Pity Party For Soccer Moms?

Article here. A new book "Opting Out" looks at American moms’ struggles to balance both work and family and finds that women often aren't opting out — instead they're being shut out. Excerpt:

“Even the brightest women have fewer options around balancing work and family than society assumes. ... the stories women tell reveal not the expression of choice, but rather the existence of a choice gap, a gap that is a function of a double bind created primarily by the conditions of work in the gilded cages of elite professions. ... women go home because they have been unsuccessful in their efforts to obtain flexibility or because they found themselves marginalized and stigmatized for trying to hold onto their careers after becoming mothers.”'

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'Falsely accused paedophiles were actually victims of credit card fraud'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Hundreds of Britons accused of being paedophiles in the country's biggest Internet child pornography investigation were actually victims of credit card fraud, it was claimed last night. More than 7,000 - including rock star Pete Townshend - were said to have downloaded child-porn images from a U.S. website. But an investigation has found that many of those charged as part of the police inquiry codenamed Operation Ore were innocent and their card details had been used illegally.'

To listen to the original BBC Radio program, click here. It is available for 7 days until Thursday 17th May.

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"Mothers File International Complaint Against United States"

Story here. Excerpt:

"For more than 30 years U.S. judges have given custody or unsupervised visitation of children to abusers and molesters putting the children directly at risk," says Dianne Post, an international attorney who authored the petition. "These horrendous human rights violations have been brought to the attention of family court systems, and state and federal governments, to no avail. We turn now to international courts to protect the rights and safety of US children."

I might agree with the quoted attorney's sentiments, but I think she got the sex of the offenders wrong in way too many cases...

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"Advice Goddess" sticks up for men

Read it here, it's beautiful. Amy Alkon is syndicated in over 100 newspapers in the US. Excerpt:

'Warped thinking like yours makes me realize how lucky I am to be a woman and white as typing paper. Although I recently got stopped by a cop for going the wrong way on a one-way street (he rolled his eyes and let me go when he realized I wasn't drunk, just ditzy), I'm generally safe from automatic presumptions of criminality like Driving While Black or Living And Breathing While Male.

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Unbelievably good news for men's health in Great Britain!

I've just read on the menshealthforum site (UK) this breaking news:

"The Equality Act 2006 has created an important new duty for NHS organisations: the ‘gender duty’. NHS organisations’ compliance with the duty will be overseen by the new Commission for Equality and Human Rights and the Healthcare Commission."

"Men's Health Forum's president Dr Ian Banks believes ‘men are being badly let down because of the "one size fits all" approach to health care that has bedevilled the NHS since its inception.’ He says: ‘the Equality Act provides the biggest opportunity to improve male health since the foundation of the NHS."

This one is the best:

"The Men’s Health Forum will be monitoring the performance of the NHS and will not hesitate to use the new legislation to ensure compliance."

"Since men do worse in any areas of health, specific actions are needed to improve male health."

Check out the five main issues affecting men's health according to the MHF.

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Glenn Sacks: Michigan NOW Fights New Shared Parenting Bill

Article here.

Sacks writes:

"In other words, it's more economically efficient for the child to live with mom in a household dad finances, and for the child to see dad in a park on Sundays and no more. This is hardly in the best interests of children. And since NOW is interested in economic efficiency, I would argue that it's more economically efficient to not get divorced to begin with, but since the vast majority of divorces are initiated by women, NOW is not about to come out against divorce."

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Zimbabwe: 'Promote Circumcision in Acceptable Manner'

Story here.

"Acceptable manner" is simply a politically correct way of saying "lets manipulate this culture with propaganda". Excerpt:

"There are many socio-cultural issues surrounding male circumcision that need to be addressed in order for it to adequately contribute to HIV prevention. It is, therefore, important that promotion of male circumcision be promoted and delivered in a culturally appropriate manner that minimises stigma that may be associated with circumcision."

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Bush May Veto Hate Crime Bill With Gender Focus

Article here.

Be prepared, this article is from "Women's E News". My suggestion to NOW, just come right out and speak the truth. This law is not aimed at gender hate crimes, its simply a way to manipulate society with the fallacy that all men hate women. Excerpt:

"It looks like it will be unlikely that it will become law, but we will keep working at it," said Olga Vives, a vice president at the National Organization for Women in Washington, D.C.

If the legislation becomes law, it would establish uniform protections for women and girls who are victims of hate crimes around the country. Currently, 28 states include gender in their own versions of hate-crimes laws.

If the bill fails, advocates say a hard-won opportunity to specifically address hate crimes against women and girls will be lost, or at least put on hold until a different president occupies the White House."

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Woman Who Posed as Boy Pleads Guilty To Child Molestation

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman who posed as an homeless orphaned boy, befriended a teenage girl and was taken into her family's home has pleaded guilty to child molestation.

Prosecutors say they would seek the maximum one-year jail term for Lorelei J. Corpuz, 30, who entered her plea Wednesday. Charges of third-degree child rape were dropped last month.

Authorities said Corpuz, who cropped her hair and stands 5-foot-3, passed herself off as 17-year-old Mark Villanueva after meeting the girl at a mall in September 2005. Her parents, immigrants who speak little English, later let Corpuz live at their home."

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US Hate Crime Laws To Include Gender

The Democrat-controlled US Congress has recently passed a bill which would extend existing federal hate-crime legislation to cover attacks based on gender - here's a reasonable discussion of the law. Given the easily demonstrated anti-male bias of both the civil and criminal justice systems in the US it's a fair bet that the law is yet another move towards criminalizing men and masculinity, and that the law (like many other criminal sanctions) would be used to selectively prosecute and penalize men.

Let's hope President Bush has the good sense to veto this law before it can used in the war against boys and men. It's too bad that his badly needed veto will likely be about state rights or religious issues rather than any sense of protecting men from selective and discriminatory law enforcement.

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Latest Column by Glenn Sacks: Tyler Perry’s Daddy’s Little Girls Tells an Important Truth About African-American Fathers

From Glenn:

My new co-authored column, Tyler Perry’s Daddy’s Little Girls Tells an Important Truth About African-American Fathers (Wilmington Journal & others, 4/6/07), explains how Perry's film illuminates the important but largely ignored barriers our family law system often places between African-American dads and their children. Excerpt:

"Tyler Perry's new movie 'Daddy's Little Girls' tells an important truth about African-American fathers. The film, which reached number 5 on the Media By Numbers list of top movies, is the story of Monty, a blue collar African-American father played by Idris Elba. Monty fights long and hard in family court to be a father to his three adoring little girls. Today African-American men are often excoriated--most recently by presidential candidate Barack Obama--for being irresponsible towards their children. Yet we don’t hear nearly enough about men like Monty."

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People are starting to clue in on the wage gap!

I came across this article just recently.

It tries to spread the same old lies about the pay gap, no surprise there.

What is surprising, however, is the comments on the article. It seems that people are tired of listening to these lies, and common sense is taking over.

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F4J is Coming to Los Angeles & NCFMLA Is Welcoming Them

F4J is Coming to Los Angeles & NCFMLA Is Welcoming Them

Fathers-4-Justice (F4J) and the National Coalition of Free Men, Los Angeles (NCFMLA) invite you to meet fellow grand-parents, children, women and men who are joined together to stop the unfair practices of lawyers and family court. Have lunch in the park with people like you who need to be heard and need to take action. Bring your story and join us for hot dogs, soft drinks and conversation. This is a great opportunity to meet new friends and realize that you are not alone in your experiences.

F4J & NCFMLA Photo Collage

The protest rally and picnic will be held, May 20, 2007 (Sunday), from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. at the Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks Park in Los Angeles County. The picnic in the park will be located at the corner of Hazeltine and Huston in the S.E. corner of the park.

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A French Lesson for Hillary

From Women voters shun Segolene Royal:

'PARIS (Reuters) - Socialist Segolene Royal failed to win over a majority of women voters in France's presidential election and may have paid a price for focusing too much on her gender at the expense of promoting her policies.
The weak female support is a bitter personal blow for Royal, who had played up her feminist credentials throughout the campaign, frequently defending policies she would want "as a mother" and accusing critics of male chauvinism.
"The reason she did not have the female vote is not because there was no solidarity but because she was not up to it," said Tita Zeitoun, founder of the Action de Femme group which fights to get more women into top business positions.'

Hillary isn't up to it, either.

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RADAR ALERT: Ooooooops!

We were mistaken. Recently RADAR attributed the following statement to Linda Fairstein, who formerly headed the New York County District Attorney’s Sex Crimes Unit.

"There are about 4,000 reports of rape each year in Manhattan. Of these, about half simply did not happen. ... It’s my job to bring justice to the man who has been falsely accused by a woman who has a grudge against him, just as it’s my job to prosecute the real thing."

Numerous places on the web report that Ms. Fairstein made this statement in her 1993 book "Sexual Violence: Our War Against Rape". Because the number cited in the quote was in synch with other credible research and because a citation was included, we trusted that the quote was authentic.

A few days ago, a March 21, 2007 article on ABC came to our attention. That article quotes Ms. Fairstein as saying: "you have to acknowledge that false accusations do happen - though they are less than 10 percent of reported rapes."

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