Hillary's Bitter Pill: Women Can't Stand Her by Carey Roberts

Essay here.

Its been a while since a Carey Robert's post has appeared. Sit back and enjoy the read! Check out Hillary's "Equal Pay video" link. Excerpt:

'One answer can be found in Hillary's Equal Pay video that is featured on her website. There she repeats the wage-gap chestnut, "Here we are at the beginning of the 21st century and women still earn significantly less than men for doing the same jobs."

But pandering to the "gender wage gap" poses a threat to women's intelligence, and possibly their lifestyles.

That's because men and women don't do the same jobs. Men spend more years in the workforce, work longer hours, and are subjected to far more hazards - 93% of all workplace deaths involve men.'

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Grayson "Party Mom" Pleads Guilty...Jail Time Unlikely

Story here. Excerpt:

"Grayson woman accused of having sex with two teenage boys and supplying alcohol to teens at a party at her house pleaded guilty to criminal charges Thursday morning in Modesto.

Despite pleading guilty to three felony counts, Walker will likely serve little or no jail time and will not be required to register as a sex offender."

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CWFA: NOW 's Endorsement of Hillary Will Not Sway Women’s Votes

Article here. Excerpt:

“Hillary needs a reality check if she thinks that a majority of women voters embrace radical feminism or will be swayed to vote for her because she has been endorsed by NOW,” said Dr. Crouse. “Three out of four women describe the word ‘feminist’ as an insult, according to a CBS poll. Women recognize that the feminist ideology poses problems like abortion-on-demand, federally mandated day care, sexual orientation special agenda, and anti-masculinity. The movement is largely dead because their basic premise and icons are being rejected by mainstream America.”

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A Returning Salior and His Son

Just watch this and be prepared for tears. A returning US Sailor from Iraq and his boy. It's priceless.

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Phyllis Schlafly Attacks The Feminist Movement

Story here.

Kim Gandy has nightmares about Phyllis Schlafly. She is politically incorrect, and I love it! Even though she's 81 years old, the woman still knows how to battle the feminist hypocrisy. Excerpt:

"LEWISTON - For four decades, right-wing icon Phyllis Schlafly has been an anti-feminist spokeswoman for the national conservative movement.

Schlafly, now 81, brought her long-running campaign to Bates College on Wednesday night in a lecture titled "Conservativism vs. Feminism: The Great Debate," which played to a near-capacity crowd of more than 135 students and visitors at Chase Hall."

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New York Mom Charged in 1980 Death of Child

Story here.

I wonder if "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome" is often used as an exuse to murder an infant. Excerpt:

"A 49-year-old woman who was long the focus of police investigating the suspicious deaths of three of her children was charged with murder Wednesday, accused of smothering one of her sons in 1980.

Ronald Winters III was five months old when he died in 1980 while the family was living in Otisco in Onondaga County. His death was attributed to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome."

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Twin Sisters Charged After Taking Topless Photos in Front of 5-YO Boy

Story here.

It remains to be seen if they'll actually be punished, but the authorities must let society know, women must be held accountable when exposing sexuality in the presence of a child. Excerpt:

'Pam and Penny Crane, 29, are accused of snapping topless pictures in front of the child, a relative of the sisters.

The women were wearing thong underwear and hosiery, while the 5-year-old appeared in some of the photos and may have snapped one of the two sisters topless, Lt. Jeff Johnston said.

"Why they would take those pictures, I have no idea," said Sheboygan County district attorney Joe DeCecco, who called the case creepy. "But then to go one step further and to be exposing their breasts to the child and buttocks to the child."'

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A Larger Set of Facts on Child Support Services

Mike Geanoulis submitted the following to be distributed:

In a recent effort to justify the 17 million dollars it spends annually to force obligors to pay court ordered child support obligations or suffer the loss of certain privileges and freedoms, the New Hampshire Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) published, among other things, data showing that 64% of ordered support was collected for all accounts - no small achievement, it would seem. The report, designed to convey a sense of satisfaction for taxpayers fed up with the deadbeat problem, was picked up from the Associated Press by newspapers across the state.

For those familiar with the larger set of facts on the matter, however, the report seemed more like a misleading accounting of failure and ineptitude. (read more to continue...)

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Woman bites husband's genitals

Article here. Excerpt:

"A woman in America has been charged with assault and trespass after allegedly biting her boyfriend on the genitals while he slept.

According to authorities, 25-year-old Amanda Rall broke into her boyfriend's house while he was asleep on March 22. She then administered a bite to what reports describe as 'his private area.'"

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NOW Sues Over Fatherhood Programs

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's called the Promoting Responsible Fatherhood Initiative, and the Bush administration doles out up to $50 million annually to fund its programs to build job skills and help fathers connect better with their children. But the National Organization for Women says the effort is illegal because it's only about men.

NOW and Legal Momentum, another advocacy group, filed complaints yesterday with the Department of Health and Human Services alleging sex discrimination in the initiative that is funding about 100 programs this year.'

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Man falsely accused of rape later terrorized by accuser

Story here. Excerpt:

"A WOMAN terrorised a man she falsely claimed had raped her after a one-night stand five years earlier.

Debbie Oldham, 27, went to the man's flat in Glasgow's West End with three masked men and her rottweiler dog.

Oldham demanded cash, and the 25-year-old victim was threatened, assaulted and had possessions stolen and trashed."

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Man falsely charged with sexual assault by multiple women sues police

Story here. Excerpt:

"Maurice Kondell was helping out behind the counter at a Wendy's fast food outlet on May 19, 2004, when a team of police officers walked in, clamped handcuffs on his wrists and led him away to face sexual assault charges.

Reeling in shock and humiliation, Mr. Kondell -- the first black person to become a part-owner of a Wendy's franchise -- learned that a staff member claimed he had thrust his hand down her pants one evening during a cleanup."

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Hillary Clinton receives endorsement from NOW

Story here. Excerpt:

"Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton declared Wednesday that if you look up the word "feminist" in a dictionary, you'll find her."

Asked if she viewed herself as a feminist, Clinton said by the standard definition, yes.

"If you look in the dictionary, the word feminist means someone who believes in equal rights for women in society, in the economy, the political process — generally believes in the equality of women. And I certainly believe in the equality of women," she said.

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Despite 'Safe Harbor' Laws, Mother Abandons Three Babies

Crazy, irresponsible, stupid, or all three? If caught, will she actually be charged with any crimes? Will the media fawn all over her? Stay tuned! Video report here.

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Two Teachers Accused of 'Having Sex' with Six Students

Article here:

'The arrest of two women teachers on charges of having sex with their male students has brought cries of lingering racism in one of South Carolina's most conservative counties and evoked some of the South's oldest and deepest-seated racial taboos.

Both women are white. The boys - six in all - are black.


"If this had been black teachers, they would not be out of jail right now," said Corinnie Young, a 49-year-old bookstore employee who is black.

Some blacks shudder to think what would have happened if the teachers were black men and the students were white girls.

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