RADAR ALERT: Tell Senator Lugar: "Don't Export Family Break-up. Say 'No' to I-VAWA."

Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman and presidential-hopeful Joseph Biden plans on asking the U.S. Congress to legislate for the entire world! Author of the well-intentioned but deeply flawed Violence Against Women Act, Biden will soon be introducing an international version, dubbed "I-VAWA." This would be accomplished by awarding grants to other countries to implement VAWA-like initiatives.

For a reminder of how the U.S. version of VAWA has undermined the basic freedoms and legal protections that once characterized the U.S. as a free society, read RADAR's recent alert at http://www.mediaradar.org/alert20070129.php.

Many members of Congress have expressed concern that foreign countries' resentment of the U.S. has increased due to our unilateral action in Iraq. That resentment will pale in comparison to the resentment that will result if Congress passes I-VAWA, and thus assumes the right to impose legislation on other countries.

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"Oprah's School" in S. Africa Earns Prison-like Reputation

Story here. Looks like "O" is showing her true colors via her girls-only, boys-are-bad, gulag-inspired "school". Just what is this woman trying to prove anyway? Excerpt:

'They would have aired their concerns during a satellite link-up with the chat show queen a week ago, but that was cancelled at short notice by the school's management body.

Meanwhile the school seems to have made the rules even stricter. Until now, the girls could receive visitors every fortnight, but parents can now only visit them once a month.

Frances Mans, foster mother of Gweneth Mulder, said last week she would take her daughter out of the school if the rules were not changed.'

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UK: E-petition for split custody on Downing Street website

I've posted an e-petition on 10 Downing Street's Website (UK) asking for the government to change the UK law so that when a relationship breaks down like in most of Europe the law presumes that custody is split. At present Uk law states that children automatically go to the mother. This is sexual discrimination enshrined in the law.

If the law said children went to the father instead I'm pretty sure women's groups would be up in arms, or if the law stated that certain jobs weren't open to women can you imagine the uproar! And rightly so. If the law were changed women would be more protected form less than enthusiastic fathers, grandparents would have greater assurance of seeing their grandchildren, fathers could be proper fathers instead of every other weekend. Above all children would be allowed the opportunity for balanced parenting and good male role models.

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Texas Mother Who Buried Infants Under House Charged With Murder

Story here. Excerpt:

"The mother of two young children whose decomposing bodies were found wrapped in plastic bags beneath a house this week was arrested Saturday and charged with capital murder.

Valerie Lopez, 19, was arrested early Saturday along with her boyfriend, authorities said.

Lopez confessed to beating to death Sariyah Garcia, her 18-month-old daughter, and hiding her body beneath her home, Police Chief William McManus said. Sariyah died Christmas Eve."

"The boyfriend, Jerry Salazar, faces a charge of injury to a child by omission. He was aware Lopez was abusing her children"

I wouldn't be surprised if he receives a longer prison sentence than the mother.

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Women's anger: "it's genetic"

This article gives women the ultimate aliby - "it's genetic" when they are angry, abusive, catty, bitchy, murderous? Excerpt:

'Not your fault

The results counter some common beliefs that women are to blame for their hostility. And genetic tests for anger could help predict a woman's likelihood of other anger-related diseases.

"Aggression and hostility are predictors of hypertension, glucose metabolism and heart diseases," Halder said. "The genetic marker we found for hostility also may be useful for predicting a person's predisposition to such diseases."'

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Why is it 'Manhunt' and not 'Womanhunt'?

Article here. Is it a bit ironic that the feminist movement has for years pressured politically correct speech, congressperson, mail carrier, etc, but none of them ever thought to push for a woman version, or gender neutral version of manhunt? Excerpt:

"The abduction sparked a manhunt and multiple Amber Alerts in Texas and New Mexico. Tips about the abduction came in from across the region and the country, Hudgens said.
Just before midnight on Saturday, Lubbock investigators received a call from a person who reported that a woman matching the description of the person who had abducted Mychael, Lubbock police said in a statement."

Had to read five paragraphs before it mentioned the kidnapper was a woman.

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True Equality Network

A new activist group has formed called the True Equality Network. They are already quite active in working to stop I-VAWA and other such institutionalized injustices. Please take a moment to visit their site and sign up for their e-newsletter.

'"The question to those who support VAWA is: What are the scientific, ethical, and moral bases being used to justify supporting a system that knowingly excludes the majority of abuse victims and their children from receiving any support or services, while ignoring the majority of the perpetrators?"
-- Terri Lynn Tersak, True Equality Network'

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German man chainsaws house in two in divorce split

Story here.

This guy obviously went too far, but it does show how fed up men are with the inequities of divorce. Excerpt:

"A 43-year-old German decided to settle his imminent divorce by chainsawing a family home in two and making off with his half in a forklift truck.
After finishing the job, the man picked up his half with the forklift truck and drove to his brother's house where he has since been staying."

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Governor-General tells male soldiers to "get down on their knees" and thank the female soldiers

Canada's Governor-General (our appointed head of state) made a visit to Afghanistan yesterday too visit the troops for Women's Day.

After the photo op she "jokingly" told the male soldiers that they should "get down on their knees and pay tribute to women soldiers".


The GG has a blog with forums that users can post comments on here:


Don't bother looking for a men's section to leave a comment on. Only "women", "general" and "belonging" appear to apply. But there's plenty of threads started relating to men's issues in those.

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A (fairly) balanced report on India's DV law

This is a surprisingly balanced story (in a US newspaper) on India's new DV law.

I sent this mail to Ms Jaisingh who drafted this law, and is quoted in this news item. Let's see if she responds to my mail!

"Dear Ms Jaisingh:

I read your comments on India's DV law in this US
newspaper http://www.centredaily.com/220/story/35314.html This is what you say about the law Despite a few flaws, say lawyers like Ms. Jaisingh, crimes against women have always been dramatically higher than those against men. "The aim of this law isn't to go against men," she says. "It's to stop violence in homes."

Just two questions:

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LSU Women's B-Ball Coach Resigns Over Affair With Student Player

Full Story.

She had taken the team to two Final Fours, was 90-14 as LSU's head coach, and making "close to $400,000 a year" (plus post-season bonuses). Excerpt:

'BATON ROUGE, La. -- Pokey Chatman resigned as the head women's basketball coach at Louisiana State on Wednesday after the university became aware of an alleged inappropriate sexual relationship between Chatman and a former player on Chatman's team, sources told ESPN.com.

The university, the sources said, learned of the relationship from an employee within the basketball program. It was unclear when the alleged improper conduct took place. '

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India: First "Men's Day" to be Sept. 16

The news link is here. Ends with a slogan,
"We bear the double burden and that is why our day is also double."

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Mother gives birth to child, stabs it in the neck

Article here. Excerpt:

"Police said Lauren Jones, 24, of Sarver, Butler County, admitted to giving birth to the newborn in the basement of her mother's home, and then stabbing it in the throat afterward."

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Letting a woman open a door for you may cost you

Ridiculous case about a woman suing after she was injured while holding a door open for someone. Excerpt:

'A woman who was injured while holding open the door for customers at the Edwardsville Pizza Hut filed a personal injury suit against the restaurant and the man to whom she extended the courtesy.

Amanda Verett claims she was walking out the door of Pizza Hut on Feb. 12, when she held open the door to allow herself and co-defendant Clarence Jackson to exit.

"Jackson grabbed the door in such a fashion that it caused the door to suddenly and sharply move," the complaint written by Edwardsville attorney Tom Maag states.

Verett claims she was injured as a result of the sudden and sharp movement of the door.'

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Vids on anti-male DV laws, marriage

Thanks to Deb C. for the heads-up on these two vids:

"Anti-male laws regarding DV":

"Why men should not get married":

What is so great about these vids is that they were made by a young man. It shows he is aware of these issues and isn't going to let himself get fooled.

Want to save these to hard-drive? The how-to is here.

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