Sadistic foster mother's 19-year reign of terror

A foster mother was found guilty today of subjecting three young children to a "horrifying catalogue of cruel and sadistic treatment".

Eunice Spry, 62, routinely beat, abused and starved the youngsters in her care over a 19 year period. The devout Jehovah's Witness forced sticks down their throats and made them eat their own vomit and rat excrement.

As punishment for misbehaving, she would beat them on the soles of their feet and force them to drink washing up liquid and bleach.

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Award for DV Solution Offered

MANN admins received the following e-mail note. Looking at their web site, it seems like the organization is the typical feminist-inspired group. This solicitation represents an opportunity to educate them on the truth around DV. If you are a male DV victim, perhaps it is worthwhile to tell them your story and suggest how DV may be eradicted. Who knows, you might even win the prize! :)


Dear Sir or Madam:

I am contacting you regarding Changemakers Collaborative Competition “No Private Matter! Ending Abuse in Intimate and Family Relations.” We are in search of the most creative and lasting ways to eradicate this cancer in our world.

I am contacting you today to encourage you to consider participating in this collaborative competition. The work of aligns very well with the goals of our competition and would be of interest to our judges and to our network of leaders in the sector.

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Smart boys, bad grades?

Article here.

I hope the education system will not just identify this problem, but make legitimate steps to correct the inequity. The single sex class room experiment (though not mentioned in this article), is a positive step in the right direction. Excerpt:

'This is an issue that affects millions and millions of boys, said William Draves, co-author of "Smart Boys, Bad Grades," who was a speaker at the Building Boys Success Conference at Utah Valley State College.

"The grading system has become gender-biased and is skewed," he said. "There are millions of smart boys who are testing at a very high level and getting really low grades."'

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Iowa Senate Judiciary Approves Law Presuming Joint Custody

Story here. Excerpt:

"There is nothing new about politicians kissing babies, but politicizing children is a newer development. Iowa lawmakers have proposed a healthier alternative: The Iowa Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved Senate File 507, which would place into law the presumption of shared parenting in the event of divorce or separation.

This would result in more children having the love and care of both parents in their lives, regardless of their marital status."

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No Mention of Taking McCartney for Millions

She wows the audience with her 'courage'. Seems the inconvenient truth that she recently took Paul McCartney for millions is left entirely out of the article. Story here. Excerpt:

'The ABC dancing contest, returning for its fourth season, was a big hit in the past. But adding a new level of interest and curiosity this go-around is the presence of the 39-year-old activist and estranged wife of former Beatle Paul McCartney as one of the 11 celebrity contestants.
"You've got more guts than Rambo," said Bruno Tonioli, who went on to criticize not her legs but her top half -- her arms -- during the performance.
It may also be a chance to repair an image that has suffered during her bitter breakup with McCartney, from whom she separated last May after four years of marriage. The couple, who have a 3-year-old daughter, began divorce proceedings in July.'

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"Anti-Rape" device set to hit market in South Africa

Article here. I wonder if anyone has considered that a woman could use this on someone who believes the sex is consensual with equal ease? Excerpt:

'The controversy has raged over whether the device, which has fish-like teeth that attach to the head and shaft of the penis, is a medieval device built on a hatred of men or whether it is an easy-to-use invention that could free millions of South African women from fear of rape.'

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RADAR ALERT: RADAR Credits Victories to Lobbying by the "Wise Majority"

We take pause this week to thank the thousands of true advocates for their hard work helping to block CEDAW and possible introduction of I-VAWA. We take note of organizations who devoted resources delivering this message, including the True Equality Network, the American Coalition for Fathers and Children, Stop Abuse For Everyone, the Indiana Civil Rights Council, Shattered Men, and the San Diego Men's Center.

Over the past two years, this "Wise Majority" has spoken, delivering millions of telephone calls and emails to politicians calling for reform of domestic violence laws that hurt innocent individuals and families while rarely helping those who really need it. RADAR is committed to helping the Wise Majority amplify their voices to bring about positive change. We thank you for your help and donations which, in turn, help us all succeed as a team.

Thanks to you, we have achieved much in just two short years of existence:

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NYTimes Magazine: "The Women's War"

Seems the way out of fulfilling a duty she volunteered for is for a woman is to claim sexual harassment on top of PTSD. Then, going AWOL is fine. In fact, you get a 16-page nationally-syndicated news story about yourself written in a very sympathetic way.

Just try this if you're a man.

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Study: Circumcision might increase HIV infection in female partners

Link to article. Excerpt:

"In the evolving world of AIDS prevention, the giddiness over studies showing that circumcision reduces a man's risk of contracting AIDS from an infected female partner has died down a bit in the wake of subsequent research."

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True Equality Information Center Releases Paternity Fraud Disincentive Legislative Report

From their Mar. 18, 2007 newsletter:

Our report, Modifications to Federal Statutes Required to Disincentive Paternity Fraud (.pdf file) is now released to the public.

This report provides the changes to the sections of the United States Code required to stop paying the states to support paternity fraud.

There are two key changes made in this template;

  1. Paternity Establishment can only be made via genetic testing.
  2. Both paternity establishments and exclusions can be made up to the child's eighteenth birthday.

Under the current laws, paternity can be established in several ways, none of which actually prove paternity biologically.

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F4J Announces First Major US Initiative

14th March 2007

International campaign group Fathers 4 Justice (F4J) today announced plans for its first major US initiative to take place in 2008.

The project called ‘Bridge Across America’ will see a hand-picked group of fathers and children take part in a sponsored ‘crossing’ to raise money for young offenders from fatherless families. The unusual road-trip will cross the country from the East coast to the West Cost using a unique form of travel and wearing a ‘Pythonesque’ theme.

F4J say the crossing will be preceded this year by a series of high profile stunts in the United States as part of its awareness drive.

The group say that Founder Matt O’Connor will unveil details of the trip when he attends a fathers conference in Washington this July with UK activist Jolly Stanesby.

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Female teacher gets a 10-year sentence for rape

A female teacher convicted of molesting a 13-year-old male student actually gets a reasonable sentence for a change! Article here.

With the current extra media attention to female teacher statutory rape cases, it sounds like some judges may finally be getting the message and making sentencing decisions that are more equivalent to what a man would expect in the same situation.

Interesting to see how the defense is spinning it.... Holt’s attorney, John S. Malik, said the sentence was much longer than what teachers convicted in similar cases got<. He reviewed 40 such cases and found the average was 18 months to two years. ('similar cases'-- AKA, the typical case when a female teacher is convicted of rape/molestation?)

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Baltimore Police Arrest, Handcuff 7-Year-Old Boy for Riding Bike on Sidewalk

Story here.

Apparently society treats boys with the same bias as men. Four year old boys accused of sexual harassment and now a seven year old is 'cuffed and arrested. Excerpt:

'Police arrested a 7-year-old boy, handcuffed him and hauled him down to the station house on a charge of riding a motorized dirt bike on a sidewalk."
Kikisa Dinkins said her son was sitting on the bike with the motor off on the sidewalk when an officer grabbed him by the collar and pulled him off.

"I told them to let go of my baby," Dinkins said. "Since when do you pull a 7-year-old child by his neck and drag him?'

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Teen killed after affair with teacher; husband charged

Of course the poor dear teacher will undoubtedly receive nothing but sympathy even though she preyed on the student and provoked her husband into a rage that resulted in his misfortunate reaction!

Score: 2 males down, 1 female walks!

Article here. Excerpt:

'KNOXVILLE, Tennessee (AP) -- In a tragic twist to a familiar story, a teenager who had sex with his married 30-year-old teacher was fatally shot outside the woman's home, and authorities have charged the woman's husband.

"You see all this stuff with teachers involved with their students. It just comes up time after time on the national news," said Norman McLean, father of suspect Eric McLean. But this time, he said, someone "actually died over it."'

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Teacher Jailed for Sex with Student

"Judge ignores plea bargain and sentences teacher to jail for sex with student."

I get the impression from this video that society is starting to get fed-up with female teachers preying on male students and receiving little or no consequences for their behaviors!

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