Dads facing discrimination in the workplace has a story (finally!) on the discrimination that fathers are increasingly facing in the workplace when we try to take advantage of the supposedly equal rights offered to us and women.

QUOTE: In 1995-96, there were eight complaints to the commission. Last year that figure jumped to 17.

Complainants include:

A DAD who left work early once to care for his child and was sacked because the employer believed child care was his wife's responsibility.

Acting Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner Slavka Scott said the number of complaints could be the tip of the iceberg because men were less likely to complain and attitudes had not caught up with the changing times. :QUOTE

I've faced the same issues at work - my wife left me with our three kids and I've worked a full-time professional job ever since (nearly 2 years back), but I've had my fair share of discrimination and exclusion.

Great to see this finally becoming a press-worthy issue.

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6-YO boy excluded from class on say-so of girl reports here on a story in Australia, where a 6-year-old boy has been excluded from his class after a girl he sat next to accused him of saying bad things and inappropriate touching. The boy denies it ever happened, but (of course) his denial counts for zip and he's been thrown out of class and can only return to school if he joins a new class, leaving all his mates behind.

It's interesting to see how the complete faith in womens/girls accusations has gone right down to the school and even pre-school level, with 'evidence' being an inconvenient and unnecessary distraction.

QUOTE: "In effect, Jonathan is being penalised and 'made to feel guilty' for acts which he denies occurred and for which there is no evidence other than the unsubstantiated allegations of the girl," the letter said.

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Essay: The Wrong in Women's Rights

The Wrong in Women’s Rights
April 7, 2007
by E. Abdiel

Abortion. A cornerstone in the woman’s movement. It is a cornerstone that claims it is a woman’s sole right to decide the outcome of the unborn child inside her. Yet when its assertions are applied consistently to their end, it contradicts premises used to assign responsibility to men to financially support children they did not intend to have.

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Shoot Me But -- Vagina Monologues is Funny!

Have any of you dudes actually seen the "Vagina Monologues": off-broadway play, campus renditions, or DVD edition?

Well, whenever I hear about some feminist abomination, I like to check out the original text, law, blog, post, screed, etc.

So I recently rented "The Vagina Monologues: Eve Ensler." (2002 DVD recording of her performance piece.)

This woman is funny! And smart, and ironic, and wicked, and self-critical, and insightful...

Not at all what I expected to see based on all the negative reviews on the MRA blogosphere.

She is far more critical commenting about women's psychotic self-inflicted foolishness than she is about men or the evil patriarchy.

My favorite quote ---

"You have to love hair... to love the vagina."

You'll probably have to live in NYC or LA or get a NetFlix subscription to rent this DVD.

Eve Ensler has been unfairly reviled. She is one very funny gender-politically-incorrect stand-up comic!

Of course, the whole "V-day" debacle is a poor reflection of her work.

I always wish to know my enemies before I condemn them, and Ensler is worthy of reconsideration.

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Kathleen Parker: Rape of women is worse than of men, etc.

Kathleen Parker, the author of this article in the Washington Post says, among other things:

"Women are raped by men, which, given the inherent power differential between the sexes, raises women's rape to another level of terror."

Her e-mail address is included, and there's a section for reader comments.

My view is that if women want the privilege of staying home when there's a war, then men should have special privileges too. We could start with letting men play golf together free of harrassment or ridicule.

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Mom's 110-mph run from cops ends in baby's death

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman led police on a 25-mile high speed chase until she crashed into a concrete median, killing her 9-month-old daughter in the collision, authorities said.

Alexxus Riza was thrown Friday night from the SUV, which rolled several times under an Interstate 35 overpass, said Trooper Dub Gillum of the Texas Department of Public Safety. The vehicle struck a traffic light before hitting the concrete barrier"

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Woman Arrested in California Hate Crime Stabbings

Story here. Excerpt:

"A female white supremacist gang member stabbed a black man and woman during an apparent race-related brawl late Thursday, authorities said.

Police arrested Mandie Kearns, 28, who they said had a bloody knife in her pocket and admitted to being a member of the racist gang, said Palm Springs Police Sgt. Mitch Spike.

Kearns is being held on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon and a hate crime charge and police are searching the area for additional suspects."

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20/20 Gushes with "A Wife Behind Bars"

Saw it last night on the tube. The video is on-line here. Synopsis: They portray the wife of dead Marine Todd Sommer as a victim of circumstance and faulty lab work. Plenty of up-closes with her crying as she sat behind a desk in jail. In short: the usual predictable stuff.

Right after her husband is dead from arsenic poisoning, she rushes to collect his insurance money, buys herself breast implants, parties at strip clubs and bars like a Girls Gone Wild'er, sleeps around like there is no tomorrow, and ABC has the nerve portray her as having a "unique way of processing her grief" and "trouble adjusting", and certainly not guilty of murdering him. Note to men: Don't try this yourself. You need to be female to even start thinking you can get away with it.

Contact information is here.

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Teacher clothespins boys' mouths

Doubt she would have done this to chatty girls in her class. Story here. Excerpt:

'AMANDA, Ohio -- The Amanda-Clearcreek school district in Fairfield County permanently suspended a substitute teacher after confirming that she disciplined four kindergarten boys for talking in class by putting spring-type clothespins on their lips, Superintendent J.B. Dick said yesterday.'

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Year after being put in prison for rape, accuser admits fabricating the story

Story speaks for itself:

'Perth Now reports that Patrick Waring, then a 15-year-old Catholic college student, was dragged out of bed by police a year ago and refused bail on the say-so of his 17-year-old accuser.

However, just before the trial started, the girl admitted lying about her sex life the whole time, Perth Now says. She had insisted she was a virgin.

DNA tests excluded Waring from her claims of rape.

Waring's accuser finally admitted she had had sex with a man at the back of a cinema the same afternoon, two hours before claiming Waring raped her at Joondalup's Central Park after following her from the railway station on 30 March last year.'

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Glenn Sacks: Bill to Save Men's Commission Passes Committee

Article here. Excerpt:

"Today Richard Smaglick of, who was working with the CSM to help save it, told me that HB 704 passed the Senate Finance Committee unanimously, and now looks like a good bet to pass the Senate.

Thanks to those of you who participated, and especially thanks to Richard and the CSM for their good work."

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New housing solution for male sex offenders

In another sign of the increasingly poor treatment of male sex offenders, Miami has decided to house some male sex offenders under a bridge.

Interesting that no women sex offenders appear to be subjected to this sort of housing discrimination. I doubt you'll ever see women sex offenders sleeping under a bridge being gnawed on by rats. Only men appear to be deserving of this dehumanized under-the-bridge "troll" treatment.

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Women fought and died at Vimy Ridge?

My school in Edmonton, Canada recently had a trip to France to visit the Vimy Ridge Mermorial in France. This is the most important battle in Canadian history in World War I, where "a nation was born" because of Canada's single-handed battle and sacrifice to capture this Ridge from the Germans. When my school was there, the guide kept on saying "our men AND WOMEN who served and perished at Vimy Ridge on this fateful day in 1917...etc...etc" and "over 60,000 Canadian men AND WOMEN who fought and died in world war I showing canadian sacrifice... etc...etc."

This has got to be a feminist April Fools Day joke! So, when I got back home, interested by this apparently huge female sacrifice during their periods of oppresion in 1917, I looked up some history books and Google. After an hour of search, I found no records of even a single woman served and fought even as a field medic/nurse during the battle of Vimy Ridge. This is clearly just another attempt by feminist to give women credit where they DON'T deserve!

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"Gender Insurgency" in the Art World

It's a gender insurgency paid for with our money! Yay! It's it just so sisterly and loving and in-your-face and !@#$ing WONDERFUL? Excerpt:

'Call it the year of the woman ... in the visual arts! With symposiums, heavy-hitting shows on the East and West Coast, and a smattering of smaller exhibits around the country all dedicated to feminist art happening now, it's a veritable gender insurgency waged on the hallowed white walls of the art world.
The rest of this confluence was pure conspiracy. Activist patrons, artists, curators, and scholars organized these events to make a big publicity splash. And the Feminist Art Project (FAP) at Rutgers University in New Jersey, initiated in late 2005 by Judy Chicago and the late feminist art writer Arlene Raven, was its fountainhead. Organizers there are promoting feminist art's reach through 2009 with a series of publications, symposia, and exhibitions.'

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New York City Plans to Promote Circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene is planning a campaign to encourage men at high risk of AIDS to get circumcised in light of the World Health Organization’s endorsement of the procedure as an effective way to prevent the disease.

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta is just beginning to convene meetings and design studies to help it formulate a national policy, New York City is moving ahead on its own.'

Predictable, and very unfortunate. So with this hair-trigger reactive policy making, MGM gets new life breathed into it just as we were making progress at stopping it. They are saying they will target the effort to 'high-risk' groups. But I think we know what is actually happening here-- if MGM gets a cachet of "medical necessariness" re-instilled into it, we are sure to see efforts to ban its infliction upon infants stymied. Again, one could make the same case for FGM being useful in this fashion as well, but no one would dare.

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