Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2007-06-02 17:51
Story here. Excerpt:
"Four men who were allegedly refused ladies' night discounts at a Los Angeles nightclub have the right to sue on the grounds of discrimination even if they never demanded equal treatment from the club, the state Supreme Court said Thursday."
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2007-06-02 13:43
Story here.
Its about time the title of an article used the correct term, rape. It seems this boys mother prostituted her young son for money. It remains to be seen if she permanently loses custody. Excerpt:
"Police in Lancaster County say a 12-year-old boy told investigators he had sex with a 24-year-old former York woman — and his mother accepted money for it from the woman.
Columbia police Detective Dan Bell says the mother has since moved to another part of the state, and the boy has received counseling and is living with his father."
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2007-06-01 18:46
McElroy writes:
'I HOPE YOU GET GANG_RAPED 20 times and nobody believes you. So read the subject line of an email I received from a feminist who uses the name "Olivia Gonzales".
I merely point out that, in my experience, viciousness and hate-mongering are equally prominent in email I receive from women. If you disagree with gender feminism, then (surprisingly often) you will receive emails wishing you become a rape victim. Sometimes they go into detail. And, remember, for gender feminists being raped is a fate worse than death.'
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Submitted by MR on Fri, 2007-06-01 18:46
Court Revives Claim That Club Was Biased Against Men - June 1, 2007
"Business patrons alleging discrimination need not show that they demanded and were refused equal treatment in order to obtain redress under the Unruh Civil Rights Act, the California Supreme Court unanimously ruled yesterday."
"The justices reversed a ruling by Div. Five of this district’s Court of Appeal, which held a group of male club patrons could not recover damages for allegedly discriminatory pricing because they had not asked to be charged the same rate as female guests."
Writing for the high court, Chief Justice Ronald M. George rejected the view that the “denial” of rights referred only to a business establishment’s response to the demand for equal accommodation."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2007-06-01 00:36
Story here. Excerpt:
"Just over one in 10 men do not volunteer to work with children because they are worried people will think they are a paedophile, a survey suggests.
More volunteers will have to be checked because of a new child protection law being introduced next year.
In all, 13% of the men questioned said they would not choose to volunteer to work with children due to fear of being perceived as a paedophile.
Both the NCH and Chance UK are calling for men to come forward and mentor boys aged five to 11.
The NCH's chief executive, Clare Tickell, said: "Many children, especially boys, are desperately in need of a male mentor, which is why we urgently need men to come forward despite any fears they may have about public perception."
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2007-05-31 20:31
Review here. Excerpt:
"Instead we were subjected to a two hour feminist screed against men. The opening line said it all "Oh my Johnny I love him so, but why he beats me I don't know". It gets worse from there. Scene after scene details in painful minutia how men are to blame for every ill that ever befell the authors life, and the life of every woman in history. Her Grandfather the alcoholic, her Father the abuser, the boys she dated, the boys who dated her friends, even the boys who dared to not call her in high school. We were both sickened. We stayed to support our friend, but I refused to applaud. Looking around, I noticed that almost every man in the audience was sitting stock still, a look of pained tolerance on his face. None applauded but the outwardly gay man in the front row."
Ed. note: Official site for this musical is
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2007-05-31 19:33
Article here.
I know some here have some issues with Sommers, but overall, she is the biggest ally towards the improvement of boys education. This is the same book Wendy McElroy has discussed and praised in the past. Excerpt:
"Parents and educators are wringing their hands over the poor academic performance of boys. Girls are better readers, earn higher grades and are far more likely to go to college. America does a much better job educating girls than boys. But now, out of nowhere, comes a book that may hold the secret to male learning.
They are mothers who happen to notice that their sons have fallen in love with this wonderful, wholesome, delightfully instructive anachronism of a book."
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2007-05-31 14:21
Sent by Tom to the MR2007 list, and re-posted here:
"Time to start thinking about finalizing your plans for the conference. We are only six weeks out! Don't forget that your hotel reservations need to be made by June 13th. After that you will have to pay the full rate which is considerably more expensive. Do it now!
We now have a brochure online for the conference:
We are hoping that you will have a look at it and download and print a copy or two to hand out to your local schools or maybe the local police departments or boy scouts. Wherever you think people might be interested in learning more about boys. You could also email the link to people you think might want to attend.
Soon we will have the conference schedule up and running.
Let me know if you have questions.
To register online go here:
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2007-05-31 11:26
Essay here. Excerpt:
"The intrusion of the federal government into the private business between proprietor and customer, employer-employee indeed, husband and wife - has led to the environment that allows feminists to work their mischief. If women want a women only floor, hotel, club, sports organization or business, they have every right to do that. Men should consider ventures such as this a “green light” to segregate their own organizations as they see fit, and leave it to feminist groups to object (as they surely will, with no trace of irony). By putting the onus back upon women to seek federal redress of the alleged inequity of such organizations, feminists invite unwelcome attention to their sacred cows."
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Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2007-05-31 03:18
As if there weren't enough misandrist ads from automakers these days, Dodge Ram (who I thought would want to sell to men) brings out this little ditty.
"I now pronounce you unconscious" features a bride and groom at the alter. She delivers a violent headbutt right before "I do", then drags the unconscious groom out of the church.
I can take a joke. Really, I can. But this is really, really violent. Even a bit scary. Anyone would cringe at this ad -- MRA or not.
If you choose to comment on the video on YouTube, please be polite and civil.
If anyone has the contact info for Dodge's marketing department or ad agency, please put it in the comments here and on YouTube.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2007-05-31 03:01
Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2007-05-30 23:28
Here's more political nonsense about the wage gap nonsense:
'"All Americans deserve equal pay for equal work, and it is my hope that Congress can remove the technical hurdles that will prevent individuals from receiving what is rightfully theirs," said Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., a Democratic presidential candidate."
"Many victims of pay discrimination who didn't immediately realize they were being paid less than others will have no remedy, even though the discrimination continues with every paycheck," Kennedy said. "With women earning only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men, the nation needs strong laws against pay discrimination. This is not what Congress intended when we passed the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1991, and we need to restore full protection against wage discrimination."'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2007-05-30 15:54
Covered by Glenn Sacks here. Big step forward! Excerpt:
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Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2007-05-30 15:23
Speaking for the three other dissenting justices, Ginsburg's voice was as precise and emotionless as if she were reading a banking decision, but the words were stinging. "In our view, the court does not comprehend, or is indifferent to, the insidious way in which women can be victims of pay discrimination," she said.
Poor Ginsburg -- read as she laments being a lonely and frustrated woman on a Supreme Court filled with men. Ugh, give me a break.
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2007-05-29 23:33
Story here. Excerpt:
'Finding out if there is a sex offender living near you is public information that is easily accessed, but many people do not consider checking out the lady next door.
There are 81-females on the sex offender registry that live all over Connecticut, but most of their neighbors are unaware.
"A lot of time with the female offenders there's always some sort of mental health treatment as a condition of their probation," said Anselmo.'
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