Woman's war story unravels

An Editor's Note confirms that pretty much everything a woman said about her tour of duty was a fabrication:

"The cover article in The Times Magazine on March 18 reported on women who served in Iraq, the sexual abuse that some of them endured and the struggle for all of them to reclaim their prewar lives. One of the servicewomen, Amorita Randall, a former naval construction worker, told The Times that she was in combat in Iraq in 2004 and that in one incident an explosive device blew up a Humvee she was riding in, killing the driver and leaving her with a brain injury. She also said she was raped twice while she was in the Navy.

... Based on the information that came to light after the article was printed, it is now clear that Ms. Randall did not serve in Iraq, but may have become convinced she did."

Notice the editor's presumption that the woman did not blatantly lie, no that's not possible. She must just have been confused about the truth. Poor thing!

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RADAR ALERT: I-VAWA Would Worsen a “Repugnant Violation of Fundamental Rights”

Domestic violence laws have been shown to be completely ineffective in stopping partner abuse, but highly effective in violating civil liberties, destroying families, and depriving children of their fathers.

Recently the Law on Gender Violence in Spaincame under scathing criticism from chief judge Maria Sanahuja, who said the law has brought about the “massive detention of men for scarcely any reason” which she condemned as “characteristic of totalitarian countries” and “a repugnant violation of fundamental rights.” See the judge’s comments here.

Two weeks ago we asked you to contact Senator Richard Lugar to speak out against the International Violence Against Women Act, a law that would export the U.S. Violence Against Women Act to countries around the world.

This week, we are asking you to contact Senator Lugar again, highlighting the massive civil rights violations that domestic violence laws are causing, both in the United States and abroad.

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Australia: More separated dads looking after kids

Article here. Excerpt:

"In the six months to December 2006, fathers who were primary carers made up one-fifth of new cases to the Federal Government agency.

That's a significant increase from June 1997 when fathers were the primary carers in just 7.5 per cent of cases."

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"A Girl’s Guide to Failure"

Essay here.

This article challenges Lis Wiehl's new book: "The 51% Minority". Wiehl's book is being heavily promoted on FOX's primetime news lineup. The blatant hypocrisy of her book, combined with numerous fallacies has finally been exposed.

"To say that women need more rights, as Lis Wiehl claims, is akin to saying that fish need more water. In fact, women, by hijacking the Constitution, are swimming in rights and consequently:

* Own reproductive rights
* Get presumed child custody, child support, and alimony
* Are rewarded for fraudulent maternity
* Can falsely and feloniously accuse men, with impunity, of domestic violence and rape
* Are legally protected when assaulting and injuring men."

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Men's Sports: Title IX challenge

Article here. Excerpt:

"An advocacy group for men's sports that seeks to set aside the three-part test at the heart of Title IX regulations filed a lawsuit against the Department of Education on Tuesday in the U.S. District Court in Roanoke, Va. Equity In Athletics filed the suit in response to a decision by James Madison University to cut 10 teams — seven men's and three women's — effective July 1."

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Obama Calls for Independent Inquiry into Nifong's Actions

Well, this is good news! Excerpt:

'March 25, 2007 — Another voice has joined the call for a federal investigation into the handling of the Duke Lacrosse case — this one with the punch of presidential politics.

Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., in a written response to a constituent, said that an "independent inquiry is needed" into the conduct of Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong.
According to Obama's letter, Jones asked Gonzales to "review new evidence that Mr. Nifong withheld exculpatory DNA results from the defendants in order to determine if his conduct has illegally denied the students their civil rights as U.S. citizens under federal law."'

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Why feminism 'could be bad for your health'

A study done in Sweden suggests a deterioration of the quality of life for people of both sexes entailed by feminist-inspired changes in society.

No sooner is this the suggestion though than the author asserts the real problem is that not enough has been done to enact "the revolution" and so more must be done. Where have we heard this before?

'The report said: "The results suggest an unfortunate trade-off between gender equality as we know it and public health.

"Sweden may have reached a critical point where further one-sided expansion by women into traditionally male roles, spheres and activities will not lead to positive health effects unless men also significantly alter their behaviour.

"Negative effects of this unfinished equality might be found both for women, who have become more burdened, and men, who as a group have lost many of their old privileges."

Anastasia de Waal, head of family policy at the British think-tank Civitas, urged caution in interpreting the findings.

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Pizza Boxes Used for C/S Wanteds

Seems like even pizza boxes are being enlisted in the war of fathers. A pizzeria in Cincinnati is now featuring child-support delinquent suspects on the covers. Wonder if they have any women? And why don't they use the same thing to find other suspects of some kind? Story here. Excerpt:

'CINCINNATI, Ohio (AP) -- Customers at some suburban pizza parlors are getting something extra with their pepperoni and mushrooms -- wanted posters for parents accused of failing to pay child support.

The idea came to Cynthia Brown, executive director of the Butler County Child Enforcement Agency, while she was ordering pizza.

"It suddenly dawned on me that most people running from the law don't eat out, they order pizza," said Brown, whose county is north of Cincinnati.'

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PODS Commercial Encourages DV

An official sponser of the PGA Tour, PODS (Portable On demand Storage) is running a commercial during the WGC CA golf match. The commercial shows a wife kneeing her husband in the groin when she discovers he has to relocte for a new job and repeatedly punches him in the face when he has to relocate again.

I think we should let PODS what we think about domestic violence against men and also inform the PGA of our thoughts about this. You can contact PODS here.

This is a total outrage.


Ed. note: Can anyone supply a URL to the commercial on-line?

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Georgia jury convicts woman in murder-by-antifreeze

Story here. Excerpt:

"DALTON, Ga. - A former 911 operator was convicted Saturday of murdering her boyfriend by poisoning him with antifreeze.

Lynn Turner could face a death sentence in the 2001 killing of Randy Thompson, a Forsyth County firefighter and the father of her two children. The same jury that convicted Turner will return to court at 9 a.m. Monday to decide whether to impose that sentence.

She is already serving a life sentence for the 1995 death of her husband, Glenn Turner, a Cobb County police officer. The murder charge in Thompson’s death was filed after that 2004 conviction."

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Brazilian Housewife Convicted for Killing, Frying Husband

Story here. Excerpt:

"A Brazilian housewife was convicted and sentenced to 19 years in prison Friday for killing her husband, chopping his body into small pieces and frying it.
Citing testimony from the woman's relatives, he said she may also have committed the crime "to avenge many years of humiliation from her husband." He did not provide further details."

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Texas Bill Would Require Genetic Testing for C/S

Texas' HB 782 would require a genetic test before a man would be liable for paying C/S. This bill is a true joy to behold.

Please, especially Texas activists, do not hesitate to contact the Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Committee members in support of this bill, as it is currently there. Some very good news: the author if this Bill is Harold V. Dutton, Jr., who chairs this committee.

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VAWA Funding Increased by $100 Million

An excited e-mail from Lucy Melvin lmelvin-at-nnedv.org (National Network to End Domestic Violence) announces:

"VICTORY -- The Biden VAWA Budget amendment passed unanimously on 3/23/07! Our efforts paid off! The Biden amendment to the budget will increase the funds available for VAWA programs by $100 million. This is critical in our efforts to increase funding for VAWA in the Budget and Appropriations process for FY 2008. This is a HUGE SUCCESS -- and it is DIRECTLY due to your calls. Now that the Biden amendment has passed, the Senate Budget Resolution includes more money that can be available for VAWA programs."

Read all you need to know at http://www.nnedv.org/

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EJF newsletter - Ottawa's notorious Bill 117 comes to Colorado

From the most recent newsletter from The Equal Justice Foundation:


In the fall of 2000 legislators in Ottawa, Canada, introduced Bill 117 that provided that any woman could have a man restrained, imprisoned, and his property transferred to her all in the same day without any pretense of due process. Writing for the Ottawa Citizen, columnist Dave Brown noted:

"The new legislation is based on the premise women in abusive relationships can't escape because they are economically dependent. The intent is to correct this by making it possible to immediately transfer all property to her.

Written into the scheme are ex parte applications. The alleged abuser doesn't have to be present when the order seizing his property is made. Application for an Intervention Order can be made by anyone in a one-to-one relationship, including dating.

...It will take precedence over any acquittal, dismissal or withdrawal of a criminal charge, or any order under any statute, including the Divorce Act.

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16-YO Girl Arrested for Sexually Abusing 10-YO Girl

Article here. Excerpt:

"A Watertown teen is facing sex and endangerment charges relating to a young girl she was babysitting.

Corinne Robin Lee Bennett, 16, of 21601 Floral Dr, is charged with Endangering the Welfare of a Child and Sexual Abuse 1st Degree in connection with incidents occurring in August and September of 2006."

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