Supreme Court of India: Abuse, threat by wife ground for divorce

Complete story here. Excerpt:

'NEW DELHI: In probably the first case of its kind, a husband sought divorce from his wife on the ground of mental cruelty.

The latter was convicted by the trial court for murdering their three children, threatening to lodge false cases against her husband and even going to the extent of threatening to kill him.

On the day of her conviction by the trial court in Rajasthan, she threatened her husband with dire consequences. As she was pregnant at that time, she was granted bail and while on bail, she filed dowry harassment cases against her husband, which the police after investigation certified as false.'

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Admin note: Spiked-drink submissions


We keep getting submissions for the recent spiked-drinks-aren't-really-spiked articles as reported in the UK press. Please note that this story has already been published here on MANN.

One reason a submitted story might not get published is that it or another posting covering the matter already has been. [Use the site search if you are not sure that a particular story has or hasn't been published yet on MANN.] But if you want to add a different link or other commentary you have for a particular issue, just post it in the 'Comments' section of the relevant MANN posting.

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UK: "Life for girl, 17, who stabbed pregnant love rival to death"

Story here. Excerpt:

'A teenage babysitter who stabbed her employer to death after becoming infatuated with her young boyfriend has been jailed for life

Kelly Ross murdered her rival, mother-of-two Tracy Ann Meade, in a fit of jealousy after becoming terrified she would lose her new lover.
Yesterday an Old Bailey judge told Ross, now 17, she would have to serve a minimum of ten and a half years in prison.'

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UK: Marriage rates plummet to record lows

Story here. Excerpt:

'While the number of unmarried adults rose in 2005, the number who chose to wed dropped by 10 per cent, producing the lowest marriage rates since they were first calculated in 1862.

Figures released today by the Office for National Statistics show the marriage rate for men was 24.2 per 1,000 unmarried men aged 16 and over, down from 27.8 in 2004.'

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Best of Craigslist: Man thwarts paternity fraud

I found this rather interesting story on "Best of Craigslist" regarding a man whose girlfriend tried to entrap him into marriage (and child support) by getting pregnant by a "bad boy." Little did she know that he had had a vasectomy shortly before meeting her. The rest of the story is ... priceless!


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Exposed: the myth of the World Cup ‘sex slaves’

Article here. First it was DV increasing during the Super Bowl, then trafficked sex workers/slaves for the World Cup. All a bogus tissue of lies. Seems men getting together in large groups and enjoying themselves largely out of the company of women is so scary to feminists, they have to do whatever they can to spoil the fun. Good thing the BS-meters are working, though. Excerpt:

"Last summer, lurid headlines claimed that 40,000 women would be smuggled by sex slavers into Germany to be prostituted to World Cup football fans. The truth is very different indeed. Newly unrestricted European Union documents reveal that the German police uncovered just five cases of ‘human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation’ related to the international football tournament.

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McMissile wielding mom gets 2 years in prison

This article describes a mother unable to control her violent reactions simply because she was cut off in traffic. She threw a fastfood cup full of ice into the other person's car. Thankfully no one was hurt but often times the law is supposed to consider not just what DID happen but what COULD have happened.

My favorite part however, which is something everyone should vote on, is their poll, in which one of the options is: "No. Nobody got hurt and society will be worse off with a mother in prison for this crime"

I wonder how the vote would go if it was a father, would society be worse off with him in prison? As an added bonus, the father is off serving his country in Iraq while the mother is getting herself arrested while she's responsible for 3 children.

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RADAR ALERT: Outrage Over Sen. Biden's Latest Put-Down

Presidential candidate Joe Biden has a habit of saying the wrong things at the wrong time, like his recent remark about Illinois Sen. Barack Obama being "clean." This past week, Biden had this to say about male victims of domestic violence:

"There is no doubt that we have made tremendous progress battling domestic violence in the past decade ... Everyday women, children and sometimes men, in Delaware and across the nation live in fear in their own homes."

"And sometimes men," Mr. Biden???

Men are just as likely as women to be victimized by partner violence – a fact that was already well-known to researchers back when Sen. Biden first wrote the Violence Against Women Act. But thanks to Sen. Biden's VAWA, men who need help are instead ridiculed and shunned. Or worse – they're labeled "abuser" simply because they're men, and their abuser is labeled "victim" and given a free pass.

Besides discriminating against victims based on gender, VAWA also routinely violates the civil rights of the falsely-accused.

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Teacher beats up on students in gym class

Story here. What was she thinking, perhaps getting the little girls ready for Army training? Excerpt:

"PICO RIVERA, California (AP) -- A first-grade teacher was placed on leave after she allegedly hit and kicked fifth-graders who ran through her class during physical education, school officials said.

Ten-year-old Lauren Lopez said she and her classmates at Meller Elementary School were told by another teacher to run laps Thursday morning, and as they ran by the first-grade teacher's class she "just started tripping and kicking kids."

The girl said she and 11 other classmates had bruises and scratches. Pupils also said the teacher urged her first-graders to fight with the older children."

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NJ court ends father's parental rights because mother poses risk

Story here. Excerpt:

"The state Supreme Court today terminated a father's parental rights, ruling that he's unable to provide a safe home for his 4-year-old special needs son, largely because the presence of the alcoholic and mentally retarded mother poses a serious risk to the boy.

Experts found that the mother had the intellect of a child, periodically ran away from home for "alcoholic binges,'' and made repeated false charges of domestic abuse.

Although we are mindful of the mother's limitations, it is the father who established the dangerous situation at home, who maintains those conditions, and who is unable or unwilling to substantially alter those conditions,'' Zazzali wrote.

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Black Widow Almost Escaped

Story here.

The link above is about the appeal of a black widow who was convicted of 1st degree murder in Michigan of all places and sentenced to LWOP. A political hack state circuit court judge overturned that sentence and reduced it to second degree murder which would have made her eligible for parole in a short time. However, that was appealed to the state appeals court which reinstated the original sentence of life without parole. The political "fix" may have been in because the female governor is rumored to be working behind the scenes to free this vicious killer.

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Why yes, MSN, you are, in fact, better-off single!

MSN's editorial character once again takes a turn and out comes this. It lists the many reasons one is better-off single but alas neglects to mention the legal-risk factor.

But even stranger, MSN also asks women if they are not afraid of commitment themselves, then lists the ways this can manifest itself! That article is here. Excerpt:

'For years, it was the men who had the monopoly on commitment-phobia. But what about commitment-phobic women? Yes, women! Raised to believe that men are the commitment-shy gender, many women coast through life completely oblivious about their own commitment anxiety—believing they want a relationship yet systematically pushing away one perfectly suitable candidate after another. Isn’t it high time we looked at ourselves and admit that maybe, just maybe, we are the ones who have become commitment-challenged?'

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Another Female Teacher Accused of Having Sex With Teenage Boy

Story here. Excerpt:

"Kirsten A. Kinley, 27, a special education teacher at Marriotts Ridge High School, turned herself in to authorities Thursday after learning about a warrant for her arrest on charges of sleeping with a 15-year-old boy in 2004 and 2005.

She was charged with two counts of third-degree sex offense, two counts of fourth-degree sex offense and two counts of solicitation of a minor. She was released on $75,000 bond Thursday night."

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Judge Judy Discusses Paternity Fraud On Larry King Live

Transcript here. Excerpt:

"Judge Judy:

If you have somebody who finds out two years, or three years, or five years, or 10 years after the event that he's not a child's biological father, and who wants to be relieved of that obligation, is it right to say to him, sorry, you may have been defrauded but the child's best interests require you maintaining that parental relationship with the child and, therefore, we are not going to order a DNA test? And even if we do, we are not going to say you're not the father. You're going to pay support forever. Unreasonable."

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How VAWA separates children from fathers

Article here. Excerpt:

"It has become de rigeur for women to claim false allegations of violence in order to gain the upper hand in divorce and custody courts. The mere allegation of domestic violence is enough in many states to affect the child's access to a noncustodial parent. Programs instituted by the VAWA often leave kids in jeopardy and promote a society of fatherless children."

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