Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2007-06-24 19:40
If you think the "Evolve, men!" theme from Trojan is limited only to an ad or a special sub-site, think again. Go to the Trojans main site at and have a look. 'Pigs-to-men if you use Trojans Evolve' is the theme from start to finish.
MANN calls on men and women to boycott utterly Trojan brand condoms and to let them know just why you are doing so. The Trojans brand is owned by Church & Dwight Co. (NYSE ticker: CHD), who can be contacted here. On that page, in the "Visit our Websites" drop-down box, note the other brands owned by C&D; perhaps they could use some time on the shelf as well.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2007-06-23 17:18
I wonder if they are as aggressive at enforcement with the girls? Story here. Excerpt:
'Fairfax County middle school student Hal Beaulieu hopped up from his lunch table one day a few months ago, sat next to his girlfriend and slipped his arm around her shoulder. That landed him a trip to the school office.
Among his crimes: hugging.
All touching -- not only fighting or inappropriate touching -- is against the rules at Kilmer Middle School in Vienna. Hand-holding, handshakes and high-fives? Banned. The rule has been conveyed to students this way: "NO PHYSICAL CONTACT!!!!!"
Hal's troubles began one day in March when he got up from his assigned cafeteria table and went to a nearby table where his then-girlfriend was sitting. He admits he broke one rule -- getting up from his assigned table without permission -- and he accepts a reprimand for that. "The table thing, I'm guilty," he said.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2007-06-23 17:13
Story here. Excerpt:
'(CNN) -- Three former Duke University lacrosse players are seeking criminal contempt of court charges against Mike Nifong, the disbarred prosecutor who pursued a flawed rape case against them.
In legal papers filed Friday, the exonerated players also asked a judge to order Nifong to pay their legal bills.
Besides asking that Nifong be held in criminal contempt and forced to pay costs associated with the players' defenses, the motion asks the court for any other disciplinary action it deems appropriate.
Possible penalties for criminal contempt include jail time or a fine.'
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Submitted by AngryMan on Fri, 2007-06-22 19:32
Story here. Excerpt:
'White boys are being turned into an unemployable underclass - as they fall behind children from other racial groups at school, new research shows.
White British pupils make up more than three quarters of low achievers in English schools and do worse than children from other ethnic groups with similar economic backgrounds, according to the study. The large majority of under-performers are boys.
There is a clear link between failure at school and a life of crime, the authors say. "Only about a fifth of the lowest achievers go on to a further education college and acquire any other sort of education or training.'
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2007-06-22 12:58
I just want folks to be aware of a grassroots movement to spread the word about what PCness is doing to the atmosphere and level of intellectual freedom on US (and other) college campuses. Some daring people have made a documentary on the topic. You can see a trailer for it here and request a local screening here. From the site:
"Speech codes. Censorship. Enforced political conformity. Hostility to diversity of opinion. Sensitivity training. We usually associate such things with the worst excesses of fascism and communism, not with the American universities that nurtured the free speech movement. But American higher education bears a disturbing resemblance to the totalitarian societies that are anathema to our nation’s ideal of liberty. Evan Coyne Maloney’s documentary film, Indoctrinate U, reveals the breathtaking institutional intolerance you won't read about in the glossy marketing brochures of Harvard, Berkeley, Michigan, Yale, and hundreds of other American colleges and universities."
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Submitted by AbusedFather on Fri, 2007-06-22 11:03
The following information may be of MAJOR interest to anyone who is being abused by the Los Angeles County Child Support Services Deparment. The Los Angeles County Fraud Unit has just uncovered as MASSIVE scandal as a direct result of a complaint I filed against the Los Angeles County Child Support Services Department. The following is a press release that I've sent to as many newspapers, radio stations, and television studios that I can find in the Los Angeles/Orange County area. While the LA County Fraud Unit investigation is not over, I strongly urge ALL of you to contact them and file a report on their web site ( Click on the "Report Fraud" button to file your report! It's time to bombard LA County with complaints from everyone who has been harmed. Don't wait - file today! Also, don't forget to spread the word!
Fraud Unit Uncovers Sandal:
Los Angeles County Child Support Computer System has Major Deficiencies
. . .harming millions of innocent men
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2007-06-21 13:52
What do all of Hillary Clinton's most trusted advisors all have in common? All of them are female, without exception. Is there sex discrimination at work here? You be the judge. Story here. Excerpt:
"Fifteen years after Clinton first brought these women together at the White House, the "board" has officially reconvened to help map her unprecedented effort to follow in her husband's footsteps. They are acutely aware their work is making history. Once seen as a tight little sorority, today the group -- happily self-described as "Hillaryland"-- is at the center of a front-running presidential campaign. Never have so many women operated at such a high level in one campaign, working with a discipline and a loyalty and a legendary secrecy rarely seen at this level of American politics."
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Submitted by Acksiom on Thu, 2007-06-21 09:49
"In new academic research published today in the online, open-access, peer-reviewed scientific journal PLoS ONE, male circumcision is found to be much less important as a deterrent to the global AIDS pandemic than previously thought. The author, John R. Talbott, has conducted statistical empirical research across 77 countries of the world and has uncovered some surprising results."
The essential critical point is that the data in previous pro-mutilation/anti-male publications was erroneously manipulated to reflect relative national populations, while nothing was done to address the confounding problem of the signficantly differing rates of heterosexual prostitution between nations.
When the artificial weighting by relative population is removed, however, the apparent correlation between routine and ritual male genital mutilation and a potentially longer amount of time before AIDS/HIV+ infection disappears.
Read the rest of this Medical News Today article HERE.
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Submitted by Roy on Thu, 2007-06-21 01:07
The always excellent Kathleen Parker writes today in Jewish World Review that:
'Nifong's legacy, which ultimately may hurt women more than the falsely accused men, will be long-lived. And the politically correct culture that allowed his charade to persist remains securely in place … It is tempting to convince oneself that Nifong's banishment means that all is right in the Dukedom. Doubtless, many among Duke's faculty and administration, as well as random race-baiters, campus feminists, various reporters, commentators and assorted armchair prosecutors would prefer that no one remember their roles in advancing the Nifong farce.'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2007-06-21 00:28
Story here. Excerpt:
'The influential American Academy of Pediatrics is reviewing its neutral stance on circumcision following recent studies showing the procedure may have reduced HIV infection rates in African men.
Although the AAP has never strongly endorsed or repudiated circumcision, the organization has gone back and forth on the issue for decades. Most recently, in 1999, the AAP issued a statement that neither endorsed nor discouraged circumcision, noting that the surgery - particularly when performed without painkillers - resulted in "pain and physiologic stress.
Existing scientific evidence demonstrates potential medical benefits of newborn male circumcision," the Elk Grove Village, Ill.-based AAP states. "However, these data are not sufficient to recommend routine neonatal circumcision."'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2007-06-21 00:26
Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2007-06-20 01:41
Posted for Marc A.:
Appellate court denies reimbursement to paternity fraud victim; 1 judge suggests changing the law
In their decision (.doc file), the Court of Appeal just upheld the trial court's refusal to order the County of L.A. to reimburse paternity fraud victim Taron James, an NCFM-LA member. The denial of reimbursement is based on the statuary language. Justice Rubin, one of the 3 judges, wrote a concurring opinion in which he recongizes the fundamental injustice and suggests that the California Legislature change the law to allow reimbursement for men like Taron, who paid money to and would be reimbursed by the County (welfare reimbursement) rather than the mother.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2007-06-19 18:47
Eating disorders are now striking little boys more often than little girls. Story here. Excerpt:
'A six-year-old is the youngest boy to be treated for anorexia, a study reveals today. It also shows more young boys than girls are being treated for eating disorders such as anorexia.
Figures show 51 hospital admissions last year of boys under 11 with eating disorders and 36 admissions of girls.
Lib- Dem MP Sarah Teather, who obtained the NHS figures, said: "Young people are under pressure from all sides these days.
"It is time for a debate about how childhood is changing and politicians should be concerned about the type of issues teenagers are having to deal with at a younger and younger age."'
Notice when the MP Teather is using an "inclusive" reference to children when there is evidence to show there is a problem among boys. Does she do the same when the topic includes largely or only girls?
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2007-06-18 21:48
Essay here. Excerpt:
"Can the body of one person be used against their will to satisfy the desires of another? This is a simple question which no person who believes in justice, liberty or individual rights could possibly answer in the affirmative. Indeed, it is a question long settled with respect to all identifiable groups in the United States save one (men). Since the abolition of the institution of slavery, men have been exempted from this simple principle in at least two areas – the draft and reproductive freedom. The latter issue is before us at this time in the case of Roman v. Roman, now before the Texas Supreme Court."
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2007-06-18 21:14
Article here. Excerpt:
'For circumcised penises, the most sensitive region was the circumcision scar on the underside of the penis, the researchers found. For uncircumcised penises, the areas most receptive to pressure were five regions normally removed during circumcision—all of which were more sensitive than the most sensitive part of the circumcised penis.
Recent studies have also shown that circumcision can lower the risks of HIV infection by as much as 60 percent in sex between males and females.
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