Cadillac/GM Joins the Misandric Advertising Club

Saw an ad for the Cadillac CTS recently. Like many companies these days, they post their ads on-line. To see this gem, go here and select "CTS" in the "SORT BY" drop-down box. Then click the third one in the first row (entitled "KHAKIS"), with the picture of the man and woman looking out from the elevator.

- The woman passes by colleagues who didn't get the promotion-- all of them are men.
- The men act like frightened puppies.
- The last part of the ad sees the man she is in the elevator with suddenly lose all the ink in his fountain pen, staining his shirt-- an obvious allusion to the idea of him peeing his pants out of fear of the all-mighty woman.

All this in an apparent effort to appeal to female consumers. Seems like many other companies, Cadillac (owned by GM) thinks it needs to trounce men in order to win over women. Contact info is here.

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UK: 43% of women have had sex with male colleagues

Interesting statistics here. Excerpt:

"More than one in four have cheated on a regular partner with an office lover — but only seven per cent suspect their fella of the same at their workplace.

Twenty per cent would have NO hesitation in sleeping with the boss to get promotion — and 17 per cent had already done so. More than a third regularly go to work with no underwear — while 16 per cent visit the loo to relieve sexual frustration."

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Most teachers 'face false claims'

Story here. Excerpt:

"Most school heads and teachers have faced false allegations from pupils or parents, a head teachers' union says. The problem is under-played and incidents are less unusual than some claim, according to the National Association of Head Teachers. The union complains the names of the accused get into the media, while the alleged victim is often anonymous."

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Australia: "Women pay tax at three times the rate men do"

Recent research in Australia has shown that - astoundingly - women are paying tax at THREE TIMES the rate that men are. My god, does the horrendous attrocities women have to face never cease...?!

QUOTE:"MOTHERS do 70 per cent of the housework and more than 90 per cent of the childcare. Now it seems they're also paying tax at three times the rate of their husbands.

A tax symposium was told Australia has one of the most sexist systems in the world and it could be part of the reason we're facing a skills crisis.

Why is it that the male primary earner in a family on average pays just 10.3 per cent of his income in tax but his wife loses on average 32.7 per cent if she goes out to work?"

Of course it's complete crap, just feminazi juggling of figures to grab headlines and help attack men even more. Feel free to add your comments at the end and let them know just what utter bollocks this is....

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Woman charged with kidnapping in child support scam

This is an update from a prevous post about this child support scam. Excerpt:

"An Albuquerque woman who for two years collected child support from a man for a baby that didn’t exist is now facing a felony kidnapping charge.

In a court hearing in 2004, a judge demanded that Trevino produce the child in court. Instead, she showed up in the courtroom and tried to pass a child that wasn’t hers.
If convicted of the state charges against her, Trevino could face up to 45 years in jail."

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France's Royal: Police women to be accompanied back home

Story here. Excerpt:

'Ms Royal attacked him over his plans for heavy cuts in the civil service and cited the case of a policewoman who was raped last month as she returned from work at night.

“Under my presidency every woman police officer will be accompanied to her home after work,” Ms Royal said. She scored points when Mr Sarkozy denounced the 35-hour maximum working week, introduced in 1999 by the last Socialist Government.'

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Sports Illustrated's Deford denounces Title IX - but blames men for poor academics

Frank Deford, in his latest column, denounces the impact of Title IX on men's sports teams. At the same time, however, he also blames the lack of men on college on men's poor study habits and only being interested in sports. He makes no mention of the systematic problems in educating in men, and ultimately considered the current system fair. Excerpt:

"The current situation is fair. It is not the fault of girls that boys won't work hard in the classroom. However, it is really not healthy that, soon enough, most colleges will only have men's teams in football and basketball, maybe baseball."

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Wage Gap Myth version II: Stay-at-home mothers' worth

Seems the measuring of financial matters when it comes to feminists truly knows no limits. The latest hilarity is to be found here. Wonder if stay-at-home dads get the same method of calculation?

"NEW YORK (Reuters) - If the typical stay-at-home mother in the United States were paid for her work as a housekeeper, cook and psychologist among other roles, she would earn $138,095 a year, according to research released on Wednesday.

This reflected a 3 percent raise from last year's $134,121, according to Inc, Waltham, Massachusetts-based compensation experts.

The 10 jobs listed as comprising a mother's work were housekeeper, cook, day care center teacher, laundry machine operator, van driver, facilities manager, janitor, computer operator, chief executive officer and psychologist, it said."

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DePaul University Athletic director - Women superior to men

Depaul University's first female athletic director and gender equity advocate, Jean Lenti-Ponsetto, claims female superiority over men in basketball.

Asked for her comments on the differences between coaching men and women in basketball for the "WomenNews" section of the Chicago Tribune she says:
(click "read more")

"My experience is that women are more coachable. They don't bring as much ego, and they function much better in a team-oriented concept. Guys sometimes have a tendency to fit their individual skills into the team model. Women always think team first... women are also faster and easier learners because they kind of check their ego at the door. Guys sometimes walk into a team setting and have the tendency to prove right away how good they are and how good their individual skills are."

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Teacher accused of student affair was sent home for ‘wearing revealing dress’

Story here. Excerpt:

"In July of 2004 she is said to have begun a year long affair with a 15 year old student who was in year 10.

They would meet for sex sessions in her home in St Albans and in her car. When the boy turned 16, it's claimed they had full sex and would check in to local hotels.

The court has been told that when another girl at the school discovered a photo of the boy and the teacher taken on his mobile phone, she took a copy into the school and showed a teacher."

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Female Teacher, 16-Year-Old Boy Had Sex In Vehicle At Church

Story here.

What about "Female teacher rapes boy in vehicle at church"? Excerpt:

"Janet Lea Hughes, 32, of Viera, was arrested Monday night after two undercover Titusville police officers found her with a student in a van parked at First Presbyterian Church.

Hughes was issued a $35,000 bond on one count of unlawful sexual activity with a minor when she made her initial appearance Tuesday afternoon. On a second count of attempted sexual activity with a minor, Judge Judy Atkin ordered Hughes to community supervision and to have no contact with the boy."

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The Truth About the Pay Gap: Feminist politics and bad economics

Article here.

These are aspects of the wage gap we already know. I hope these opinions are taken seriously, examined, and treated with equity before we demonize men. Hillary, take notice, NOW's philosphy on the matter is flawed. The American Asscociation of Unveristy Women might even be more of a perpetuator of this biased myth. When will the governement and society accept views regarding the wage gap that is not infected with feminism?

"As they get older, many women elect to work less so they can spend time with their children. A decade after graduation, 39 percent of women are out of the work force or working part time -- compared with only 3 percent of men. When these mothers return to full-time jobs, they naturally earn less than they would have if they had never left."

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True Equality Conference 2007 Update

I called the Washington Court Hotel just today to ask about when would be the latest one could book a room under the special rate for the Boys and the Boy Crisis Conference scheduled for July 13-14, 2007. The scheduler said that bookings for rooms had to come no later than June 13 to get the special $115.00/night rate.

For those not familiar with DC area prices, TRUST ME, $115.00/night at the Court is a nice deal. Try looking up their regular prices and see what you find. This is also a very good time to find cheap airfare deals at sites like Travelocity, too. Don't wait 'til you're only a month out before booking your plane.

This is going to be a great conference. Tom has done a great job lining up speakers and workshop leaders. Don't miss this, guys!

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Unauthorized Biography of Hillary Clinton Paints Familiar Picture

It seems Carl Bernstein's recent biography of Hillary Clinton exposes some of what many of us already knew. Read the pre-publication review here. Excerpt:

'With the thoroughness for which he is famous, Bernstein spoke to more than 200 of Clinton’s friends, colleagues and adversaries. He stops short of accusing the New York senator of blatantly lying about her past, but has unearthed examples of where she has played fast and loose with the facts about her “personal and political life”, according to Knopf.

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British Judge partially corrects the wrongs in alimony law

Story here.

Everybody is entitled to live the lifestyle for which they earn through their economic contrbution. It does seem like the winds of change towards recognising and stopping these economic parasites are blowing. The door towards "living according to ones capability without getting fleeced by economic parasites" has been opened. This needs to be firmed up and slowly the feminists' economic parasitism will be stopped. Excerpt:

'LONDON, April 14 - A British judge has ruled ex-husbands can not be expected to compensate their ex-wives for future earnings.

The judge ruled in England, which is known for favoring women in divorce proceedings, that a baker identified as Mr. H does not have to give Mrs. H a share of his future earnings after their divorce, The Times of London reported Saturday.'

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