Female Judge's Staff Abuse Legendary

Story here. Not that male judges can't be abusive. Just that this story defies the general assumption that the world will be a better place for one and all if there were more female judges simply because they are female. Excerpt:

'Buoyed by power, convinced everyone is against her, Elizabeth Halverson, 49, has achieved what seems to be her heart's desire: She is the center of attention. She's page one news, and she leads the nightly television news.

The voters now know Elizabeth Halverson, but she has 18 months left on the bench before they can vote her out of office. That's too long a wait. The Judicial Discipline Commission, which has the power to remove her from office, cannot confirm if a complaint has been filed. However, I'm told investigators are now working a complaint against her.'

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Can You Get Me Back My Daddy?

Sunday before last, May 20th, 2007, from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M., the Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks park was the site of a Father's Rally and picnic as the National Coalition of Free men welcomed Fathers 4 Justice to Los Angeles.

Can You Get Me Back My Daddy?

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Australian gay pub bars heterosexuals

Melbourne's The Peel pub has won the right to ban patrons based on their sexual orientation. Story here.

The Victorian state civil and administrative tribunal's president said groups of straight women found homosexual men entertaining but that such attention was dehumanising.

But when was the last time you heard about a lesbian bar banning all heterosexuals, including women? Establishments for homosexual women are automatically associated with feminism and women's rights. It's sad that gays still seem to feel they have to defend themselves against other men.

Or was it an excuse to gain the right to ban those "groups of straight women" who are very hard to target for bans on their own as a group nowadays?

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Wrongly Imprisoned Man Receives Bill From Government for Jail Time

Warren Blackwell, the law-abiding father of two who spent three years and four months in prison for a rape that never happened, has received a bill from the Department of Justice, charging him around £7000 for 'board and lodging' for the time he spent behind bars. He has yet to receive a penny in compensation. Meanwhile the false accuser remains anonymous, protected by law. Story here.

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Geena Davis: "Children's media skew gender"

Letter here. Excerpt:

"We didn't realize at the time how odd it was that there were few female role models, or how marginalized or simply invisible female characters were, especially in children's entertainment. Today, gender distortion remains entrenched in movies and TV aimed at young children like mine."

Maybe the government will step in and create a Hollywood affirmative action program for female actors. Davis complains, while men are portrayed as idiots, pedophiles, and wife beaters throughout the media.

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USAToday: "Our view on college sports: Schools axe men's teams, but don't take it out on Title IX"

Page here. Excerpt:

"The worst that can be said about Title IX is that it compounds these problems while succeeding in providing opportunities to female athletes (such as the estimable Rutgers women's basketball team that reached the NCAA championship only to be slurred by shock jock Don Imus). To label Title IX the lone culprit is to give state legislatures a pass on their obligations to finance higher education and to give colleges a pass for their infatuation with big-time men's sports.
The decline in men's attendance at college is a national problem that needs to be addressed. But in the short term, if women make up a majority of students, they deserve a majority of athletic slots."

Shouldn't Title IX dollars be distributed based on the individual students interest in playing sports? Opposing view here.

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Female Texas babysitter facing execution

Story here. Excerpt:

"But just weeks after Henderson started working for the Baughs, 3-month-old Brandon was dead and Henderson had fled the state. The infant's body was found buried 60 miles away with his skull crushed, wrapped in his yellow-trimmed white blanket and stuffed into a box that previously held Bartles & Jaymes wine coolers.

Henderson, 50, is set to die in less than three weeks for the 1994 slaying that made her one of the most hated women in Texas. She would be just the 12th woman among the nearly 1,100 convicted killers executed since capital punishment resumed in the United States in 1977.

'She's the most sweet, endearing person in the world and put forward this good Christian front," Baugh said of Cathy Lynn Henderson, who lived two blocks away. "She could sell snow to an Eskimo.'"

How many times have we heard this excuse regarding a female murderer? Snow to an Eskimo? You must be kidding!

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Study: Men's earnings shrink

Two for the price of one here. The male college crisis and though not mentioned, the "wage gap" hysteria that has hindered the income of many men. Some cites:

"Those in their 30s make less than dads did, a report says. Outsourcing and the advancement of women are cited.

American men in their 30s earn less than their fathers' generation did at the same age, potentially reversing longtime assumptions that each successive generation will be better off than their predecessors, according to a study released Friday."

"A stronger push to college also could help raise men's earnings."

"Education has always been the one staircase out of the class-stratified society," said Ellen Galinsky, president of the Families and Work Institute in New York. Yet among those under 50, 32% of women hold a four-year college degree, compared with 23% of men. That's a dramatic change from the past, when younger men were better educated than younger women."

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Fifty-seven men to attend Randolph-Macon in the fall

Story here. Excerpt:

'Fifty-seven of the incoming freshman class of 172 students are men. That's more than twice what school officials had hoped to attract. They are also having to offer less tuition discounts to students in the form of scholarships. The discount for the average student has dropped from 68% to 55%.'

Ed. note:

Originally when the college announced its plans, the students went into a misandrist frenzy of protests and law-suits to keep the school all-female. It's some progress that justice prevailed instead of bigotry-- this time.

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First Men Graduate Wells College

Story here.

I wouldn't even bother opening the link. Following is the entire story. I would think a female graduating from West Point for example, would get a much bigger story. I suspect there was much more misandry than a "few cold shoulders". Here it is:

"The first men to attend Wells College in Cayuga County graduated Saturday.

Jason Atwell and Shea Hagstrom made history as the first men to receive a degree from the school. Wells was a women's college until 2005.

Atwell says that, except for a few cold shoulders, he was welcomed on campus."

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Mom pleads no contest over abused daughter

Story here.

A 22 year old woman who weighed 43 pounds? Absolutely tragic! I guess a year in jail is a fair sentence, considering this developmentally disabled woman was on the brink of death. How much jail time if it was dad that perpetuated such abuse? Excerpt:

"A woman whose malnourished, developmentally disabled 22-year-old daughter was found wearing only a T-shirt and four soiled diapers has pleaded no contest to second-degree abuse of a vulnerable adult

Terrell was arrested in December after police found her daughter on a mattress stained with urine and feces in a bedroom. The young woman weighed 43 pounds and was taken to a hospital.

She is living with her father and attending a school program for the developmentally and physically disabled."

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NCFMLA Engages in Exchange with Caribbean Domestic Violence Advocates

Recently, a series of exchanges was printed in a local Caribbean News outlet (Caribbean Net News), regarding domestic violence in the Caribbean. At times, the exchange of perceptions was rather robust. One local Caribbean domestic violence advocate even went so far as to say this...

NCFMLA Engages in Exchange with Caribbean Domestic Violence Advocates

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Lis on Law: "The New ERA is Women's Equality Amendment"

Essay here. Excerpt:

"Nevertheless, Schlafly’s parade of horribles trudges along. She cautions, among other things, that “the ERA would draft women into military combat, abolish the presumption that a husband should support his wife” and lead to the “sex-integrating” of prisons and the Boy Scouts.

According to Congressman Nadler, such arguments are "simply not borne out by history and the facts.” Nearly half of all states have equal rights amendments or similar laws, he says, and none has experienced the legal chaos that critics like Schlafly have forecasted. “This is little more than sensationalist rhetoric designed to make us fear this utterly reasonable step to end discrimination," says Nadler."

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Maine: Support Deadbeats Could Lose Snowmobile, ATV Registrations

Story here. Excerpt:

"The House of Representatives has endorsed a bill to allow the revocation of snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle registration from a person who has been certified as failing to comply with a child support order.

The bill, which still faces final House and Senate votes, also prohibits the issuance or renewal of a snowmobile and ATV registrations in those cases. It authorizes the Health and Human Services Department to review registration records in order to identify those who are in violation of child support orders."

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Feminism is why we're so delicate pursuing the "warm war"

David R. Usher writes: "In a Wall Street Journal editorial “White Guilt and the Western Past -- Why is America so delicate with the enemy? Shelby Steele suggests that America’s inability to fight war effectively was caused by “the world-wide collapse of white supremacy as a source of moral authority, political legitimacy and even sovereignty.”

Shelby’s theory is wrong. The collapse of white moral authority is not the problem. The replacement of male authority with feminism is. To Steele’s credit -- he was gazing in the general right direction – but missed the real target. In America, there is one place where white supremacy and radical feminism existed: The Ku Klux Klan."

Read the full article here.

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