An earlier (balanced) editorial from the Telegraph India

While the latest article was unabashedly one-sided, they published a very balanced editorial on Sept. 13, 2003. To be fair to them, I thought I'd post that too. It's here. Excerpt:

'Laws protecting women from domestic violence are sometimes unjust to men. This can be corrected only with great care

Men hate to admit they have been beaten up by their women. That the desperate desire to hang on to notions of muscle-flexing masculinity makes them so vulnerable could have been funny. But it is not, because the statistics of intimate violence perpetrated by women on men is now compelling all countries to rethink solutions, both legal and psychological, to domestic violence.'

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Feminists File Human Rights Violations with IACHR

From DaddyBlog:

'The ultra radical and angry feminists are at it again! This organization clearly no longer supports EQUALITY, but has a radical agenda of only furthering the gender war! Their actions, as of late, clearly exposes their hidden agenda because more and more females are speaking out against this radical organization.

NOW must be greatly confused with current child custody statistics! Gender bias against women?...'

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Men's Health Forum awarded for its hard work

Check this out and spread the word! These British MRA's are doing a great job! Excerpt:

'The Forum has been awarded a £20,000 GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Impact Award jointly judged by GSK and The King’s Fund health charity. The award was made in recognition of the organisation’s work to give all men and boys an equal opportunity to attain the highest possible level of health and well-being.

Chief Executive Peter Baker said: ‘We are delighted to have been chosen by GlaxoSmithKline as an IMPACT Award winner. To me this award recognises the valuable work done by our very dedicated team. The funding that this award brings will make an enormous difference. We could employ another member of staff for a year. There is a lot more research that we’d like to do and this could enable us to do it.’'

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Woman Charged With Abuse of Corpse After Baby Is Found in Her Freezer

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman was charged with abuse of a corpse Thursday after police found the remains of a baby in her freezer.

Police charged Christine Hutchinson, 22, of Pittsburgh, after interviewing her Thursday evening, several hours after the remains were found in her apartment.
But later, Lt. Daniel Herrmann said the abuse of a corpse charge applies only to human beings. Under the law, he said, a fetus is not considered a human being."

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Pennsylvania Woman Who Slashed Womb Gets Prison

Story here. Excerpt:

'KITTANNING, Pa. — A woman who tried to steal a fetus by knocking her pregnant neighbor unconscious with a baseball bat and cutting her abdomen was sentenced Tuesday to 22 to 50 years in prison.

Peggy Jo Conner, who could have been sentenced to up to 80 years, apologized in court for attacking Valerie Oskin.

Oskin, 31, was rescued after a passerby spotted the two women in a rural area and called police. Her baby was delivered by emergency Caesarean section and put up for adoption, which had been Oskin's intention before the attack.

"I'm sorry for what happened to Valerie and for what part I had in it," Conner said. "I'm not that kind of person. I was on drugs then."'

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YouTube clip: Black Gay Men Discuss Role of Women in their Lives

Do black men need black women? This is the title of a clip I recently viewed on See the broadcast here.

The clip on YouTube is hosted by two homosexual black men. The clip surprised me as the two men did not engage in the usual male bashing and pro-feminist rhetoric that a good deal of homosexual activists usually engage in. Instead these men seemed to be pointing out that they have absolutely no need for women.

Not that I agree with their lifestyle. I just find it quite funny that women are now being slammed by the very people they use against men. For years the feminist movement has been placing the homosexual community in direct opposition to males in their petty war against men.

It is ironic that women's own weapon now seems to be turning against them.

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Blogger's Choice award: Vote for Angry Harry

AngryHarry, a political blogger who often discusses men's issues, has been nominated for best political blog in the Blogger's Choice Awards.

While you may not agree with everything AngryHarry says, he does a great job of exposing bias against men and misandry in popular culture.

You can show your support for AngryHarry by creating an account (if you don't already have one) and voting at:

Take this opportunity to make sure that men's voices are heard!

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India: 17-year-old girl jailed for false rape accusation

Story here.

I guess four months in prison will help this man put his life back together???? Excerpt:

"A teenage girl, whose false accusation of rape led an Asian taxi driver to lose his job and sell his home, has been sentenced to four months imprisonment by a British court.

The 17-year-old claimed ex-police personnel Aftab Ahmed, who hails from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, attacked her in January last when she was driven home drunk after a night out.

She kept up the story for 14 months, during which Aftab lost his livelihood, had to sell his home and was shunned by friends."

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Woman retracts claims of abuse after boyfriend passed over in the NFL draft

Article here:

'Linebacker A.J. Nicholson was waived by the Cincinnati Bengals on Monday, hours after he pleaded not guilty to a charge that he hit his girlfriend. She insists she accidentally hit herself with a cell phone, and police misread what happened.

Nicholson was charged with misdemeanor assault Friday, and despite his girlfriend's claim the case will go forward. He remains free on $5,000 bond and a pretrial hearing was set for May 31.
"I was very emotional and I was mad at A.J.," Johnson said. "Like a lot of other couples, we had been arguing. But I am to blame here. I exaggerated the situation. The police officer misinterpreted my upset and emotional demeanor."'

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RADAR ALERT: Education for Injustice

It's widely known that the domestic violence policies and procedures of organizations across the country are outdated. If only that were the reason why so many men experience bias and violation of due process when accused. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. False "facts" from debunked studies, lies created by over-enthusiastic writers, and skewed statistics from unsound research are common in today's domestic violence trainings.

Demonstrating that current domestic violence trainings are deplorable, RADAR's new Special Report "Education for Injustice" documents that:

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Men's Day in India

Indian MRAs have decided to observe November 19th as the Men's Day. This journalist is obviously upset! Article here. Excerpt:

'The numerous feast-days and rituals for brothers, sons and sons-in-law in the various Indian cultures are just not enough to soothe their sensitive feelings. The lads want their day out on November 19, the day their brothers in Trinidad and Tobago celebrate their ‘emancipation’ as well. They would all like to go international — women can do it — but they are a little confused about the date.'

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Boy Dead: Female Day Care Worker: "I Bound Boy With Masking Tape to Keep Him Quiet"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Paramedics had tried to revive Joshua, who was found unresponsive after the in-home day care center's owner, Vicki Leigh Chiles, bound his mouth and hands with masking tape.
"You could see the bruising (on his face) where the tape had been," Robert Minton said."

Chiles, 42, told police that Joshua would not be quiet for nap time and that she used masking tape to bind his hands and cover his mouth to keep him quiet, her arrest report states.'

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Newsweek: Is Title IX Sidelining the Boys?

Read some of the female perspectives about Title IX. An article in a major publication such as Newsweek (Outstanding!)

What do female athletes say?

"I know that I’ve heard from lots of female athletes who are starting to say that this law has outlived its purpose. They don’t understand what this law means because they’re seeing it limit the opportunities of the men they travel and train with and who make them better athletes. And they think it’s insane. There’s a big generational divide here. Some of the women who are of the “if you build it they will com”’ mentality are older women and they lived at a time and went to college at a time when women were being given the short end of the stick in a major way. But these women today have had a very different experience and they don’t agree with what this law is doing to their male colleagues."

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NCFM Opposes Harvard Economist's Sexist Man Tax

Article here. Excerpt:

"The National Coalition of Free Men (NCFM), the oldest and largest men’s rights organization in the United States, vehemently opposes Harvard Professor Alberto Alesina’s recently-proposed man tax.(1)

"A man tax is as wrong as a Jew tax," says NCFM's Marc Angelucci. "They both violate the fundamental Constitutional right to equal protection by unfairly targeting a birth group for discriminatory treatment.

"Even aside from equal protection, there is no justification for a man tax."

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System Overload: Father pays child support, still jailed

Story here.

I'm not happy with the term "Dead Beat Dads" used several times in this article. Excerpt:

"Every day, the state of Ohio processes more than 50,000 child support payments.

Has that volume led to unfair treatment of parents who are paying?

Derrick Adams is a deadbeat dad. Or so says the State of Ohio.

Deputies arrested him not once, but twice, even though the father of three boys is making child support payments."

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