Submitted by ItsDan on Mon, 2007-06-11 15:25
Article here. Excerpt:
"But almost four years into it, McClure-Metz began to feel her husband was maybe too capable. He had become more competent and assertive in the child-care arena and it showed in small ways."
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2007-06-10 15:54
Remember this one? Update here. Excerpt:
"ERIE, Pennsylvania — A mother who admitted swinging her 4-week-old son like a bat to hit her boyfriend, fracturing the infant's skull, wants to withdrew her guilty plea.
Chytoria Graham, 27, of Erie, asked to withdraw her plea Friday — the day she was to be sentenced to at least five years in prison.
Under an agreement with prosecutors, Graham had pleaded guilty in March to aggravated assault and endangering the welfare of a child; reckless endangerment and simple assault charges were dropped.
Graham now says she was not responsible for the injuries to Jarron Troop, who has since recovered."
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Submitted by Roy on Sun, 2007-06-10 02:23
MRA commentator Carey Roberts asks – “In a country that prides itself on the "innocent until proven guilty" principle, how do we account for these legal travesties?
In some cases, the false accusers were emotionally unstable. Other times the women acted out of spite and vindictiveness.”
Four tales of false domestic violence allegations against innocent men, bilked of thousands of dollars to prove they committed absolutely no crime.
The DV INDUSTRY at work.
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Submitted by Paragon on Sat, 2007-06-09 23:39
First New York wants to put Dog Tags on men accused of domestic violence and then THIS. Excerpt:
"Two years after a man shot his wife and later killed himself in Quakertown, officials in the Upper Bucks borough will likely urge commonwealth legislators to create a state-wide Internet registry of domestic violence offenders to help prevent such tragedies from happening again.
Borough council expects to approve a resolution tonight calling on the Legislature to pass a bill known as “Robin's Law.”
Introduced in the state House on May 31, the bill would create a Megan's Law-style database. Instead of sexual predators though, the picture, address and crime of domestic violence convicts will be posted online for anyone to see, according to a preliminary draft of the bill."
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2007-06-09 19:35
Story here. Excerpt:
"CONCORD, N.H. - A soldier charged with desertion while fighting for custody of her 7-year-old daughter has been granted an honorable discharge from the Army, her lawyer said Saturday.
Hayes, 32, was serving her second tour of duty in
Iraq when she learned of possible domestic violence in the home of her ex-husband, Tim Knight, who had primary custody of Brystal.
According to police and Hayes, Knight was a victim in one domestic violence incident, and a second involved a fight between his mother and girlfriend. The judge who awarded Hayes temporary custody said Knight's problems with alcohol and a stormy relationship with his girlfriend made his home unsuitable for Brystal.
After her surrender at Fort Dix on Tuesday, Army lawyers helped her refile for a hardship discharge and it was granted within hours, Theroux said.
A custody hearing is scheduled Tuesday, Theroux said."
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Submitted by blaze4metal on Sat, 2007-06-09 15:05
Check this out:
"A mother is upset after a 14-year-old babysitter engaged in sexual conduct with her eight-year-old boy, and the eight-year-old was charged with lewd conduct.
Grosbeck says the Salt Lake County District Attorney told her both the child and teenager were equal participants. But Mrs. Grosbeck didn’t believe that.
“My son is eight, he’s a little boy. He does not have the ability to participate on the same level as a fourteen-year-old,” she said.
Although the charges against her son were dropped, she is concerned that the same thing could happen to other victims of sexual abuse."
Why did they drop the charges on the boy? They had a serious sexual predator on their hands! I ask once again, what's wrong with the people in charge of our justice system?
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Submitted by alen on Sat, 2007-06-09 00:43
Story here.
Toronto father takes daughter for a walk.
Cops called, 4-hour manhunt ensues... excerpt:
"It's a classic case of how looks can truly be deceiving. After a frantic four hour-plus search through a heavily wooded area, police at last have an answer in a case that paralyzed part of the downtown core late Thursday. A young girl they believed had been abducted was found safe, sound and never in any real danger.
It was the finale many expected would come to pass because police never received any calls about a missing child, something that most certainly would have happened had a little girl been gone for that long.
In the end, it was a complete and expensive overreaction, but one that cops couldn't afford not to take."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2007-06-08 23:58
Story here. Excerpt:
'MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) - John Daly told authorities his wife tried stab him with a steak knife, and the golfer had red marks on his cheeks when he showed up to play Friday on the course where he lives.
Daly called police about 6 a.m. on Friday, Shelby County Sheriff's department spokesman Steve Shular said. When deputies arrived, wife Sherrie and the couple's children were not there. Deputies could not find the knife he claimed she used.
He did not speak with reporters, but issued a statement saying he was the "victim of an assault by my wife."
"I filed a complaint with the Shelby County Sheriff's Office. They are investigating, and I'll have no further comment on the matter while they pursue their investigation. My only concern at this point is for the safety of my children and myself," the statement said.'
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2007-06-08 21:10
Story here. Excerpt:
"A woman who killed her preacher husband with a shotgun blast to the back as he lay in bed was sentenced Friday to three years in prison, but she may end up serving only 60 days in a mental hospital.
That leaves only two months, and McCraw said up to 60 days of the sentence could be served in a facility where she could receive mental health treatment. That means Winkler may not serve any significant time in prison."
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2007-06-08 21:07
Story here. Excerpt:
'A bride-to-be who wanted to get out of a date with a man she met on a phone chat line sent officers on a wild chase when she faked her abduction, police said.
Sara White, 20, was charged Wednesday with a misdemeanor charge of abusing emergency dispatch services for telling authorities she had been hit on the head and dragged into the trunk of a car while sitting in a Sacramento park.
White said she concocted the story Monday after changing her mind about meeting the man, with whom she'd been talking on the phone for two weeks.'
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2007-06-08 07:09
Click on this link. Scroll down a bit to the right and look for "FOX News Video". The title is "Student Stripper: Jenny Heineman". Or, use this link (20.2 MB .swf file) to save or load the video file directly.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2007-06-08 00:01
The 800-lb. gorilla must speak... story here, just in case you have been away from TV, radio, newspapers, and the web for the past 24 hours. Now, let's analyze some.
1. Pretty
2. Rich
3. Famous
4. White (bonus: blond)
5. Female (bonus: under 30) +
Three days (maybe) in stir...
...for disobeying a judge's orders, DUI, and who knows what else.
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Submitted by blaze4metal on Thu, 2007-06-07 12:37
This article here talks of a 17 year old receiving consensual oral sex from a 15 year old. Gets 10 years in jail! TEN YEARS! Didn't this website have an article about a woman who beat her kids for 6 years and got 19 months in prison? What the hell is wrong with our judicial system?
Ed. note: This is commentary on a case previously covered here on MANN.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2007-06-05 20:24
From Glenn Sacks: "My new co-authored column, NY Electronic Tagging Device Bill--An Orwellian Measure (Buffalo News, 5/30/07), criticizes Assembly Bill 5424, which requires “any person against whom an order of protection is issued…to wear an electronic monitoring device.” The article explains that New York Orders of Protection are often issued in an assembly line manner, and this bill will victimize many innocent men."
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Submitted by Raymond Cuttill on Tue, 2007-06-05 20:03
Wendy Turner (EPA), Lisa Cohen (JUMP), Neil Lyndon, Barry Worrall, John Holden, EPA and more to speak at the United Equal Parenting Conference 2007 – The Best Interests of the Child. The conference, at The Warehouse, 1a Cumberland Road, Reading, RG1 3LB, UK will be on the weekend, 16th and 17th June. The conference will discuss the best interested of the child and will include the following speakers -
Wendy and Paul Turner
“A Child’s Right Not To Choose”
Wendy Turner, a tireless campaigner for equal parenting and recently appointed Chair of the Equal Parenting Alliance, will talk about the child’s right not to choose; that the child should not be forced to favour or select one parent only
Lisa Cohen will be speaking for JUMP, Jewish Unity for Multiple Parenting, a support and lobby group. She will be talking about “My fight for my children" and the living bereavement it creates and how parental alienation affects the relationship with the parent. She is including a short film on the subject of PAS.
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