BBC thinks female-on-male violence is humorous

I managed to catch this episode of Eastenders on Friday:

"Denise reveals that she was going to leave, but that Shirley's convinced her to go through with the wedding. She takes Kevin aside, knees him in the crotch, then they tie the knot."

Note the light-hearted way the incident is summed up.

I wonder when the BBC is going to feature some humorous male-on-female violence?
Ed. note: For the info. of non-UK readers, "EastEnders" is a very popular series in Britain, watched regularly by millions of people. Such a blatant example of woman-on-man violence in such a widely-viewed TV program is not insignificant and worthy of attention and action. "Have Your Say" link is here.

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Beta News Site Traffic


I have noticed the Beta News Site for MANN is getting very little attention. Please take the time to register on it and try it out. It really is a good alternative to the current submit-edit-post/not post paradigm that we currently are using.

Think of the highly populist, democratic form such a paradigm represents. Put me out of a job, please! ;)


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Sacks Column Submission: Baldwin Not the Only Culprit in Custody Battle with Basinger

From Glenn Sacks: My new co-authored column, Baldwin Not the Only Culprit in Custody Battle with Basinger (San Diego Union-Tribune, 4/27/07), makes the point that while Baldwin’s voicemail tirade at his daughter was clearly wrong, we’re ignoring the Baldwin-Basinger case’s central truth—Kim Basinger’s well-documented Parental Alienation campaign against Baldwin.

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Grandmothers among those arrested over 'Satanic sex abuse' at school

Check out this story.

Excerpt: "Three women teachers were among six people arrested yesterday accused of sedating and sexually abusing children as young as 3 at a school near Rome.

The teachers — two of whom are grandmothers who had taught at the school and at Sunday school for decades — are said to have [taken] part in the repeated abuse of 15 children aged 3 and 5 for a year, filming them in sexual acts with satanic overtones at the teachers’ homes and in a wood."

Female paedophiles? Or has the Satanic Panic reached Italy? Let's not forget the McMartin pre-school in the US and the Shieldfield scandal in the UK.

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"Inside youth prisons, scores of female guards violated boys"

Posted on behalf of Marc A.:

Last year, two Kuwaiti women got 7 years in jail for kidnapping, beating and raping a man.

Feminists like Jackson Katz claim women commit only 1% of rape. But that is NOT true especially when we count statutory and prison rape. A student survey found 43% of teacher sex abuse came from female teachers (though 92% of prosecutions are of male teachers), according to this article, which also quotes a John Hopkins expert saying boys face the same long-term effects as girls who are victims of sexual abuse.

Then there is the under-reporting. According to Wikipedia, "since the incidence of female-on-male rape is on record at much higher rates (around 30% compared to 10%) in Canada, it is likely being substantially under-reported in the United States."

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John Stossel: 'Alec Baldwin: Monster or Alienated Parent?'

Article here. Excerpt:

"Watch "Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity" on a special edition of "20/20" Friday, May 4, at 10 p.m. EDT
The media (including the men, for psychological reasons involving guilt or other factors best left to Dr. Phil), see men as inviting, politically correct targets. When experts start trumpeting statistics that add up to "men are bad," reporters listen.

For years, I heard bad things about deadbeat dads. They were living it up, while their ex-wives and children had to scrape by. It's a recurring story, and the media regurgitates it regularly. It's also group slander."

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Deaths spur dad to action

Story here.

Frank Campione, the father whose wife (Frances Elaine Campione) is on trial for murdering their two children, is pushing for the Ontario Ombudsman's office to have more oversight of Children's Aid Societies.

The CAS repeatedly gave custody back to the mother, in spite of warning signs that she was a danger to the children. In the end, the mother killed both children by drowning them. Her trial is scheduled to begin in Barrie in a few weeks.

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The "wage gap calculator" on Hillary's website

Before I begin, Happy Equal Pay Day!

Hillary is perpetuating propganda with this assine wage gap calculator located on her political front page. Type your gender, race, education, and age and find out why we are involved in an up-hill battle regarding this myth.

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Glenn Sacks Speaks About Alec Baldwin on CNN

Newsletter here. Partial Transcript by Sacks:

"Parental Alienation campaigns such as what Kim has done to Alec Baldwin are very common. This campaign that she has done for the past six years has been so bad that even Basinger's mother has come out and condemned her daughter, and said that Alec is a good father, that he loves his daughter, that she loves him, and that Kim has done everything she could to drive him out of her life."

Video link is here.

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RADAR ALERT: Beyond Duke: About Half Of All Rape Allegations Are False

The false allegations of rape that damaged the lives of 46 members of the Duke Lacrosse Team, nearly sent three to prison for thirty years each, and cost families many millions of dollars in legal fees was not a one-of-a-kind aberration of justice. Other infamous cases involving well-known individuals such as Kobe Bryant, John Fund*, and CNN’s Tucker Carlson provide additional public evidence that false rape allegations are a major public problem - one where the perpetrator is rarely punished.

*4-26-07 Update: MANN admins received a note from Mr. Fund letting us now that he was never accused of rape, only assault, and that these charges were dropped after investigation. He maintains a site discussing this issue here.

While researchers and prosecutors do not agree on the percentage of false allegations, the consensus is that approximately 40% to 50% of charges are clearly false. This number does not include unresolved allegations held “in limbo” where evidence s too weak to try the case even under shield laws, relaxed rules, and comparatively weak evidentiary standards applied to rape cases:

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False rape accuser locked up

Granted it's only for four months, but that's more than many people get. Story here. Excerpt:

"A TEENAGE girl who lied about being raped by a taxi driver was sentenced to a four-month detention and training order today.

The 17-year-old, from Shipley, West Yorkshire, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice at a hearing last month.

District Judge David Thomas, sentencing at Bradford Magistrates' Court today, told the girl she would serve two months of her sentence in custody.
The court heard that Mr Ahmed, who has 11-year-old twin daughters, no longer works at night for fear of further allegations.

His financial position is now such that he has had to put his house on the market.

His wife is now taking tablets for depression, the court heard."

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Women earn 95% of what men do

I came across this article on CNN and discovered a hidden gem. The article spouts the usual numbers of 80%, 69%, etc, but then hides in an otherwise unexplained line that only a quarter of the paygap is specifically related to gender, and the rest is behavior based. Now despite women outperforming men in education, I can still take 20 and divide by 4, meaning here in a CNN article they admit the actual number is closer to 95 cents on the dollar than the 76 they like to claim. And if they were that wrong for so long, it won't be hard to suggest that even the last few % could be from behaviors the study didn't consider.

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Red Alert! Men May Soon Be Taxed More Than Women

Essay here.

This sexist economic agenda, if acted upon, would severely disadvantage men in the workforce because employers would hire more women than men simply for the fact that women would be cheaper to hire. Such an act, therefore, would lead to mass discrimination against men by employers and would greatly reduce men's presence at jobs.

Young men would be less inclined to seek higher education (a problem already affecting boys) as a result of knowing that their chances of getting jobs would be far lower than women's chances; consequently, the educational crisis affecting boys and men could dramatically get worse sending society into utter economic chaos. This article should be sent to every men's group on the planet! This must be stopped at once!

Paper here.

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Nurse convicted of dismembering husband

Story here. Excerpt:

"A jury convicted a nurse Monday of killing her husband and placing his body parts in three suitcases she tossed into Chesapeake Bay. Melanie McGuire, who sobbed as she heard the verdict, was convicted of murder, desecration of a corpse, perjury and a weapons offense."

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200th exoneration in US due to DNA testing

Story here. Excerpt:

'CHICAGO (AP) - A man who spent 25 years in prison for rape was exonerated Monday as a judge threw out his convictions because DNA evidence showed he couldn't have committed the attack.

Jerry Miller smiled and the courtroom erupted into cheers after Cook County Circuit Court Judge Diane G. Cannon read the ruling that cleared him of all charges.

Miller, 48, had been found guilty of rape, robbery, aggravated kidnapping and aggravated battery even though he testified he was at home watching television at the time of the 1981 attack. He was paroled in March 2006 and now works two jobs and lives with a family member in a Chicago suburb.

The exoneration is the nation's 200th based on DNA evidence, according to the Innocence Project, a New York group that works to free wrongly convicted inmates.'

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