Misandry at its worst

Article here. Excerpt:

"[The bill]...would also address the issue of violence against women at its roots. (Those of you vigorously objecting here are being disingenuous. No, men do not need similar protection because, Lorena Bobbitt notwithstanding, there is really no widespread gender-specific phenomenon of violence against them."

A thoroughly sickening article. Pass it along to everyone you know in the Men's Movement. Maybe someone can come up with a learned response to this sicko. I have been banging my head against the wall trying to come up with one. Sadly my skills are lacking in that area.

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India: "Boys Cry"

An article regarding the shocking status of boys in India
here. Excerpt:

"Recently in Mumbai, a teacher paraded three six-year-old boys in their underwear to punish them for not doing well in school, but no action was taken, says Swarup Sarkar of the Save India Family Foundation, a self-financed forum for men. In April last year, a student of a prestigious school in Lucknow complained of sexual abuse by his class teacher. The matter is with the police, the child has sought refuge in his grandparents’ house, and the issue is hanging."

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Restaurants to drop prices for women to reflect wage disparity

Story here.

This is out right discrimination. What about the male patron that has a low income? Is he still required to pay more money for a meal? What about the female that makes $100,000 a year? Feminists look at genders as a collective unit, ultimately ignoring individuality. The wage gap myth needs intensive research, or this disturbing issue could become a disturbing trend. Excerpt:

"At least five restaurants here say they will drop prices for women patrons by 23 percent Tuesday to reflect a conclusion that American women, on average, earn that much less than men.

The event sponsor, the American Association of American Women, says 23 percent of the year will have passed, and that that's how many extra days women would have to work this year to make what similarly trained and educated men would make. The association has a Baker County chapter."


NOTE: AAUW Executive's e-mail address is executive-at-aauw.org.

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The American Daily publishes SAFE Executive Director article on Duke University Case

This is an excerpt from the American Daily Press Release: for the entire piece, please click here.

"If your son was falsely accused of rape, and when he was proven innocent, still was not able to legally hold his accuser accountable, had suffered loss of reputation, not to mention the emotional toll on him and the changes in his personality…and yet had no recourse, how would you feel as the parent of this young man?

If you are a man and you are falsely accused of domestic violence or sexual assault under the laws we currently have, you will find yourself exactly where these young men from Duke University are.

Even though they have no case against them, they will carry the stigma of the accusations with them forever. The same goes for those with false allegations of domestic violence and with false restraining orders placed against them.

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Women force toddlers to fight, escape jail

Story here. Excerpt:

"A mother who forced her two toddlers to attack each other with weapons and filmed the fight was spared jail.

Zara Care, with her sisters Serenza and Danielle Olver and her mother Carole Olver forced the two toddlers to punch each other in the face.

The four women also goaded the two-year-old boy and three-year-old girl, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, to hit each other with a magazine and a hairbrush and when one did not fight they called him a "wimp" and a "faggot".

The fight was filmed on a home video recorder and was found by chance by the children's father who is in the Army and had returned from a tour of duty in Iraq."

Check out the left-wing Guardian's coverage. "The incident was filmed on a video camera and discovered by chance by *a person*, who reported it to social services."

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Male victims the subject of domestic violence conference

Story here.

Men united for a just cause....another vital move in the right direction. The more we speak, the more people will listen. The MRA movement is gaining momentum. Let's be positive! Excerpt:

"CHARLESTON - Properly identifying and providing services to male victims of domestic violence and sexual assault will be the focus of a day-long conference next week in Charleston.

In observance of National Crime Victims Right's Week, a coalition of survivor support and political action groups, in conjunction with the U. S. Department of Justice's Office for Victims of Crime, are sponsoring "Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: Not Just Problems for Women."

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Newsweek: The Games Boys Play

Article here.

Unexpected but needed saying; author advocates for allowing boys to play rough and tumble, cops and robbers, etc., and why it is better that they play at such things rather than live them out. Excerpt:

"Children, and particularly boys, are acutely sensitive to the violence around them. They play out violent themes to help relieve themselves of the natural fear and confusion they feel."
Please note I have also added this story to the beta site. Please take this opportunity to look at it, register, vote for it (or not), and consider submitting stories yourself. Personally I really like the way the software does so much of the headlining and linking work for you.

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Babysitter kills pregnant friend, cuts baby from womb, drowns 3 children

Story here. Excerpt:

"BELLEVILLE, Ill. - A baby sitter already accused of killing a pregnant friend was charged Friday with drowning the woman's three children in a bath tub and then hiding the bodies in the family's washing machine and dryer.

Grand jurors indicted Tiffany Hall, 24, on three counts of first-degree murder in the East St. Louis deaths last September of DeMond Tunstall, 7, Ivan Tunstall-Collins, 2, and Jinela Tunstall, 1.

A county coroner's jury ruled the deaths of the children, their mother, Jimella Tunstall, and her fetus to be homicides."

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MANN Announcement: Beta News Site Open for Testing


Today we announce that MANN is trying a user-centric approach to news article review and endorsement. Scott, thanks for setting this up and getting it going. You de man.

It's no secret some regulars feel that the editing of news stories is too exclusive. Well, being that their comments are directed largely at myself, I will refrain here from commenting on their comments. Nonetheless it is fair to say that a more democratic form of news story parsing and rating is in keeping with the spirit of the Internet generally. So MANN now has a beta news site using the Pligg software system of content review and rating-- entirely user-driven. So please, click on the Beta News Site tab at the top, register, and submit and review stories. If it turns out to be a popular means of posting stories here on MANN, we'll switch over to it entirely.

While it's true then that I'll be out of a job, it is also true that I'll have more time to do other MRA-related stuff. So all for the best no matter what.

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Sadistic foster mother sentenced to 14 years in jail

Remember this?

Good news. She went down for 14 years yesterday. Excerpt:

'A sadistic foster mother who subjected three children in her care to horrifying physical and mental abuse over two decades was jailed for 14 years yesterday.

Judge Simon Darwall-Smith told Eunice Spry, 62, that it was the worst case he had come across in his career.

The judge said: "Frankly, it's difficult for anyone to understand how any human being could have even contemplated what you did, let alone with the regularity and premeditation you employed."'

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Father denied justice by NZ courts, says UN

Posted on behalf of Marc A. Story here. Excerpt:

'The United Nations has slammed the New Zealand legal system for denying justice to a man accused of abusing his children.

The Government now has three months to explain itself to the international body and offer a solution to the man.

Human rights lawyer Tony Ellis took the man's case to the UN's Human Rights Committee saying his client's right to a fair trial had been ignored by the Family and then the Appeal Courts.'

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Winkler Verdict: Vol. Manslaughter, Could Get 3-6 Years

Story here. No, not murder. Not even close. She *could* get 3-6 years and get released. Sex composition of the jury: 10 women, two men. Justice served? Excerpt:

'SELMER, Tennessee (CNN) -- A Tennessee jury on Thursday found Mary Winkler guilty of voluntary manslaughter in the shotgun killing of her husband.

Winkler showed no emotion when the verdict was announced.

The judge ruled that she would remain free on bond until her sentencing, which is scheduled for May 18.

The manslaughter conviction could send Winkler to prison for between three and six years.
The 10 women and two men deliberated for about six hours, before reaching a verdict.

She could have been convicted of first-degree murder, which would have been punishable by 51 to 60 years in prison. Early in the case, prosecutors decided not to pursue the death penalty.'

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RADAR ALERT: Nifong: The Tip Of The Iceberg

Your mission this week, should you decide to accept it, is to familiarize yourself with the Duke case.

"This woman has destroyed everything I worked for in my life," said David Evans, former Duke lacrosse player recently exonerated of sexual offense and kidnapping charges. Crystal Gail Mangum, single mom and "exotic dancer" put Evans and two other young men, as well as their families and friends, through 395 days of hell. And it easily cost these families a million dollars each; all to keep innocent young men from 30 years in prison.

Mangum was able to maintain her deceit for so long because she had the enthusiastic help of Durham County District Attorney Michael Nifong.

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Man Claims Hate Crime Assault by Women

Story here. Excerpt:

'Man Describes Alleged Attack By 7 Lesbians In N.J.
Claims '06 Incident Was Hate Crime Against Straight Man

(CBS/AP) NEW YORK A man who was beaten and stabbed after a street fight with seven avowed lesbians testified Wednesday that he thought he was going to die after they jumped him last year.
Buckle, who has called the incident "a hate crime against a straight man," was testifying in Manhattan's state Supreme Court at the trial of Patreese Johnson, 20, Renata Hill, 25, Venice Brown, 19, and Terrain Dandridge, 20, all of Newark, N.J.
Three of the seven women pleaded guilty to assault charges in exchange for sentences of six months in jail and five years probation.'

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Winkler Case: Slain preacher's wife denies pulling trigger

Story here. Supposedly her husband "made her" wear "slutty costumes" for sex and was going to kill their daughter since he wanted a son instead. Also, she didn't pull the trigger. The gun just went off.

Yes, indeed. It wasn't her fault in any way, shape or form. She should be released immediately. Uh-huh.

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