Female teacher gets a 10-year sentence for rape

A female teacher convicted of molesting a 13-year-old male student actually gets a reasonable sentence for a change! Article here.

With the current extra media attention to female teacher statutory rape cases, it sounds like some judges may finally be getting the message and making sentencing decisions that are more equivalent to what a man would expect in the same situation.

Interesting to see how the defense is spinning it.... Holt’s attorney, John S. Malik, said the sentence was much longer than what teachers convicted in similar cases got<. He reviewed 40 such cases and found the average was 18 months to two years. ('similar cases'-- AKA, the typical case when a female teacher is convicted of rape/molestation?)

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Baltimore Police Arrest, Handcuff 7-Year-Old Boy for Riding Bike on Sidewalk

Story here.

Apparently society treats boys with the same bias as men. Four year old boys accused of sexual harassment and now a seven year old is 'cuffed and arrested. Excerpt:

'Police arrested a 7-year-old boy, handcuffed him and hauled him down to the station house on a charge of riding a motorized dirt bike on a sidewalk."
Kikisa Dinkins said her son was sitting on the bike with the motor off on the sidewalk when an officer grabbed him by the collar and pulled him off.

"I told them to let go of my baby," Dinkins said. "Since when do you pull a 7-year-old child by his neck and drag him?'

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Teen killed after affair with teacher; husband charged

Of course the poor dear teacher will undoubtedly receive nothing but sympathy even though she preyed on the student and provoked her husband into a rage that resulted in his misfortunate reaction!

Score: 2 males down, 1 female walks!

Article here. Excerpt:

'KNOXVILLE, Tennessee (AP) -- In a tragic twist to a familiar story, a teenager who had sex with his married 30-year-old teacher was fatally shot outside the woman's home, and authorities have charged the woman's husband.

"You see all this stuff with teachers involved with their students. It just comes up time after time on the national news," said Norman McLean, father of suspect Eric McLean. But this time, he said, someone "actually died over it."'

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Teacher Jailed for Sex with Student

"Judge ignores plea bargain and sentences teacher to jail for sex with student."

I get the impression from this video that society is starting to get fed-up with female teachers preying on male students and receiving little or no consequences for their behaviors!

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McCain Uses Racial Epithet While Avoiding Question About Fathers' Rights

McCain was answering a question from a man who wanted to know if he would talk about fathers' having equal access to their children after divorce, CNN reported. The quote:

"For me to stand here before all these people and say that I'm going to declare divorces invalid because someone feels that they weren't treated fairly in court, we are getting into a, uh, uh, tar baby of enormous proportions" - McCain

The phrase 'tar Baby' is considered derogatory to Blacks.

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Essay: Anti-male Double Standard in Society

Essay here. Excerpt:

'Less common, however, is discourse on what words/phrases can be anti-male (such as man-slaughter or men-at-work which both imply that it is only men who experience undesirable afflictions like death and work). This semantic bias is also manifested in how the rules of gender discourse leave men at the door. It is indeed interesting to note that the term "masculism" is seldom acknowledged as a real term in mainstream media (one exception is Wikipedia)...The problem is that the very term “feminism” is sexist (at least on its own). Feminism is a female word, with a feminine prefix (fem-inism). This can implicitly create the taciturn illusion that feminism = equality. This is similar to how gender-feminists insist to define sexism in strictly female terms (despite men obviously being one of the two sexes)!'

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Duke Update: Mum's the word from the accuser

Suddenly she is being quite circumspect. Story here. Excerpt:

'March 16, 2007 — The woman who accused three members of the Duke University men's lacrosse team of sexual assault is not being forthcoming with special prosecutors, law enforcement sources close to the case tell ABC News.

The accuser has met at least twice with prosecutors from the North Carolina attorney general's office, which took over the case from Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong in January.

In those interviews, she gave incomplete answers when asked about the alleged assault and the events surrounding it, according to sources.'

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Children win share of sperm donor's estate

Article here.

I hope stuff like this keeps happening, the sperm donor pool is going to entirely dry up. Not that I have any issue with sperm donations, but we need to reestablish the lines that are slowly being erased.

'THREE children have won a share of the estate of a man said to be their sperm donor father after using tweezers to pluck his eyebrows for DNA testing as he lay dead in a hospital morgue.

In a landmark decision, the NSW Supreme Court yesterday granted administration of Willem Wijma's estate to one of those children, ruling against his family's wishes.'

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KCAL 9 News Promotes Prison Rape, Vigilante Beatings

Posted for Marc A.:
In this news video of the mugging of a 101-year-old woman, KCAL 9 News Los Angeles (CBS) reads and displays two letters from viewers, one of which calls for the guy to receive "prison justice" (rape), and the other hopes the guy is "beaten."

I sympathize and feel the anger too. But it is extremely irresponsible of KCAL 9 News to promote prison rape and vigilante beatings. If a seemingly homeless/destitute woman beat and mugged a 101-year-old man, fixing the victim's collar in between blows, would KCAL 9 News read and display letters calling for her to be raped and beaten? Or, instead, would their reaction include speculation about the woman's mental state? I sent KCAL 9 News (CBS) an email at kcbstvnews-at-cbs.com.

Their website has a feedback page at http://cbs2.com/contact.


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Sprint Commercial: Woman sends two men to the hospital

My letter to the contact listed under Financial and Corporate Communications:



While watching the Discovery channel I saw a commercial for the Sprint Blackberry where a woman is searching for her phone. She states that she can't find her phone, and that it has her contacts, her email... The phone rings in one of the guys' pockets. They claim it was just a prank. She gives the guys an angry stare. After that, we see a text message being sent "Frank might be late" and then a scene of her with the two men seeking medical attention.

I have but two simple questions:
Would your marketing department have allowed the advertisement to air if a man caused two women to seek medical attention?

If not, how does your marketing department justify approving this commercial?

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Current Events: Hate Crime or Not? Woman Tirades Against Store Owner

Watch the report here (video). This is one to keep an eye on. Will she actually be charged with the heavier hate crime offense? Will only her male companion be charged with it? Neither? Wait and see.

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Man forced to pay $3,000 for 'intimidating' fitness gym

Article here describes a case of not only a man being denied access to a gym because of it being just for women (which I have no problem with, so long as no one has a problem with men's only fitness clubs and other such facilities), but on top of that then being forced to pay $3,000 restitution to the gym for his "improper conduct".

A man behind a failed human rights complaint against a women's-only fitness centre in Burnaby has been ordered to pay the gym $3,000. Gordon Stopps claimed Just Ladies Fitness discriminated against men.

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UK Plan to Scrap Women's Prisons

Women's prisons should be shut down and replaced with small secure units, according to a report commissioned for the Home Office. If adopted by the home secretary, Baroness Corston's approach would see Holloway and about 14 other all-female prisons in England and Wales shut down or converted into jails for men. Story here

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"Frankenstein" Authorship in Dispute

Camille Paglia reviews a book entitled The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein wherein the authorship of the book is disputed with evidence showing that Mary Shelley could not have written "Frankenstein", but that her husband, Percy Shelley, was the actual author.

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Percentage of Men with Eating Disorders Rises Substantially

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last month, Harvard researchers reported the results of the first national study of eating disorders in a population of nearly 3,000 adults and found that 25 percent of those with anorexia or bulimia and 40 percent of binge eaters were men.
Although disordered eating is well-known among teenage girls and young women, experts say the problem among boys and young men is frequently overlooked by parents and coaches and under-treated by doctors.
Eating disorders, Robb and other experts say, appear to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

"Genes load the gun, and environment pulls the trigger," said North Carolina's Bulik. "But one of the problems I see for male eating disorder patients is just being taken seriously."

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