Winkler Verdict: Vol. Manslaughter, Could Get 3-6 Years

Story here. No, not murder. Not even close. She *could* get 3-6 years and get released. Sex composition of the jury: 10 women, two men. Justice served? Excerpt:

'SELMER, Tennessee (CNN) -- A Tennessee jury on Thursday found Mary Winkler guilty of voluntary manslaughter in the shotgun killing of her husband.

Winkler showed no emotion when the verdict was announced.

The judge ruled that she would remain free on bond until her sentencing, which is scheduled for May 18.

The manslaughter conviction could send Winkler to prison for between three and six years.
The 10 women and two men deliberated for about six hours, before reaching a verdict.

She could have been convicted of first-degree murder, which would have been punishable by 51 to 60 years in prison. Early in the case, prosecutors decided not to pursue the death penalty.'

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RADAR ALERT: Nifong: The Tip Of The Iceberg

Your mission this week, should you decide to accept it, is to familiarize yourself with the Duke case.

"This woman has destroyed everything I worked for in my life," said David Evans, former Duke lacrosse player recently exonerated of sexual offense and kidnapping charges. Crystal Gail Mangum, single mom and "exotic dancer" put Evans and two other young men, as well as their families and friends, through 395 days of hell. And it easily cost these families a million dollars each; all to keep innocent young men from 30 years in prison.

Mangum was able to maintain her deceit for so long because she had the enthusiastic help of Durham County District Attorney Michael Nifong.

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Man Claims Hate Crime Assault by Women

Story here. Excerpt:

'Man Describes Alleged Attack By 7 Lesbians In N.J.
Claims '06 Incident Was Hate Crime Against Straight Man

(CBS/AP) NEW YORK A man who was beaten and stabbed after a street fight with seven avowed lesbians testified Wednesday that he thought he was going to die after they jumped him last year.
Buckle, who has called the incident "a hate crime against a straight man," was testifying in Manhattan's state Supreme Court at the trial of Patreese Johnson, 20, Renata Hill, 25, Venice Brown, 19, and Terrain Dandridge, 20, all of Newark, N.J.
Three of the seven women pleaded guilty to assault charges in exchange for sentences of six months in jail and five years probation.'

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Winkler Case: Slain preacher's wife denies pulling trigger

Story here. Supposedly her husband "made her" wear "slutty costumes" for sex and was going to kill their daughter since he wanted a son instead. Also, she didn't pull the trigger. The gun just went off.

Yes, indeed. It wasn't her fault in any way, shape or form. She should be released immediately. Uh-huh.

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UK: "Mormon women ‘tortured children to instil discipline’"

Story here. Excerpt:

"Two Mormon women tortured six young children by forcing them to eat red-hot chillies and whipping them with nettles, a court was told yesterday. Deidre Carrington, 41, and Maria Keable, 60, are also alleged to have punched and kneed the four girls and two boys, hit them with wooden spoons and rolling pins, and gagged them."

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Last Call for 'Rape-Crisis' Feminism?

Article here. Excerpt:

'But "rape-crisis feminism" (as the writer Katie Roiphe dubbed it) replaced one set of prejudices with another, such as the notion that women virtually never lie about rape. As the radical feminist law professor Catharine MacKinnon wrote in her 1987 book, Feminism Unmodified, "Feminism is built on believing women's accounts of sexual use and abuse by men."
The Duke case also makes it clear that the feminist dogma on rape is far from benign. It is hostile both to men and to basic principles of justice.'

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Chinese "Womantown" update: Men to be spanked in new town

Story here. Excerpt:

'CONSTRUCTION has started on the world's first Woman-town, where disobedient men will get a spanking.

The 2.3sqkm Shuangqiao district in China's Chongqing will have a motto proclaiming its philosophy: "A woman never makes a mistake, a man must not refuse a woman's request."'

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Married female teacher had 'affair' with 15-year-old pupil

Check out this story. Yet another female paedo teacher. Excerpt:

'Jennie Saville-King, an assistant teacher would book hotel rooms for sex with the teenager who was just 15 when the relationship began, or take him to her home while her husband was at work in London, it was claimed.

Three days before she gave birth to her baby, Saville King who had also been responsible for the pastoral care of the youngster was continuing to have sex with him, a court was told.

"Full sex didn't happen until after he was 16. He says he stopped short of full sex because he didn't want her to feel bad about having sex with him whilst he was underage," said the prosecutor."'

'He' stopped short? 'He' didn't want 'her' to feel bad?

What do you think she'll get? A slap on the wrist and some nice therapy. I bet she won't even lose her job. What would a man get in the same position? Hard jail time for sure.

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PODS Replies At Last

I just received a communication from Peter Warhurst, CEO of the advertising agency that created the amazingly offensive ads for the PGA tour. Full letter stored here.

"I am in receipt of the comments you recently provided regarding our television commercial. Upon further consideration of the spot, and with the feelings of our customers as well as the general public in mind, I have decided to pull it from its rotation and no longer air it. While the commercial was created to be lighthearted and comical, I am sensitive to the fact that we have failed in that it has proven offensive to some people. This was never our intent and I am truly sorry for any discomfort or unpleasantness it has caused. Thank you for taking the time to bring your concerns to us."

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Winkler case: Prosecution rests with testimony of preacher's daughter

Story here. Excerpt:

'SELMER, Tennessee (AP) -- Prosecutors rested their case against a preacher's wife accused of murdering her husband with the heartbreaking testimony of the couple's 9-year-old daughter.
She told Tennessee authorities that her husband criticized her for "the way I walk, what I eat, everything. It was just building up to this point. I was just tired of it. I guess I just got to a point and snapped."

Brandy Jones, who described Mary Winkler as her best friend, said Monday she never saw any evidence of physical or emotional abuse. She had dinner with the Winklers a month before Matthew was shot, and the couple seemed happy, Jones said.
Earlier Monday, a forensic pathologist testified that Matthew Winkler was killed by a shotgun blast in the middle of his back; 77 pellets were removed from his body.
The prosecution has said the Winklers were in financial trouble and that bank managers were closing in on a check-kiting scheme that Mary Winkler wanted to conceal from her husband.'

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Study finds women don't really work more than men

Article here.

There's a common belief that women work more than men because in addition to their jobs, they do most of the housework. This study found that while women do more work at home, averaged together men and women do on average the same hours of work per week. Of course it doesn't point out the obvious, that more hours on home-work and less on market-work means lower income.

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American Airlines Has Women-Only Site

That's right, you read that correctly. The news is reported here. The special sub-site is here. Excerpt:

'CHICAGO, Illinois (Reuters) -- American Airlines, the world's largest airline, says it can boost revenue by $94 million a year by tailoring some of its services to the growing number of women travelers.

The airline, a unit of AMR Corp., this week unveiled a version of its Web site for women ( The site aims to increase the number of women booking flights on American by 2 percent or more, said an AMR executive on Tuesday.

The site, as well as changes to American's planes and travel clubs, is the latest effort by a U.S. airline to distinguish itself in a competitive industry that has spent the last five years slashing costs and tweaking services.'

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Women ogle more than men do - it's a fact! reports here on what we guys have always suspected and women have always strenuously denied - WOMEN OGLE MEN MORE OFTEN THAN MEN OGLE THEM!

"WOMEN are more prone to ogling than men despite the widespread belief they are less focused on the physical, a study suggests.
Scientists used eye-tracking technology to pinpoint what people looked at when shown a series of sexy photos. They expected women to be more interested in faces, and men in genitals.

To their surprise, they found almost the reverse was true. Men were more likely than women to linger on the face before diverting their attention to other parts of the body. But women spent longer poring over images of couples performing sexual acts."

So next time you hear a woman accusing guys of always starting at women's breasts, just throw this fact in..!

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"That Night at Duke"

So Newsweek finally writes about what really happened. They had an entire year to do so; they only just got around to it now. Excerpt:

'Seligmann found the stereotyping especially painful. Recruited by Harvard and Yale, he had proudly chosen Duke. Now he was being portrayed, at least by implication, as a dumb jock. Some elements of the Duke community, like the girls' lacrosse team, rallied behind the players, but the faculty seemed to write them off as racists and thugs. "It was a very lonely feeling," Seligmann recalled. "You were looking for people to step up and be behind you when you most needed them. Certain people weren't there."'

Yep-- and you, Newsweek, may count yourself among them. But you are in good ocmpany; the rest of the MSM, academe, and the government all fall into that camp.

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More Winkler Case Details Emerging

Looks like Mary Winkler had a problem with check-kiting in addition to having her "ugly come out" enough to murder her husband. I suspect by the end of this trial a lot of pretty ugly things about Mary Winkler will surface. Let's see if justice gets done. Story here. Excerpt:

'SELMER, Tennessee (CNN) -- The day before a Tennessee preacher was shot to death, a banker tried to reach his wife several times about an account in her name that was nearly $5,000 overdrawn, a corporate fraud investigator testified Saturday.

When Mary Winkler finally returned the calls to Regions Bank late in the afternoon on March 21, 2006, banker Mary Guest told her she was unable to deposit checks from another bank because there weren't enough funds to cover them.

"I told her what she was doing was called kiting checks," Guest testified she told Winkler.

Guest testified she told Winkler the practice could result in criminal charges, and reminded Winkler that she and her husband had an appointment at the bank the following morning to discuss the problem.'

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