Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2007-04-03 17:53
Watch the story here. She was a gang member suspected in as many as 50 shootings, a leader in one of the most violent and predatory gangs in her city. And a lady, too! Good heavens! Send this to anyone who thinks a woman isn't capable of ruthless, calculated violence, or exercising leadership in the context thereof.
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2007-04-03 16:24
Article here. Excerpt:
"Women make similar trade-offs all the time. Surveys have shown for years that women tend to place a higher priority on flexibility and personal fulfillment than do men, who focus more on pay. Women tend to avoid jobs that require travel or relocation, and they take more time off and spend fewer hours in the office than men do. Men disproportionately take on the dirtiest, most dangerous and depressing jobs."
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Submitted by patrick on Tue, 2007-04-03 02:08
Story here. Excerpt:
'Mar 29, 2007 - The "countdown to release" is on for the man who's spent more than two decades in prison for a crime he didn't commit.
There is hope that Anthony Capozzi could be a free man as soon as Friday. Local lawmakers have stepped up the pressure to speed up the process to set Capozzi free now that there's DNA proof he was wrongfully convicted of two rapes in Delaware Park back in the 1980s.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2007-04-02 19:56
Article here. NOW's attack on father's rights continues. My legal knowledge is admittedly weak. My question: Can NOW actually win this lawsuit? Excerpt:
"The complaints cite 34 programs, including one run by the District and two others in the Washington area, that, they say, do not offer the services to women. That, the groups say, violates Title IX, the law that prevents sex discrimination in federally funded education programs and is best known for forcing universities to offer comparable sports programs for men and women."
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2007-04-02 19:04
Topic page here.
A three minute discussion on "Fox and Friends" on why girls are doing better in school. My problem with the video is not so much about the information provided, but rather it didn't appear the disparity was taken seriously. In fact, there was a lot of joking involved. There was no discussion on how to solve the problem.
To view the video, scroll down to "Education On Fox News Channel". The title is "Education expert on why women are beating men in college performance."
Ed. note: Check out those other vids, too, esp. Sen. Kay Hutchison on those "separate but equal" single-sex classrooms.
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2007-04-02 18:50
Story here. Excerpt:
"Heather Nicole Miller, 22, the girlfriend of the boy's father, told investigators she killed Isaiah Vargas Wednesday in her apartment. According to police, Miller said she grabbed his arm and pushed him into his bedroom after he refused to go.
"The defendant said she thought the victim fell down and struck his head on the floor," Detective Dominick Kaufman wrote in court paperwork. "The defendant then grabbed the victim and shook him."
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Submitted by digitalhermit on Mon, 2007-04-02 02:57
A woman in Detroit was caught in a sting where she offered her daughter to an undercover agent for the purposes of child pornography and sex/molestation.
"This is truly a horrifying case," Sheriff Warren Evans said in a statement. "To think that a woman would offer up her own daughter in this way impossible to comprehend."
And yet, this is exactly what we are forced to comprehend. A mother (probably single - there is no mention of a father being present) is revealed as the biggest threat to her own children.
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Submitted by mens_issues on Sun, 2007-04-01 19:07
It seems that our friend in The Patriarchy, Thomas Fullery, has now declared most of the southwestern United States as part of a new Patriarchal nation, to be known as the Patriarchal Republic of New Deseret.
The announcement follows:
Announcing the Patriarchal Republic of New Deseret!
As of today, April 1, 2007, I declare the formation of the Patriarchal Republic of New Deseret. The boundaries as such shall be those of the original Mormon State of Deseret from 1849 to 1850.
For more information on that earlier state, kindly go to:
This republic's boundaries will, of course, need to be modified so as not to overlap with the great Republic of Cascadia, one of our future trading partners.
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Submitted by Benjamin Studtmann on Sun, 2007-04-01 06:26
This isn't news, exactly -- it's just interesting. This is the kind of conversation that is happening behind the scenes as folks such as Wikipedia try to tap-dance their balls off in an attempt to discuss something which everyone knows exists but which no one is allowed to talk about.
Here the Wikipedia dweebs take on our beloved debate. I'd prepare popcorn if I were you.
Wikipedia Talk On Antifeminism
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2007-03-31 23:52
Essay here. Excerpt:
"...all of the gender inclusive language added in the 2000 reauthorization of VAWA and what was proposed by the Senate in 2005 was struck out, deleted... Throughout H.R.3402, every line of text that provided protection, support, and services to male victims of domestic violence from all the other bills of the 109th Congress and prior Congress' additions were completely removed or modified, excluding men."
Contrast what happened here to what NOW is trying to do to the Promoting Responsible Fatherhood Initiative. The blatant anti-male 2x-standards should come as no surprise, but they do continue to shock the conscience of the fair-minded.
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Submitted by ItsDan on Sat, 2007-03-31 13:53
Story here. Excerpt:
"Darrell Roberson came home from a card game late one night to find his wife rolling around with another man in a pickup truck in the driveway.
Caught in the act with her lover, Tracy Denise Roberson — thinking quickly, if not clearly — cried rape, authorities say. Her husband pulled a gun and killed the other man with a shot to the head.
On Thursday, a grand jury handed up a manslaughter indictment — against the wife, not the husband."
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Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2007-03-31 00:56
In an attempt to conflate domestic violence statistics in NH, an important primary state for Hillary, local DV advocates/beneficiaries claim (based upon a single study) that more than half of New Hampshire's women have been abused in their lifetimes and almost one-fifth say they've been raped (?). Excerpt:
"The New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, the University of New Hampshire and the state worked together on the survey. It's the first time experts have tracked the prevalence of violence against women in the state. The hard data backs up what police, health and domestic violence workers have long known: victims are everywhere.
They said future abuse surveys could be expanded to include men."
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2007-03-30 23:32
Essay here.
Its been a while since a Carey Robert's post has appeared. Sit back and enjoy the read! Check out Hillary's "Equal Pay video" link. Excerpt:
'One answer can be found in Hillary's Equal Pay video that is featured on her website. There she repeats the wage-gap chestnut, "Here we are at the beginning of the 21st century and women still earn significantly less than men for doing the same jobs."
But pandering to the "gender wage gap" poses a threat to women's intelligence, and possibly their lifestyles.
That's because men and women don't do the same jobs. Men spend more years in the workforce, work longer hours, and are subjected to far more hazards - 93% of all workplace deaths involve men.'
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2007-03-30 23:24
Story here. Excerpt:
"Grayson woman accused of having sex with two teenage boys and supplying alcohol to teens at a party at her house pleaded guilty to criminal charges Thursday morning in Modesto.
Despite pleading guilty to three felony counts, Walker will likely serve little or no jail time and will not be required to register as a sex offender."
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2007-03-30 23:22
Article here. Excerpt:
“Hillary needs a reality check if she thinks that a majority of women voters embrace radical feminism or will be swayed to vote for her because she has been endorsed by NOW,” said Dr. Crouse. “Three out of four women describe the word ‘feminist’ as an insult, according to a CBS poll. Women recognize that the feminist ideology poses problems like abortion-on-demand, federally mandated day care, sexual orientation special agenda, and anti-masculinity. The movement is largely dead because their basic premise and icons are being rejected by mainstream America.”
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