More on Mothers-in-Prison

Watch it here on, again from Anderson Cooper. So much sympathy... these women are in jail and they live in a giant nursery with their kids. They have kids, or commit crimes while pregnant, and they are "punished" by being given a great environment to raise their kids nearly 24/7. Meanwhile, how are the fathers of these children treated if in prison for the same thing?

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Lis Wiehl propagates false statistics

Article here.

Fox News contributer Lisa Wiehl has recently written a new book, which has been featured several times during Fox's primetime programs. "The 51% Majority" seems like a typical feminist publication. Wiehl's book is getting tremendous exposure with her appearance on the O'Reilly Factor. Promoting misandry and false statistics on a highly rated primetime cable news program is not good news for M.R.A.'s. Excerpt:

"But it is also the worst of times: women are still making just 73 cents for every dollar men make; we have only one woman sitting among eight others on the country's highest court; and domestic violence statistics have been reaching all-time highs. All this, despite the fact that women account for 51 percent — a clear majority — of the general populace."

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Woman Trades Baby for Car

This story should make your skin crawl. The myth that only a man may see his children as dispensable is obviously well-refuted by this disgusting display. The truth is that both men and women can be defective caregivers or just plain sociopathic when it comes even to their own children. What will feminists say about this story, that she was forced into doing it by some man or by the oppressive circumstances of patriarchy? Excerpt:

'PUEBLO, Colorado (AP) -- Three people were arrested on charges of swapping a 5-month-old boy for a down payment on a used Dodge Intrepid and cash, police said Tuesday.

Nicole Uribe, 23, is accused of trading the baby to Jose-Juan Lerma, 47, and his wife, Irene, 27, in exchange for the down payment and an unspecified amount of cash.'

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Do You Resist Women’s Instructions?

(For comic relief) - A study posted on finds that when a man fails to help out around the house, his poor performance might be related to a subconscious tendency to resist doing anything his wife wants…. He is displaying what psychologists term “reactance -- the tendency to do the exact opposite of what's requested by a loved one or boss... Says the study's co-author Tanya Chartrand: "My husband, while very charming in many ways, has an annoying tendency of doing exactly the opposite of what I would like him to do in many situations."

Imagine that, a man with the gall to refuse a command from a woman. That dog obviously needs behavior modification! ("Not tonight honey, I’ve got a headache ...")

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Motions Filed in Duke LAX Case

Story here. Excerpt:

'Defense attorneys for Collin Finnery, Reade Seligmann and David Evans filed the 39-page motion at the Durham Courthouse Tuesday morning.
This new filing says they've not been given all the DNA evidence that excludes their clients but includes more unrelated male DNA.'

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Veterans and Post-Care

Newsweek is covering the problems America is having with caring for its wounded veterans, who are overwhelmingly men.

I find it hard to believe there would be a bureaucracy so slow to move were the ratio of men and women wounded reversed. File this one under "male disposability", and start writing to your Congressoids. Excerpt:

'When he did call the following day, the response from the clinic was even more disheartening: the center was full. Schulze would be No. 26 on the waiting list. He was encouraged to call back periodically over the next two weeks in case there was a cancellation. Marianne was listening in on the conversation from the dining room. She watched Jonathan, slumped on the couch, as he talked to the doctor. "I heard him say the same thing: I'm suicidal, I feel lost, I feel hopelessness," she says. Four days later Schulze got drunk, wrapped an electrical cord around a basement beam in his home and hanged himself. A friend he telephoned while tying the noose called the police, but by the time officers broke down the door, Schulze was dead.'

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Glenn Sacks: Targeting Anti-Father, Anti-Male TV Commercials

Article here. Excerpt:

'In November, 2004 we launched the Campaign Against Anti-Father Verizon Commercial, asking Verizon to stop running the commercial "Homework." In that ad a bumbling father tries to help his little daughter with her homework and is treated with contempt by both the girl and her mother, who orders the father to "leave her alone" and "go wash the dog." Our campaign made 300 newspapers, and the Verizon ad stopped running a few weeks later.

Today we are launching another campaign to combat anti-male advertising. Currently, several advertising agencies are competing for a $150 million advertising contract from Volvo. The agency which is the apparent favorite to win the contract is Arnold Worldwide, the creator of several anti-male commercials. Another, Euro RSCG, currently creates ads for Volvo, and created "Rosi," a popular, father-friendly Volvo ad.'

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"Program Resonates with People: Giving women a chance to change"

Article here. Excerpt:

"People don't understand women who have been in prison," said Penny Painter, executive director of Resonance. "They're not particularly violent. They are in for poverty- and drug-related crimes.

...Crawford said she first smoked marijuana in third grade and started drinking heavily shortly thereafter. She had nine assault-and-battery charges by age 14. She didn't miss a fight."

'Not particulary violent'? This woman had nine violent offense brought against her by the age of fourteen!

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For the Falsely-accused

Demosthenes Lorandos is a clinical psychologist and attorney at law. He is a nationally-recognized expert with many years of experience in defending those falsely accused of abuse.

Ed. note: Normally I don't post regarding sites that seem to have too much of a commercial ring to them. However there seems to be some good citations and advice on this site for the falsely-accused, so I am making an exception.

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Air Force captain acquitted of rape charges

Story here. Excerpt:

"The defense challenged the veracity of the woman’s claims about her behavior during and following the alleged rape. She told the panel she had not resisted or cried out during the alleged assault, and instead had pretended to be asleep because she had been frightened of Merwin. The woman later testified, however, that she also got up after the alleged attack, then returned and talked to Merwin, and accepted a ride home from him the following morning."

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Polk Case Update: Wife gets 16 years for killing husband

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman who fatally stabbed her millionaire psychotherapist husband, whom she met as a 14-year-old girl in treatment, was sentenced Friday to 16 years to life in prison for murder.

Susan Polk received the maximum sentence after acting as her own lawyer in a trial permeated with theatrics, including discussion of her psychic powers and cross-examination of her own sons. An attorney representing her Friday said she planned to appeal."

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Winkler Case Update: Murder trial for minister's wife set for April 9

Story here. Excerpt:

"Mary Winkler, 32, is charged with first-degree murder in last year's shotgun slaying of her 31-year-old husband, Matthew. Prosecutors have refused to give a motive for the shooting, but Winkler told authorities she shot her husband, a Church of Christ minister, after a night of arguing over finances and other family matters."

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Site Administration Updates

This evening I made a few changes to the software that runs We are now using image-based captchas for new user accounts and anonymous article submissions. These are those annoying dialogs where you have to type in the hard-to-read text from an image to confirm that you're a human being.

Unfortunately, a good deal of fake user accounts and spam article postings are sent in to us every day, and we need to do something to stop automated bot programs from deluging us with bogus accounts and stories. Logged-in users will not have to go through this system - it's only for people creating new user accounts or submitting news stories anonymously.

Anyone who has legitimately created a new user account which hasn't been unblocked should send a short email to, and we'll enable your account. Otherwise, in about a week or two I'm going to start culling dead accounts that have never been logged into.

Other related site updates might fix some comment posting bugs that have been reported to us recently. Enjoy.

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Woman allegedly advised by "geese" not guilty in tot death

Story here.

It has become so easy for women to use the "insanity card" to escape jail time. Messages from a goose? Are you kidding me? Excerpt:

'A 53-year-old woman who claimed she received spiritual messages from geese before allegedly stabbing her toddler granddaughter to death was found not guilty by reason of insanity Friday.

A judge ordered Carol Lynn Pappas committed to the state mental health hospital, where officials will decide "when and if she will ever be released," said Kathleen Walsh, spokeswoman for the district attorney.'

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More from the sports and forced prostitution camp

This from Barbados and this from Switzerland.

Looks like the machinery is in gear and soon sporting events will also double as campaigns against men, all in the name of fighting a problem that may exist in some places, just not at football games nor to the extent feminists would have you believe. Seems to me just another veiled attack on space men enjoy just to continue the assault on our senses.

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