reported on MANN in May, 2006 here.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2007-03-13 03:20
Story here. Excerpt:
'A Toronto family studies teacher has been charged with sexual exploitation for allegedly having an inappropriate relationship with a student.
Police said Crime Stoppers received a tip early this month revealing a romantic and sexual relationship between a female teacher and a male student, aged 15 or 16.
The teacher, who is not married, is seven months pregnant.
"The board is aware that this teacher is pregnant, but any connection between this alleged offence and that, obviously we have no idea," Toronto District School Board lawyer Grant Bowers told CTV News.
But the student has since left the school, raising suspicions.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2007-03-12 23:10
Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman and presidential-hopeful Joseph Biden plans on asking the U.S. Congress to legislate for the entire world! Author of the well-intentioned but deeply flawed Violence Against Women Act, Biden will soon be introducing an international version, dubbed "I-VAWA." This would be accomplished by awarding grants to other countries to implement VAWA-like initiatives.
For a reminder of how the U.S. version of VAWA has undermined the basic freedoms and legal protections that once characterized the U.S. as a free society, read RADAR's recent alert at
Many members of Congress have expressed concern that foreign countries' resentment of the U.S. has increased due to our unilateral action in Iraq. That resentment will pale in comparison to the resentment that will result if Congress passes I-VAWA, and thus assumes the right to impose legislation on other countries.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2007-03-12 17:15
Story here. Looks like "O" is showing her true colors via her girls-only, boys-are-bad, gulag-inspired "school". Just what is this woman trying to prove anyway? Excerpt:
'They would have aired their concerns during a satellite link-up with the chat show queen a week ago, but that was cancelled at short notice by the school's management body.
Meanwhile the school seems to have made the rules even stricter. Until now, the girls could receive visitors every fortnight, but parents can now only visit them once a month.
Frances Mans, foster mother of Gweneth Mulder, said last week she would take her daughter out of the school if the rules were not changed.'
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