Boys Education: Colorado schools closing the gender gap

Article here. Excerpt:

"Over the years, statistics show girls have surpassed boys in school. They are scoring better on standardized tests, achieving more academic honors, and receiving better grades. Educators call this a gender gap.

The Gurian Institute in Colorado Springs started examining why this is happening. Researchers found that boys’ brains work differently than girls’ brains, so they must be addressed differently in the classroom."

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Brother does time for incest, but not sister

This story (video) from Germany. Regardless of the substance of the crime (incest), the issue here is that it is against German law to have sex with a sibling. It doesn't say it's only illegal if a male does so, but you'd think that was the case. The story mentions only that the man did two years in jail, nothing about the woman.

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Nowak not to be charged with attempted murder

Story here. Excerpt:

'ORLANDO, Florida (AP) -- Florida prosecutors charged an astronaut Friday with trying to kidnap a woman she saw as a rival for a space shuttle pilot's affections, but they declined to file an attempted murder charge that had been recommended by police.

Lisa Nowak, 43, was formally charged almost a month after she was arrested at an Orlando airport parking lot.

Police have said the Houston mother of three had raced 900 miles in her car from Texas to Orlando on February 5 to confront the woman. She reportedly donned a wig and trench coat, then sprayed a chemical into the woman's car when she wouldn't let Nowak in, police said.

In addition to attempted kidnapping with intent to inflict bodily harm, state prosecutors charged Nowak on Friday with burglary with an assault using a weapon and battery.'

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MSN slideshow "Women who make us cringe"

This is an interesting insight into what MSN's writers classify as a woman who should make us cringe. I think we can agree with a lot of them, I'm just not sure how they narrowed it down to 10 from such a large field.

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Experimenting on (black, male) prisoners is back on the table

What isn't mentioned in this story (video) is that "the prisoners" in question will undoubtedly be all men, all of them or mostly all of them black ones, at that.

The racket is simple enough: incarcerate a man for x number of years and then after some time offer him an option to reduce his sentence in exchange for participating in a "harmless" experiment to test a drug or new product of some kind. Give him limited information, have him sign the forms in some small room with a tiny window looking out on some trees, then he's yours.

Great little system they had going back in the day and it looks like they want a redux. Suppose they'd try this evil scheme on women of any ethnicity? Doubt it.

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Teacher "had sex with" five students

No mention of stat rape in this article. Excerpt:

'CLINTON, South Carolina (AP) -- A middle school teacher accused of having sex with at least five boys -- some of them students at her school -- was arrested, authorities said.

Police began investigating Allenna Williams Ward, 23, after school officials recovered a note containing inappropriate messages, said Clinton Public Safety Director John Thomas.

Ward, who is married, had sexual encounters with the 14- and 15-year-old boys at various locations, including in the school, at a motel, in a park and behind a restaurant, from December to this month, according to arrest warrants.'

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Argument with your man? Solve your problems with petrol

Wonderful article here, excerpt:

"In April 2001, Rene's boyfriend went to bed following a heated argument between them. As Guillaume Pungo snoozed, Rene doused the man's private parts with fuel and set them aflame"

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Women's Health Office Funds Cut

Story here. Excerpt:

'The office funds research on male-female biological differences to ensure that women receive the most appropriate drug doses and treatments.
"We fear this is the first step toward eliminating the Office of Women's Health," Nolan said. "We must not allow this office to be eliminated or reduced to an empty shell that has no program funding."

Office of Women's Health? I would accept her complaint if an "Office Of Men's Health" was ever implemented.

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RADAR ALERT: Crying "Wolf" Too Many Times

Years ago, radical advocates told America that Super Bowl Sunday resulted in very high rates of domestic violence. Last year, the world was convinced that 40,000 female sex slaves would be smuggled to Germany for the World Cup Finals. Radical women's studies departments and students annually celebrate "V-day", a dark substitute for Valentine's Day, to stop rape and sexual abuse of campus women purported to be endemic. Hysteria arose over claims that "date rape" is commonplace. And the Violence Against Women Act is built on the notion that if women are ever violent, it is solely in self-defense.

History proves all the above claims are substantively false. It is time for legislators and the media to expect more than theory or unsupported statistics before playing the fool for radical women's advocates.

Here is the truth on the above issues:

Domestic violence rates for Super Bowl Sunday are only marginally higher than normal (

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England: "The mother of all betrayals"

Story here. Excerpt:

'A DOTING dad told yesterday how he brought up four kids as his own — only to find they were all fathered by his wife’s secret LOVER.

Cheated Charles Bostock, 69, spent years thinking the three cherished girls and a boy were his children.

He only discovered the shock news when his 49-year-old wife Sarah fell pregnant with a FIFTH child by married love rival Richard Mills.'

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More on Mothers-in-Prison

Watch it here on, again from Anderson Cooper. So much sympathy... these women are in jail and they live in a giant nursery with their kids. They have kids, or commit crimes while pregnant, and they are "punished" by being given a great environment to raise their kids nearly 24/7. Meanwhile, how are the fathers of these children treated if in prison for the same thing?

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Lis Wiehl propagates false statistics

Article here.

Fox News contributer Lisa Wiehl has recently written a new book, which has been featured several times during Fox's primetime programs. "The 51% Majority" seems like a typical feminist publication. Wiehl's book is getting tremendous exposure with her appearance on the O'Reilly Factor. Promoting misandry and false statistics on a highly rated primetime cable news program is not good news for M.R.A.'s. Excerpt:

"But it is also the worst of times: women are still making just 73 cents for every dollar men make; we have only one woman sitting among eight others on the country's highest court; and domestic violence statistics have been reaching all-time highs. All this, despite the fact that women account for 51 percent — a clear majority — of the general populace."

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Woman Trades Baby for Car

This story should make your skin crawl. The myth that only a man may see his children as dispensable is obviously well-refuted by this disgusting display. The truth is that both men and women can be defective caregivers or just plain sociopathic when it comes even to their own children. What will feminists say about this story, that she was forced into doing it by some man or by the oppressive circumstances of patriarchy? Excerpt:

'PUEBLO, Colorado (AP) -- Three people were arrested on charges of swapping a 5-month-old boy for a down payment on a used Dodge Intrepid and cash, police said Tuesday.

Nicole Uribe, 23, is accused of trading the baby to Jose-Juan Lerma, 47, and his wife, Irene, 27, in exchange for the down payment and an unspecified amount of cash.'

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Do You Resist Women’s Instructions?

(For comic relief) - A study posted on finds that when a man fails to help out around the house, his poor performance might be related to a subconscious tendency to resist doing anything his wife wants…. He is displaying what psychologists term “reactance -- the tendency to do the exact opposite of what's requested by a loved one or boss... Says the study's co-author Tanya Chartrand: "My husband, while very charming in many ways, has an annoying tendency of doing exactly the opposite of what I would like him to do in many situations."

Imagine that, a man with the gall to refuse a command from a woman. That dog obviously needs behavior modification! ("Not tonight honey, I’ve got a headache ...")

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Motions Filed in Duke LAX Case

Story here. Excerpt:

'Defense attorneys for Collin Finnery, Reade Seligmann and David Evans filed the 39-page motion at the Durham Courthouse Tuesday morning.
This new filing says they've not been given all the DNA evidence that excludes their clients but includes more unrelated male DNA.'

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