NCFMLA Engages in Exchange with Caribbean Domestic Violence Advocates

Recently, a series of exchanges was printed in a local Caribbean News outlet (Caribbean Net News), regarding domestic violence in the Caribbean. At times, the exchange of perceptions was rather robust. One local Caribbean domestic violence advocate even went so far as to say this...

NCFMLA Engages in Exchange with Caribbean Domestic Violence Advocates

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Lis on Law: "The New ERA is Women's Equality Amendment"

Essay here. Excerpt:

"Nevertheless, Schlafly’s parade of horribles trudges along. She cautions, among other things, that “the ERA would draft women into military combat, abolish the presumption that a husband should support his wife” and lead to the “sex-integrating” of prisons and the Boy Scouts.

According to Congressman Nadler, such arguments are "simply not borne out by history and the facts.” Nearly half of all states have equal rights amendments or similar laws, he says, and none has experienced the legal chaos that critics like Schlafly have forecasted. “This is little more than sensationalist rhetoric designed to make us fear this utterly reasonable step to end discrimination," says Nadler."

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Maine: Support Deadbeats Could Lose Snowmobile, ATV Registrations

Story here. Excerpt:

"The House of Representatives has endorsed a bill to allow the revocation of snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle registration from a person who has been certified as failing to comply with a child support order.

The bill, which still faces final House and Senate votes, also prohibits the issuance or renewal of a snowmobile and ATV registrations in those cases. It authorizes the Health and Human Services Department to review registration records in order to identify those who are in violation of child support orders."

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Feminism is why we're so delicate pursuing the "warm war"

David R. Usher writes: "In a Wall Street Journal editorial “White Guilt and the Western Past -- Why is America so delicate with the enemy? Shelby Steele suggests that America’s inability to fight war effectively was caused by “the world-wide collapse of white supremacy as a source of moral authority, political legitimacy and even sovereignty.”

Shelby’s theory is wrong. The collapse of white moral authority is not the problem. The replacement of male authority with feminism is. To Steele’s credit -- he was gazing in the general right direction – but missed the real target. In America, there is one place where white supremacy and radical feminism existed: The Ku Klux Klan."

Read the full article here.

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AG: Woman who leaves newborn in Wal-Mart toilet shouldn't be prosecuted

Story here. Excerpt:

'Saskatchewan's Attorney-General says women who abandon their babies should not have to fear the justice system after another abandoned child was found in bizarre circumstances this week.

On Monday, a manager at a Wal-Mart in Prince Albert found a minutes-old newborn lying in a toilet bowl inside the women's washroom. The baby's mother was nowhere to be found, and the baby, in serious condition in hospital, was fortunate to survive."
"I don't think it should be a justice system response," Mr. Quennell said. "A young, frightened woman confronted with a baby she just doesn't know how to cope with won't be prosecuted, particularly if she surrenders that child to a hospital or to social services.'

Because, y'know... She didn't have nine months to figure out how to get help or put it up for adoption or have an abortion or give it to the father or give it to her family or anything.

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Sacks and Leving: Equal Rights Amendment Yes, 'Women’s Equality Amendment' No

Article here. Excerpt:

"The most unequal and unfair treatment meted out to either gender is the mistreatment of men and fathers by family courts and by the domestic violence system. After a divorce or separation dads are often pushed to the margins of their children’s lives, even though in most cases they’ve never been found culpable of any wrongdoing, and did not seek to dissolve their marriages. Family courts often deprive men of shared custody and generally allow them only a few days a month to spend with their children."

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Spotsylvania 'deadbeat' dads? by Stephen Baskerville

Article here.

An update on the this "pizza box" misandry. Excerpt:

"The entire child-support system has been hijacked by special interests, principally feminists and lawyers. Child support was designed for parents who willfully abandon their children. It has been perverted into a system for forcing parents to pay for the stealing of their own children."

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Carey Roberts: Pelosi Proclaims Women as "Peacekeepers of our Societies"

Article here. Excerpt:

"This past week House speaker Nancy Pelosi used Mother's Day to launch her latest salvo against the Iraq war. And while she was at it, she indulged in some back-handed gender stereotyping, making the remarkable claim that "Women have always been the peacekeepers of our societies."

"So coming just a month after her ill-fated peace mission to Syria, it's regrettable the Speaker of the House would tap the occasion of Mother's Day to indulge in gender stereotyping and male-bashing. As my mother used to say, "If you can't speak well of someone, it's better to not speak at all."

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New Zealand Education: Male-female gap 'bad for society'

Story here. Excerpt:

"In the absence of detailed research into why this was happening, observers were left to speculate, he said. There were probably many factors involved, but one of the main ones was the gradual "feminisation" of education in New Zealand, in terms of policies as well as teacher gender. "In the long term this is not healthy for boys, but also not for girls either."
"He suggested that perhaps the drive to find equal opportunities for women had gone too far and there was a need to pull back a bit to restore that balance."

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Teen Girls Face Hate Crime Charges Over Anti-Gay Flier

Story here. Excerpt:

"A pair of 16-year-old girls face hate crime charges after they allegedly handed out anti-gay fliers targeting a classmate at their northern Illinois high school.

The girls were arrested May 11 after handing out fliers in the parking lot of Crystal Lake South High School that depict a male student kissing another boy and contain hateful language about gays.

Officials say the fliers targeted a male classmate, who is also a neighbor of the girls. The two girls had apparently been feuding with the boy."

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Woman, 3 Girls Arrested in Mall Beating

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 40-year-old woman and three girls are facing assault and battery charges in connection with what police are calling a "group beat down" of a 16-year-old girl at a mall.

Marilyn Camacho, 40, of Framingham and the girls, ages 16, 13 and 12, were arrested after the fight Monday that left the victim unconscious and requiring hospitalization, Lt. Brian Grassey said. He said the four attackers slammed the girl into a glass store window, knocked her to the ground and then stomped on her legs, back and face.

"This was an absolute group beat down," Grassey said. "It's an extremely unsettling event. The level of violence in this defies logic.'


Ed. note: Note also the video story as of this writing on the right side of the page entitled Teacher's Betrayal: Female substitute teacher charged with raping 14-year-old girl

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Blood Diamonds: How women fund the enslavement of black men and boys

For years one of the biggest of fantasies for women has been the wedding. A much bigger fantasy though is what comes as a result of the wedding: A large diamond ring. Let's be honest, how many times have you seen women meet "the bride" right after the wedding and say "Let me see the ring!" The wife then flutters he hand around the misandric circle of women showing off her blood diamond.

The sad truth is that African MEN are forced into slavery in order for the new wife (a member of the royal sex) to walk around and showcase her new diamond. Which many times means more to her than the marriage itself.

How many times have you heard women claim they wish they could have "kept the ring" once they divorced the husband. It has recently been proven that all diamonds are in-fact "conflict diamonds" and thus any woman that nags her soon-to-be schmuck husband for one is a slave-master, just like her sisters. I would advise that no man buy a woman a diamond.

Read more on Blood Diamonds

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An earlier (balanced) editorial from the Telegraph India

While the latest article was unabashedly one-sided, they published a very balanced editorial on Sept. 13, 2003. To be fair to them, I thought I'd post that too. It's here. Excerpt:

'Laws protecting women from domestic violence are sometimes unjust to men. This can be corrected only with great care

Men hate to admit they have been beaten up by their women. That the desperate desire to hang on to notions of muscle-flexing masculinity makes them so vulnerable could have been funny. But it is not, because the statistics of intimate violence perpetrated by women on men is now compelling all countries to rethink solutions, both legal and psychological, to domestic violence.'

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Feminists File Human Rights Violations with IACHR

From DaddyBlog:

'The ultra radical and angry feminists are at it again! This organization clearly no longer supports EQUALITY, but has a radical agenda of only furthering the gender war! Their actions, as of late, clearly exposes their hidden agenda because more and more females are speaking out against this radical organization.

NOW must be greatly confused with current child custody statistics! Gender bias against women?...'

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Men's Health Forum awarded for its hard work

Check this out and spread the word! These British MRA's are doing a great job! Excerpt:

'The Forum has been awarded a £20,000 GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Impact Award jointly judged by GSK and The King’s Fund health charity. The award was made in recognition of the organisation’s work to give all men and boys an equal opportunity to attain the highest possible level of health and well-being.

Chief Executive Peter Baker said: ‘We are delighted to have been chosen by GlaxoSmithKline as an IMPACT Award winner. To me this award recognises the valuable work done by our very dedicated team. The funding that this award brings will make an enormous difference. We could employ another member of staff for a year. There is a lot more research that we’d like to do and this could enable us to do it.’'

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