Violence against guardians an 'alarming trend'

Story here. Excerpt:

'In one pending case from northwest Harris County, a 16-year-old girl is being held on a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon for allegedly shooting her stepfather in the head; the man, a financial consultant, survived.
When her mother, a teacher, drew the line at the boyish attire, the fighting got worse and and the girl started running away. Her stepfather took charge of the discipline, and then, about 4 a.m. on Feb. 16, the girl shot him three times as he lay with her mother in bed, Field said.

"She snapped," Field said, adding that the teen confessed to authorities a few hours after the incident.

Her stepfather still has a bullet lodged in the back of his head.'

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Teen mother brutally murders newborn

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 17-year-old stabbed her newborn baby 135 times and disposed of her body in a garbage can outside her home in Oakdale, authorities alleged Thursday.

Nicole Marie Beecroft was charged Thursday with first-degree murder. The charge carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. She was being held in a juvenile detention facility. Bail was set at $1 million on Friday afternoon.

"She kills the baby and now her life will be changed forever," Washington County Attorney Doug Johnson said.

The Tartan High School senior told police she was in a "panic state" after giving birth to the girl on the floor of the laundry room in her home around 3 a.m. Monday, according to the criminal complaint filed in Washington County District Court. She told police she had seen the baby's finger move, and admitted stabbing the child, the complaint said.'

"panic state"-- Oh yes, I guess then we should be sympathetic then and just give it a pass.

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"Equality and a man's right to choose"

Opinion column at the Cavalier, a student(?) paper at University of Virginia. The article can be found here. The author of the piece is Alexander Cohen, who presents some interesting arguments in support of C4M. I shall be interested to see any response letters.

Perhaps Men's/Father's rights are so far out of favor with the powers-that-be as to become interesting to the student population, traditional espousers of "fringe" causes. Or perhaps we have here another example of a young man awakening.

In any case, the column is interesting and perhaps offers some useful arguments.

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CNN's Martin: Imus might be spark for debate on sexism?

Essay here. Excerpt:

"Now is the time for this nation to undergo a direct examination of the depths of sexism. My media colleagues shouldn't go just for the easy target ­ rap lyrics. That is no doubt a logical next step, but sexism is so much deeper. It is embedded in our churches, synagogues, mosques, schools, Fortune 500 companies and in the political arena. We should target our resources to this issue and raise the consciousness of people, and expose the reality."
Ed. note: There's a link at the end of the essay for submitting comments back on the essay. It's free to use!

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Moran Blog: "Don't Feel Too Sorry for the Dukies"

Blog here. EXCERPT:
"The three young men who she accused are truly innocent of the charges brought against them according to the North Carolina Attorney General and the investigation led by his office. But perhaps the outpouring of sympathy for Reade Seligman, Collin Finnerty and David Evans is just a bit misplaced."


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The prospect of all-female conception

Story here. EXCERPT: Creating sperm from women would mean they would only be able to produce daughters because the Y chromosome of male sperm would still be needed to produce sons. The latest research brings the prospect of female-only conception a step closer. "We're very excited about this discovery, particularly as our earlier work in mice suggests that we could develop this work even further," Professor Nayernia said.

(with apologies to Triumph the insult comic dog)

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Hearing set for female teacher accused of sex crime

Story here.

I can flood this site with female rape cases against male students. They are so easy to find. Excerpt:

"The 24-year-old female teacher appeared with her attorney, James Rumsey, in front of Douglas County District Judge Stephen Six.

The woman, who was in her first year of teaching at LHS, has been suspended from the school district, with pay. The teacher was arrested March 16 for allegedly having sex with the student between August and mid-March. She has pleaded not guilty to two counts of aggravated indecent liberties with a child and two counts of criminal sodomy."

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Police: Female Teacher Had Sex With Student

Story here.

This female teacher abuse will never stop until they are held accountable for sexual abuse. For some reason this is not perceived as a legitmate sexual crime. If this double standard continues, female teachers will still prey on boys and girls. Excerpt:

"Investigators said Jamie Lynn Armstrong, 23, was a teacher at Tara High School, where she met the 16-year-old female student.

Police said the alleged relationship was uncovered after the girl's father said he found his daughter's journal about a month a go.

The journal held details about the alleged relationship between the student and Armstrong."

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The feminist who fought sexism with fire bombs faces justice

Story here. Excerpt:

"When Adrienne Gerhäuser was accused yesterday of belonging to a terrorist organisation, she resembled, in the words of her lawyer, “an ordinary 58-year-old female”, tired, shoulders hunched with tension, but somehow at ease with herself.
Committed to an urban guerrilla war against everyday sexism, Red Zora carried out more than 40 attacks, starting in 1977 with a bomb placed in the offices of the German Doctors’ Association to protest against the abortion laws. There followed attacks on sex shops and cinemas; on Siemens, Bayer and Schering; on the Philippines Embassy (blamed for the international trade in women); biotechnology institutes and the cars of pimps."

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Woman guilty of chainsaw murder, faces death

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman accused of killing and dismembering her former lover's friend was convicted Thursday of premeditated murder and could become the state's first female defendant to face the death penalty.

"Prosecutors accuse Daphne Wright, 43, of abducting, killing and dismembering Darlene VanderGiesen, 42, in February 2006. Remains were found in a Minnesota ditch and a Sioux Falls landfill. All three women were deaf and knew each other through the deaf community."

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Ninfong apologizes to Duke Lacrosse players

Story here.

Nifong knows he's in deep trouble now. After claiming for months he's, "done nothing wrong" now it appears he's racing to apologize after the NC attorney general cleared the three young men from the Duke Lacrosse team yesterday. This coward is shaking in his boots becuase he knows the lawsuit is coming from the innocent familys who lives he wrecked and he has no chance of winning it. Just rememeber Finnery, Evans and Seligmann: SORRY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH! Excerpt:

'DURHAM, N.C. (AP) - The local prosecutor who charged three Duke lacrosse players with raping a stripper apologized to the athletes Thursday and said the North Carolina attorney general's decision to drop the case was right.
"To the extent that I made judgments that ultimately proved to be incorrect, I apologize to the three students that were wrongly accused," Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong said.'

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Winkler Case: Like Clockwork, She was Abused

Story here. Did we not call it, O MANN Regulars? Excerpt:

'SELMER, Tennessee (CNN) -- The woman accused of killing her minister husband teared up as her attorney described how her husband abused and threatened her, and how she shot him and fled with their three young girls to Alabama.
Her attorney said in opening statements Thursday that she didn't know at first that ammunition from the shotgun she fired had hit him.
"We will show you proof that he would destroy objects that she loved, he would isolate her from her family and he would abuse her -- not just verbally, not just emotionally and not just physically -- in other ways too," Farese said.'

OK, show us the proof, counsellor... or is it really even necessary in a US court under these circumstances?

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Mum who killed toddler by dosing him with methadone faces jail

Story here.

A junky mum who killed her toddler son by feeding him methadone to send him to sleep at night is facing jail.

Gemma Fennelly, 24, pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of 22-month-old Mitchell Bate by gross negligence at Teesside Crown Court.

The toddler died in Septmeber 2005 after an overdose of the heroin substitute.

Traces of heroin and cocaine were also found in the tot's hair.

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Latest Sacks/McCormick Column: "Texas bill to create domestic violence offender registry will harm innocent men"

From Glenn Sacks:

My new co-authored column, Texas bill to create domestic violence offender registry will harm innocent men (Austin American-Statesman, 4/11/07), criticizes a new, draconian Texas bill which will ensnare and punish many innocent men. The column also criticizes the way law enforcement and the judicial system handle domestic violence cases. Excerpt:

'House Bill 3958, sponsored by Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-San Antonio), will set up a domestic violence offender registry similar to the Texas Sex Offender Registry. Castro is correct to identify domestic violence as an important issue; however, there are serious problems with the way law enforcement and the judicial system handle domestic violence. These problems will cause many innocent men to be ensnared by this bill.

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China to build "Woman Town" where disobedient men are punished

Absolutely bizzare. Excerpt:

The slogan: "A woman never makes a mistake. A man can never reject a woman's request" will be carved into the town gates.

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